Xbox Series X [XBSX] [Release November 10 2020]

The mindset of all data and no human flourishes is one that's deleterious to everything it touches. And MS will spiral unless they eschew it.

Gamepass is solid, but as Scott Galloway pointed out years ago in one of his "in the digital age" videos, the trend of streaming content has long been a matter of throwing good money after bad, in the hope that it'll become a defacto monopoly whereby you can then charge whatever you want. And it keeps not working, with streaming services taking loss after loss. Hell, it took a pandemic to make Netflix profitable for a handful
Maybe MS will crack the code. But I'm not convinced having all of their eggs in this one basket is wise. Especially as we may well be seeing something of a sea change, in which consolidation and monopolies will face increasing scrutiny and challenges over the coming decades.

Hopefully they pivot, and try to compete in areas other than Gamepass, because the console industry can't afford to only be Sony and Nintendo. I'm just not convinced they can move past the rich kid mentality of flashing cash to be popular.

Remember, Microsoft, you're making art, not just metric generation mechanisms.
I disagree.

We see in music that multiple streaming services can thrive without much issue. I think the problem industry is movie/tv streaming. Content is extremely expensive with an episode of tv (30minutes) costing millions of dollars to create. and weeks of work. Movies take 3-5 months of filming and cost tens if not millions of dollars to create for roughly 90-120minutes of content. When you look at video games you get a lot more hours per $ used to create the content. Some games can have very small budgets but players could sink hundreds of hours into it.

As for MS , they are much more than game pass, that is just one way to drive growth. They will continue with consoles and are in the process of purchasing a huge gaming company to bolster their offerings and market postion
Agreed. Movies at the theatre generate $15 for two hours and cost $300 million to make a blockbuster. Video games generate $70 for 10+ hours of fun with about the same budget. Another way of looking at is that GP is good for the gamer as long as he/she can count on a AAA release every quarter, because that's 40+ hours of content annually for a content investment of $1.2 billion. Even one blockbuster movie per month would cost $3.6 billion and only generate 24 hours of entertainment. That's ignoring the endless hours of entertainment that multi-player and some genres provide that movies and shows can't help to fill hours-wise.

Also, getting tons of good content (ie. 40+ studios) will work for them even if GP fails.

MS has a strategy, even if some gamers don't like it. Most of those people bought PS5s. :)
What do you guys think about info from leaks about Xbox? Because I'm not shure what MS have any worth strategy in long term. They already don't do anything worth for some years, except XSX hardware and software and also not everything was made as it should be. I think with that strategy they have no chance against Sony this gen, and that also could hit them hard next gen.
Hardware isn’t MS’ problem and having better hardware wouldn’t make much of a difference. They are focusing on the software and that’s all they really need to do for this and the next generation.

A mid gen refresh isn’t going to change things in their favour here. Having 4 banger titles come out each year would definitely help things though.
I disagree.

We see in music that multiple streaming services can thrive without much issue. I think the problem industry is movie/tv streaming. Content is extremely expensive with an episode of tv (30minutes) costing millions of dollars to create. and weeks of work. Movies take 3-5 months of filming and cost tens if not millions of dollars to create for roughly 90-120minutes of content. When you look at video games you get a lot more hours per $ used to create the content. Some games can have very small budgets but players could sink hundreds of hours into it.

As for MS , they are much more than game pass, that is just one way to drive growth. They will continue with consoles and are in the process of purchasing a huge gaming company to bolster their offerings and market postion
That's somewhat fair, but is thriving the right word? Spotify's the biggest platform, yet it's still not profitable. Factor in that artists receive a pittance, and I think it paints a pretty bleak picture: the art which is cheapest to produce is still too expensive for the worlds largest music streaming service at a price the public is willing to pay, and underpaying artists is still not enough to fix the issue.

As for more hours per $ used to create the content, that's certainly true, but when Gamepass is clearly hungry for a breadth of content, the fact that you can dig down into most individual games becomes irrelevant. If people are going to be nibbling at the service a la carte, the 400 hour feast of individual titles just becomes wasteful when gamers will imbibe a handful of hours before moving on.

And as we hear from the subscribers of any streaming service, whatever medium: a lack of extreme variety renders it some derivation of "bad." Couple that with today's rampant, societal ADHD, and I think you've really got a very difficult problem on your hands. Of course, customers don't really know what they want and you should basically never ask them, but that's a whole different debate 😅

They need to spend huge sums of money to attract a variety of content in order to attract a large base of subscribers, just like all media streaming services. And the fact that we hear time and again about their spectacular revenue and abysmal profitability just doesn't strike me as promising.

I'd honestly love them to crack it, because I think a huge amount of games are massively bloated and unfocussed, and the problem only seems to keep getting worse. Gamepass could well be key to seeing more games of the length and simple charm of, for example, Far Lone Sails.

And lastly, I'm not saying that MS are only Gamepass, but rather the they are leaning into it maybe a bit too heavily when streaming services as a whole seem to be a bit of a damp squib in terms of profitability. Their OS features have knocked it out of the park from the X360 onwards. They have all of the talent, resources, and IP to regularly produce great content. But they somehow manage to keep shitting the bed.

Remember how there was talk of trying to get Gamepass onto PlayStation and Nintendo consoles? That's the kind of thing I refer to when I say their focus is too greatly on Gamepass and dominating with it. I think they'd be better served making XBox/Windows the sole home of Gamepass, continuing their day one releases, but releasing some first party games for sale on other platforms - they get direct sales from other platforms, but also get to advertise "hey come to XBox to get this cheaper" which increases the install base, which increases the number of people buying 3rd party games on their platform.
I think they have right focus. Phil basically said in the leaks that they needed to release a AAA game per quarter. 40 studios can do that, so that's what they're buying.

If things go according to plan, 2024 will see them release Hellblade, Towerborne, Avowed, Call of Duty, Flight Sim 2024 and Diablo IV on GP along with 3p stuff like Persona 3 RL etc... that's fantastic!
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I think their strategy is clear: GamePass. Currently 30 million subscribers and likely able to add 10 million per year if their content delivery gets sorted out. The Xbox Hardware is just a GP delivery mechanism to MS.
Some of them are Game Pass Core members and they were Live gold members before. :)
They aren't really trying to win the hardware war anymore. They just want 100 million GP subscribers on 60 million consoles and 40 million PCs + Mobile at some point.
To be honest I don't think they will sell so much Xbox consoles this gen. And more than half of those will be Series S.
If Starfield, Forza(s), Halo, Gears, CoD, Diablo, Elder Scrolls, Doom, Wolfenstein, Hellblade, Avowed, Fable, Perfect Dark, Fallout, World of Warcraft, Star Craft, Warcraft, Age of Empires, Flight Simulator, Outer Worlds, Clockwork Revolution, South of Midnight, Minecraft, Sea of Thieves, Psychonauts, State of Decay and Wasteland + assorted 3rd party stuff that MS pays for like Persona series etc... can't entice people to GP, then it's hopeless for MS.
I think can't. Because a lot of people more like high quality Sony AAA single player games. In my opinion that started with release of Uncharted 1 for PS3. From that moment Sony released a lot of that type games. They release 2-3 amazing games a year and for many people that's cool. And Sony plan to continue this strategy. I'm not against MS, but after some years I can say they can't compete. Yes, they can get a lot of money and probably will get, but Sony make better a lot better things for gaming. I can tell that despite that my maib consoles were Xbox 360, Xbox One X and Xbox Series X. :)
I understand what MS have some interesing games. BUt Phill told what there will be a lot of exclusive games after Xbox One X release. Later he told that those games will be released on next gen console. Ok, that was right decision. New console with a lot of games. But now we are in third year of this gen and what was released? Starfield. That's it. Sony released a lot more games. And almost all of them are top quality. I work in video games store here in Latvia for 15 years. And for all this years here was like this: Yeah, there are exclusive games on Xbox and some of them are cool, but Sony games is different league. A lot more people have prefer Sony consoles and their games. And after GP was addet to Xbox many of them just don't play on Xbox consoles anymore and prefer PC and PS4 or PS5 for exclusive games. Switch also very popular here. First poular Nintendo console in Latvia.
I understand what MS have some interesing games. BUt Phill told what there will be a lot of exclusive games after Xbox One X release. Later he told that those games will be released on next gen console. Ok, that was right decision. New console with a lot of games. But now we are in third year of this gen and what was released? Starfield. That's it. Sony released a lot more games. And almost all of them are top quality. I work in video games store here in Latvia for 15 years. And for all this years here was like this: Yeah, there are exclusive games on Xbox and some of them are cool, but Sony games is different league. A lot more people have prefer Sony consoles and their games. And after GP was addet to Xbox many of them just don't play on Xbox consoles anymore and prefer PC and PS4 or PS5 for exclusive games. Switch also very popular here. First poular Nintendo console in Latvia.
They’ve got Forza by Oct 10.

I guess it’s about what comes after. They are aiming for 4 first party per year. So We will see how they do come March since Forza is arriving well before December.
The current announced slate:
Senua's Saga Hellblade II
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024

Suppose there could be some unannounced titles that are smaller that could show up here. Not really sure what they want to run with, possibly a FH6. Playground is pretty good with delivery, and it’s been a while since FH5.

It will be a while to establish some major IPs, but I wouldn’t count out Starfield having some decent lasting power with Mods and future expansions.

Still waiting for Coalition to announce something, it’s been a really long time since Gears 5
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It's too early to tell if MS' 30+ studios are going to deliver content that impresses the gaming community. I believe September 2023 will be recognized as the turning point: Starfield, Forza, Avowed, Hellblade 2, MS FS 2024, Towerborne, Call of Duty and Diablo IV is the minimum we can expect from then until Holiday 2024, but I bet there's at least one other nice surprise in there somewhere as well.
Some of them are Game Pass Core members and they were Live gold members before. :)

To be honest I don't think they will sell so much Xbox consoles this gen. And more than half of those will be Series S.

I think can't. Because a lot of people more like high quality Sony AAA single player games. In my opinion that started with release of Uncharted 1 for PS3. From that moment Sony released a lot of that type games. They release 2-3 amazing games a year and for many people that's cool. And Sony plan to continue this strategy. I'm not against MS, but after some years I can say they can't compete. Yes, they can get a lot of money and probably will get, but Sony make better a lot better things for gaming. I can tell that despite that my maib consoles were Xbox 360, Xbox One X and Xbox Series X. :)

I'd say MGS1 and Ocarina of Time were earlier exemplars of the AAA cinematic 3D games that became the bread and butter for sony, and God of War 1 on PS2 was one of their big first party success stories there. Uncharted 1 had disapoing sales, actually. Uncharted 2 was way more influential in that reggard, both critically and comercially.
That got me wondering why Microsoft doesn't have Sony style AAA?

MS used to have Nintendo style AAA on x360 era but dropped them in x1 and XS era.

But AFAIK, they never had Sony style AAA. Not counting 3rd party exclusives like ace combat 6, lost odyssey, etc.
I feel Microsoft's success (well successes) was largely driven by multiplayer and Xbox Live. That might have influenced the direction they took. MS's best known SP AAA games/franchises would be maybe Halo and GoW ? Especially with Halo it's also known for MP. With the Xbox One it seemed like the original plan was to more so to mimic Nintendo's success with the Wii by leveraging the Kinect.

Sony's really just been the most consistent in terms of what would be considered a traditional gaming SP platform. The only somewhat divergence was leveraging the PS3 to also push Bluray.
MS has plenty of AAA games: Starfield, Gears, Hellblade, Forza x 2, Flight Sim, Psychonauts, to name some. True Halo needs some work, but Infinite was still good.

Consistency is the problem. I think September 2023 is where this turns around. The investments they made in 2017 and beyond will finally pay off.

Btw, I still think their 1st party lineup since launch has been at least as good as Sony's 1st party. Halo: Infinite, Forza x 2, Starfield, Gears Tactics, Psychonauts, Flight Sim, AoE 2 and 4, Hi-Fi Rush, Sea of Thieves content, and Minecraft Dungeons. I don't think most gamers agree with me though.

MS should do what Sony does and remaster their games twice over and keep releasing the same AAA games over and over. Like Forza Horizon 5 Remastered Director's Cut and other such treats.
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That's somewhat fair, but is thriving the right word? Spotify's the biggest platform, yet it's still not profitable. Factor in that artists receive a pittance, and I think it paints a pretty bleak picture: the art which is cheapest to produce is still too expensive for the worlds largest music streaming service at a price the public is willing to pay, and underpaying artists is still not enough to fix the issue.

Maybe not having to pay google and apple 30% of their subs could go a long way to fixing most of that. The majority of game pass subs are coming from platforms that MS owns and don't have to pay a % to them.

Also as far as I know Spotify only has in house podcasts and the lion's share of the content is licensed from other places.

A better comparison would be apple music but still flawed since apple is still reliant on other's content however they don't have 30% of their subs being paid to another company
As for more hours per $ used to create the content, that's certainly true, but when Gamepass is clearly hungry for a breadth of content, the fact that you can dig down into most individual games becomes irrelevant. If people are going to be nibbling at the service a la carte, the 400 hour feast of individual titles just becomes wasteful when gamers will imbibe a handful of hours before moving on.

Would it though ? A song takes 3-6 minutes to listen too (unless its dream thearter) I am not going to listen to the same song over and over again for hours on end. I'm not a 3 year old girl listening to let it go on loop. The majority of people might listen to a song once or twice a day or even longer depending on the breath of their musical taste.

A tv show is 24-42 minutes long. Once a person watches it once they are likely not going to watch it again for years if not ever again. Unless its my wife and the golden girls and then she just puts it on before bed and it stays on until I come in and shut it off. The same with a movie. You get maybe 2 hours of it.

WIth video games a single game can be played for hours each day and be played for years with little to no additional content added in.

THe thing is you need a lot of content to get the highest possible amount of subscribers. IF you focus on only one genre or one title you aren't going to get a large influx of subscribers. MS is diversifying their offerings and seem to be offering multiple titles in almost every genre. Eventually game pass will be filled with MS options that will span from the 80s forward (after the activision purchase) and if they move to a model like SPotify where its purely pay for play then the goal for MS is to get someone in with a big third party game and then keep them in with MS's own content.
And as we hear from the subscribers of any streaming service, whatever medium: a lack of extreme variety renders it some derivation of "bad." Couple that with today's rampant, societal ADHD, and I think you've really got a very difficult problem on your hands. Of course, customers don't really know what they want and you should basically never ask them, but that's a whole different debate 😅
And MS seems to be diversifying its offerings.

They need to spend huge sums of money to attract a variety of content in order to attract a large base of subscribers, just like all media streaming services. And the fact that we hear time and again about their spectacular revenue and abysmal profitability just doesn't strike me as promising.

Or they can continue to create modern content that entertains people willing to pay the subscription.

Netflix itself has moved towards creating more and more of its own content to drive subs while relying less and less on liscensed 3rd party content. MS will be doing to the same thing in the future.

I'd honestly love them to crack it, because I think a huge amount of games are massively bloated and unfocussed, and the problem only seems to keep getting worse. Gamepass could well be key to seeing more games of the length and simple charm of, for example, Far Lone Sails.

And lastly, I'm not saying that MS are only Gamepass, but rather the they are leaning into it maybe a bit too heavily when streaming services as a whole seem to be a bit of a damp squib in terms of profitability. Their OS features have knocked it out of the park from the X360 onwards. They have all of the talent, resources, and IP to regularly produce great content. But they somehow manage to keep shitting the bed.
The problem is MS leadership constantly changes and so does the focus for the company as a whole. MS's focus was amazing with the xbox 360 and they accomplished so much but leadership changed and the people in charge wanted to push media media media heading into the xbox one era. That change has taken a long time to course correct. But MS has been making huge investments into gaming and seem to want to gain back market share
Remember how there was talk of trying to get Gamepass onto PlayStation and Nintendo consoles? That's the kind of thing I refer to when I say their focus is too greatly on Gamepass and dominating with it. I think they'd be better served making XBox/Windows the sole home of Gamepass, continuing their day one releases, but releasing some first party games for sale on other platforms - they get direct sales from other platforms, but also get to advertise "hey come to XBox to get this cheaper" which increases the install base, which increases the number of people buying 3rd party games on their platform.
THe playstation and Nintendo comments came from the fans not really from MS. While I am sure that MS would be happy to have Game pass on either of those platforms if the % handed over was very low , that obviously isn't their priority

It's easy to say that windows/xbox should be the sole home for gamepass but I think that ignores the fact that MS really has no mobile prescence past the surface line of devices. There is a whole generation of young kids to young adults who enjoy playing games on their phone and MS wants to reach those consumers. I
Maybe not having to pay google and apple 30% of their subs could go a long way to fixing most of that. The majority of game pass subs are coming from platforms that MS owns and don't have to pay a % to them.
Spotify do direct payment just like gamepass.

Or it's just in my region?
I'd say MGS1 and Ocarina of Time were earlier exemplars of the AAA cinematic 3D games that became the bread and butter for sony, and God of War 1 on PS2 was one of their big first party success stories there. Uncharted 1 had disapoing sales, actually. Uncharted 2 was way more influential in that reggard, both critically and comercially.

I don't recall Uncharted being a disappointment. Uncharted was an unknown franchise released within the first year of the PS3's launch. The PS3 struggled to sell well during that period. The game hit 1 million in sales in 2 months and was one of the first Platinum/Greatest Hits titles for the PS3.

Ocarina of Time? Thats not a Sony game.
That got me wondering why Microsoft doesn't have Sony style AAA?

MS used to have Nintendo style AAA on x360 era but dropped them in x1 and XS era.

But AFAIK, they never had Sony style AAA. Not counting 3rd party exclusives like ace combat 6, lost odyssey, etc.

IIRC, MS adopted the strategy for the Xbox and starting with the 360 of paying third parties for exclusivity. Gears, GTA 4 DLC, Mass Effect and Saints Row are some of the most prominent examples of that strategy.
I'd say MGS1 and Ocarina of Time were earlier exemplars of the AAA cinematic 3D games that became the bread and butter for sony, and God of War 1 on PS2 was one of their big first party success stories there. Uncharted 1 had disapoing sales, actually. Uncharted 2 was way more influential in that reggard, both critically and comercially.
Ocarina of Time (a N64 game but I digress) is not a cinematic game. And the best parts of MGS1 are not the nonsensical stories told by cheesy cinematics. MGS1 is a reference because of the innovative, realistic and very well done stealth gameplay.
IIRC, MS adopted the strategy for the Xbox and starting with the 360 of paying third parties for exclusivity. Gears, GTA 4 DLC, Mass Effect and Saints Row are some of the most prominent examples of that strategy.
And I think MS learned from that. Epic wanted to make gears cross platform and there is a leaked ps3 build out there. Then they wanted to stop the franchise so MS had to buy it. Mass effect was a big exclusive but EA bought bioware and then it went multiplatform. Saints row also became multiplatform.

If you look at Sony they too have learned from this. Now when they partner with a third party and the titles do well they end up buying the company if they are able too. Insomniac , house marque and so on and so forth.