No, I don't like those things, but since I'm not worried about any of them, the things I like outweigh them. I don't resell games, I don't generally lend games out, and I pretty much only give games away once.
I actually like that I can share a game between multiple consoles in the household, without needing the disc.
I actually like that I can play any game I own on any console, just by logging in.
I actually like that anyone in my family can play any game I own, on any console.
As to that Steam/xb1 comparison, of course steam lets you play offline, because steam doesn't let you transfer licenses. The online check and license transfer go hand in hand. It would be too easy to abuse the system otherwise.
Yo don't represent the normal consumer either,we will see how hard this will hit MS sales this holiday..
A multi billion used game industry show that many do care to sell their games and buy used to...