That also flies in the face of what insiders have been saying for a long time now and in the face of a few dev comments saying the two are pretty close in performance. I think when they show games that look every inch as good as the PS4 titles ppl will take notice and share the bewilderment. In the meantime, they will continue to assume there is a vast power gap (which may be true, but it doesn't explain the things I mentioned above). Maybe the Durango really does have a notable efficiency advantage in real world applications?
One thing I don't understand is that some ppl say the extra hardware kit are all bog standard things in any GPU (DME's are just DMA's, display planes are worthless, eSRAM is only there as patchwork to make up for low bandwidth)...if that is true then why didn't they use DDR3 for OS and GDDR5 for application accessible RAM and save on the die space? Why go through the effort to design special DME's when the AMD GPU has them already built in anyhow? Why move them outside the GPU?
I personally don't think the specs are changing (though I do think there may be more to them than meets the eye at first glance relative to Orbis). That said, I also think there is still some room to speculate what the real world outcomes of MS's design has compared to their more obvious alternatives.
Actually, those additions, especially the DMEs, do have a specific role to play in the architecture of the new box. They will perform tiling/untiling of textures and resources. And of course they include texture compression/decompression hardware and also texture swizzle/unswizzle. All this in addition to their typical DMA functions. They seem to be gearing the system towards virtual/mega texturing and mega meshes as they link to the pdf of id tech 5 and the lionhead's mega mesh pdf. Although this can be done by any system, it seems they are trying to provide hardware support to make it easier and cheaper to use.
And we already know what the ESRAM can do. In addition to providing the space and bandwidth for the gpu, it is low latency, something they keep pointing out as, apart from its use in compute jobs, it seems ROP are also sensitive to latency, going by the info on vgleaks. Also it doesn't have the limitations of the EDRAM in the 360. So while these components can help alleviate bandwidth bottleneck, that is not the only reason why they choose to use them. Quite simply, it seems like the have a vision on the way graphics development will go and they designed a system to support it, and one that should provide optimum performance given the resources available in it.