so a geforce Titan that cost 100-150$ why cost 1000$?
I will be surprised if a vapor chamber will cost more than 1-2 $ to microsoft
we know little about orbis and almost nothing about durango, so we don't know what the R&D have done in those 8 years
anyway Kin2 have another infrared sensor plus the old depth sensor, have 4x the resolution of cams, up to fullhd, can see more points of the body, even if hided, can track full 6 players no matter if sitted down or standing, have 1/3 of latency and can do all this in the darkness
but nothing revolutionary
Surely kinect 2 has improved but not to the point that I believe that MS has spent the greater part of R&D.At this point I think MS wants to walk the path of a console very cheap (249/299$ to D1) and point to that as a selling point.
With the hardware described in the leak MS can not focus on graphics as a selling point but it will be powerful enough to run the titles of the third party even if with less effects less, worse textures,etc...
MS had the opportunity to create the most powerful console of the next gen without major problems having the money and the technical capacity to do so, instead have clearly taken a different path.I doubt that will change their mind now.
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