Xbox 360 screws up Walmart's wireless devices

xbdestroya said:
No no my man - it's not the fact that they're using wireless controllers - because indeed the theory is that they are not. It's simply that the 360 is constantly sending it's signal out, searching for wireless controllers in it's vicinity. Granted that's just a theory, but I accept it far more readily than I accept the Wi-Fi thing, since those 360's shouldn't even have the wireless module onboard.
I don't think that theory's true. You have to press a button on the console itself and on the controller for them to bind. The console does not search for wireless controllers without user intervention.

The Xbox 360 controller is using a proprietary 2.4GHz wireless frequency, not IR. The IR is for the remote.
Alpha_Spartan said:
I don't think that theory's true. You have to press a button on the console itself and on the controller for them to bind. The console does not search for wireless controllers without user intervention.

The Xbox 360 controller is using a proprietary 2.4GHz wireless frequency, not IR. The IR is for the remote.

Who's talking about IR? I still think it's the controllers though. Certainly once 'binded' the consoel would automatically begin transmitting/receiving each time it starts up, and though I agree it would make sense if the 360 went into 'cool down' mode after some time not having found anything, there is truly nothing else that I can envision as causing the interference (unless you go with the power brick EM theory).

The Wi-Fi is simply not on - it must be some other signal. But, what other signals are there? Only one that I can think of...
What's the point of the X360 constantly searching for wireless controllers? Even if it finds them, it can't do anything until recieving user input from the "bind" button located on the front of the console..

So, if you were to flowchart this, the logical way to implement it would be to wait for user input(bind button), then start searching. If no signals found in a certain period of time, 1 or 2 minutes stop searching.

Anything other than that implementation would be moronic unless I'm missing something....

XBD - I see what you're saying though, if there are interferences they must be coming from somewhere, and the wireless controller seems like the only possible explanation...
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Also, what happens when you have 2 X360's, press teh bind button on both, then press the bind on teh controller. Does it bind to both consoles? How does it know which one to bind to?
That Kotaku article helps, and it's cool of Microsoft to respond to queries so promptly.

I don't think anyone here ever thought it would interfere with anything in the home environment, as strange as this whole episode was, and it's good to see MS confirm that it won't. It's really more of a headache for them than anything else, and as long as everything is up to snuff in the kiosks around Thanksgiving time, I think that's all that matters. (the system will sell out for sure - it's the word of mouth 'awe' factor that really matters here for MS)

Scooby: Great point on the multi-console thing; it could make for some wacked-out 360 LAN parties!
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from article:

Q: How can I be assured that Xbox 360 isn’t going to interfere with other wireless devices in my home?

A: This issue is specific to the equipment used in a few retail environments. Xbox 360, like portable phones, wireless network routers, and Bluetooth devices emit radio frequency operate in the 2.4GHz band. Microsoft has one of the most robust testing programs in the industry and has ensured that Xbox 360 meets all FCC/ETSI requirements and rules for operation in the 2.4GHz band. It is possible that devices that do not comply with FCC/ETSI rules of operation in this band may not properly handle interference from other 2.4GHz sources. Such devices would be extremely rare in a home environment.
scooby_dooby said:
Also, what happens when you have 2 X360's, press teh bind button on both, then press the bind on teh controller. Does it bind to both consoles? How does it know which one to bind to?
It's probably proximity based or timing-based. I mean, if you made a calculated effort to try and confuse the systems, you could. But it's most likely based on timing. You press the console bind button and it advertises an ID of some sort then by pressing the bind on the controllers, you accept the bind invite. So the first four controllers to bind get in.

Now if you tried pressing the bind button on both consoles at the same time, then you'd have to press the bind on all controllers at the same time to "confuse" the system. But you'd have to be lighting fast. I don't think anyone could do it, especially if the precision is within nanoseconds.
Shifty Geezer said:
This suggests as Expletive says, if MS's 2.4 GHz tech is slightly off from normal 2.4 GHz tech, and so is Walmart's portable PDA solution, that's what's causing the trouble and won't be any trouble to people at home.
So if Wal-Mart's having problems with other 2.4 GHz devices because of their ghetto hardware what's that going to mean for the PS3's Bluetooth controllers? What does the Nintendo remote control thing use? Ruh-roh.
This is not the best news that MS would want weeks before their new console releases. Most consumers aren't going to know the difference between a Wal-Mart wireless scanner and their home cordless phone.
mckmas8808 said:
This is not the best news that MS would want weeks before their new console releases. Most consumers aren't going to know the difference between a Wal-Mart wireless scanner and their home cordless phone.

I doubt that those people you describe above, Mck, will ever hear one word about this little hiccup. :D

It's only us freaks that follow every ounce of news like this until it makes us blue in the face.

Fortunately (for me ;) ) that will end in 4 weeks 1 hour and 39 minutes. I'll be busy after that (for a while) experiencing reality instead of conjecture. :LOL:
Tap In said:
I doubt that those people you describe above, Mck, will ever hear one word about this little hiccup. :D

Except that some of these consumers will be going to WalMart only to find out that the kiosks aren't working...and then they might find out why from the various employees.

Is it a crushing blow? Naw, I think MS will fix it before much bad PR makes it out.
chachi said:
So if Wal-Mart's having problems with other 2.4 GHz devices because of their ghetto hardware what's that going to mean for the PS3's Bluetooth controllers? What does the Nintendo remote control thing use? Ruh-roh.
The suggestion is that MS 'adjusted' their 2.4 GHz tech so it wouldn't interfere with the likes of phones and BlueTooth, but in doing so hit the stores 2.4 GHz systems which also I guess were 'adjusted' so people's mobiles wouldn't interfere. It's unlikely these stores can be messed up by conventional existing formats that are widespread. Or it could just be the packet information the XB360's are sending was being picked up? After all it's a software solutionsthat's fixing this. That could be a firmware shift og the 2.4GHz band though I guess.
Great, X360 also has 802.11a (5GHz)!!

11a will NOT interfere with b/g, so no X360 should cause harm to any other device, since 11a is still "rare" nowadays.
And 11a has way more channels to use at the same time, not only 3 (1,6,11) like b/g.
The inclusion of 802.11a is for use with Wireless networking and MCE data sharing. How many people with a wireless network use 802.11a? So as I understand it this is only really of use for people streaming content from an MCE PC, which is very few. And for the added cost over a basic 802.11b/g wifi adapter I don't think it's worth. Better to provide a 802.11b/g adapter for $30-40 for those that only want this for connecting to the internet and don't care to stream cotent over 802.11a Wifi.
RTX Telecom

Boy you guys have short term memories. ;)

The wireless controller technology is custom made by RTX Telecom. It was announced back in May 2005.

RTX Press Release said:
RTX Telecom announces that the company has been chosen as a development partner for the Wireless Game Pad for Xbox 360

Now if somebody can just find out if the technology interface supports wireless headsets that would be cool.

Tommy McClain
Shifty Geezer said:
The suggestion is that MS 'adjusted' their 2.4 GHz tech so it wouldn't interfere with the likes of phones and BlueTooth, but in doing so hit the stores 2.4 GHz systems which also I guess were 'adjusted' so people's mobiles wouldn't interfere. It's unlikely these stores can be messed up by conventional existing formats that are widespread. Or it could just be the packet information the XB360's are sending was being picked up? After all it's a software solutionsthat's fixing this. That could be a firmware shift og the 2.4GHz band though I guess.
I think more likely they'll just disable it, they're not using it, right?

My guess is the 360 is picking up chatter from the scanners on 2.4 GHz, thinks it could be a controller, broadcasts something to find out for sure and the old Wal-Mart hardware has a heart attack. We'll have to wait and see what happens with PS3 and Rev.
AzBat said:
Now if somebody can just find out if the technology interface supports wireless headsets that would be cool.

Yup. Four of them to be exact.

Don't you guys read interviews and stuff? ;)

Edit - here it is...

The Xbox 360 wireless controller has been welcomed with open arms by gamers and the development community, but the launch headset is still wired. Do you plan to offer a first-party wireless headset in the near future? Can the Xbox 360 wireless technology handle 4 wireless controllers and 4 wireless headsets or will that require the use of different wireless technology for both peripherals?

Todd Holmdahl: The Xbox 360 wireless technology was specifically designed for 4 wireless controllers and 4 wireless headsets (headsets can be truly wireless or wireless via the gamepad).
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