Xbox 360 Sales Data

inefficient said:
Just to put things in the correct perspective.

US population: 296 mil
GNP $11.75 trillion

China population 1,306 mil
GNP $7.262 trillion

Japan pop: 127 mil
GNP $3.745 trillion

UK pop: 60 mil
GNP $1.782 trillion

Canada pop: 33 mil
GNP $1.023 trillion
you're quoting Purchasing Power Parity figures there which distorts things somewhat, China's economy is certainly nowhere near 4x that of the UK!

UK GDP is ~$2.1 trillion
China GDP is ~$2.0 trillion
Japan GDP is ~$4.5 trillion
US GDP is ~$11 trillion

FWIW EU GDP as a whole is slightly larger than US albeit with many more people so per capita is significantly less.
Serenity Painted Death said:
Well, I would agree that handhelds are irrelevant with regard to consoles as well - but not in the overall picture.

Well, if we are going to look at the overall picture then MS is #1 because they make more net profit each year than Nintendo and Sony combined.

Or we could stick to the topic at hand which is gaming consoles.
mckmas8808 said:
Again 20 million PS2's sold in Japan. About the same as the number of Xboxes and Gamecubes in the world sepertely.

Wow, let's play the really skewed numbers game, eh?

OK, I can do that too.

Only s little over 4 million Gamecubes were sold in Japan, that's about 20% of the global market.

Less than 2 million xboxes were sold in Japan. That's less than 8% of the global market.

Less than 70,000 Xbox 360's have sold in Japan. That's less than 1% of the global market.

Yes, skewing numbers is lots of fun.

Hey, let's look at it this way, shall we?

GCN, PS2 and Xbox combined (I'll leave out the 360):

Japan = roughly 26 million (20 mil PS2, 4.5 mil GCN
World = roughly 145 million (100 mil PS2, 24 Mil Xbox, 21 mil GCN)

Do the math and tell me if you come up with Japan = 33% of the market.
Powderkeg said:
Hey, let's look at it this way, shall we?

GCN, PS2 and Xbox combined (I'll leave out the 360):

Japan = roughly 26 million (20 mil PS2, 4.5 mil GCN
World = roughly 145 million (100 mil PS2, 24 Mil Xbox, 21 mil GCN)

Do the math and tell me if you come up with Japan = 33% of the market.

But if you do the HouseSize:ConsoleSize ratio for Japan, then they have more consoles per square meter!!!11
london-boy said:
But if you do the HouseSize:ConsoleSize ratio for Japan, then they have more consoles per square meter!!!11


I bet that wouldn't have held true if the Xbox was a little larger though.
Powderkeg said:

I bet that wouldn't have held true if the Xbox was a little larger though.

Well that makes the Xbox's house share bigger than PS2's, proportionally!! There's more Xbox than PS2 in a house. That must count for something.
london-boy said:
Well that makes the Xbox's house share bigger than PS2's, proportionally!! There's more Xbox than PS2 in a house. That must count for something.

is that with or without the ps2 add on hdd???
london-boy said:
Well that makes the Xbox's house share bigger than PS2's, proportionally!! There's more Xbox than PS2 in a house. That must count for something.

But if you count the size of the PSU in the 360 (by itself) that would mean there's more 360 than Xbox which is more than PS2 in a house. lol
mckmas8808 said:
But if you count the size of the PSU in the 360 (by itself) that would mean there's more 360 than Xbox which is more than PS2 in a house. lol

And still more than the average size of a Japanese man!! :oops: .....THERE'S MORE CONSOLES THAN MEN IN A JAPANESE HOUSE!!!111
Powderkeg said:
Do the math and tell me if you come up with Japan = 33% of the market.

How about quit being an utter annoyance to the forum and address the other points which have not been already established yet? You've been going on about the 1/3rd number for the last few pages, despite the fact that it was already taken back on numerous occasions and you have already made your point regarding that figure. That still doesn't make Japan unimportant, which is the claim Johnny Awesome made originally.

As I for one, as have others, have pointed out, Japan's importance goes beyond their direct hardware userbase and extends into the unleveled software support and sales/brand-recognition that has had an impact on the other markets. No one is saying that Japan is the most important region - I'm arguing though that its importance is not as insignificant as some people here are wanting to believe.
Phil said:
As I for one, as have others, have pointed out, Japan's importance goes beyond their direct hardware userbase and extends into the unleveled software support and sales/brand-recognition that has had an impact on the other markets. No one is saying that Japan is the most important region - I'm arguing though that its importance is not as insignificant as some people here are wanting to believe.

But the sad thing is some people will say to you that the Japanese games are being overridden by western style games. And then they will list games like Halo and GTA for being the reason why MS doesn't need Japan for success.

Sad people we are.
mckmas8808 said:
But the sad thing is some people will say to you that the Japanese games are being overridden by western style games. And then they will list games like Halo and GTA for being the reason why MS doesn't need Japan for success.

Sad people we are.
Sad indeed, given that Japan has delivered such innovative and daring titles as Ico and Katamari Damacy. In fact, the lack of innovative titles on the Xbox should be a clue about the importance of Japanese developer support.

Japan is the smallest gaming region when compared to Europe or North America. This has been so for a very long time.

Western or European developed titles are more popular compared to Japanese made titles outside of japan. There's tons of sales data to prove that. This trend started towards the end of the PS1 life cycle. Again there's data to support that.

However this doesn't lower the importance of being successful in japan.
mckmas8808 said:
But the sad thing is some people will say to you that the Japanese games are being overridden by western style games. And then they will list games like Halo and GTA for being the reason why MS doesn't need Japan for success.

Sad people we are.

I ain't... The only western games i've bought and enjoyed this generation were the Jak games. Amazing games which actually had a lot of japanese feel to them.

Hated GTA and all those games that just scream !!!USA WITH ROCKET LAUNCHERS!!! at you.
Japan Sales, Dec 19 - 25:-

The Nintendo DS has proven itself to be the must have toy in Japan, selling nearly 600,000 units in the week leading up to Christmas, and doubling the 300,000 sold last week.

The strong sales were driven by the software (particularly Animal Crossing and Mario Kart), with 5 of the top 10 software titles for Nintendo DS, and 7 of the top 10 for Nintendo hardware.

Also an interesting note, is the rapid drop in sales for the Xbox360 to only 5,674 this week.

DS - 597,628
PSP - 161,332
PS2 - 97,475
GCN - 36,646
GBASP - 35,764
GBM - 19,261
Xbox360 - 5,674
GBA - 906
Xbox - 141

PS2 - Kingdom Hearts II, Square Enix - 727,591
DS - Animal Crossing: Wild World, Nintendo - 416,132
DS - Mario Kart DS, Nintendo - 302,742
PS2 - Naruto: Narultimate Hero 3, Bandai - 216,966
DS - Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon: Blue Rescue Force, Pokemon - 157,786
GBA - Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon: Red Rescue Force, Pokemon - 156,430
DS - Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop!, Bandai - 156,181
PS2 - Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence, Konami - 103,894
GCN - Mario Party 7, Nintendo - 100,130
DS - DS Training For Adults: Work Your Brain , Nintendo - 93,240

Look @ those 360 sales go. Down!
Japan is just... odd.

I'll admit that I played Monster Rancher for a couple days something like eight or nine years ago on the PS1... but I'm afraid I just don't understand Animal Crossing at all. (At least just from looking at the website.)

I know the Japanese market is "important", but I'd also like to point out that it is "psychotic" and it's gaming mentality is just plain "strange." Last year I spent two weeks in Japan and, well... it was interesting, but I don't think I'd ever want to live there. I could tell that I just didn't "get" Japan.

So, as for these sales numbers: Until ultra-quirky japanese "games" start appearing on the xbox, it is fated to be an also-ran. It just seems as if their market is driven less by large-budget blockbuster games and more by small, cartoon-styled, tamagoche-type kid-games. See the games list for examples of what I mean.

I'm not sure if I'll ever grok the Japanese (or maybe even Asian) gamer's psyche.
Looking at the software sales charts for Japan and then Europe/USA, it becomes painfully obvious that Japan has better taste in games.
flf said:
So, as for these sales numbers: Until ultra-quirky japanese "games" start appearing on the xbox, it is fated to be an also-ran. It just seems as if their market is driven less by large-budget blockbuster games and more by small, cartoon-styled, tamagoche-type kid-games. See the games list for examples of what I mean.

I'm not sure if I'll ever grok the Japanese (or maybe even Asian) gamer's psyche.

Hmm. That might explain why Gamecube is such hit over there. Not!
Hmm. That might explain why Gamecube is such hit over there. Not!

Oh, I can't explain it at all. A game is not a hit in Japan *just* because it's quirky... there is some sort of weird groundswell that I don't understand at all. How did Animal Crossing get so big? Television ads? Word of Mouth? Internet forums?

And, if you've never been to Japan, here's a fact that I don't get at all: Why is pachinko the game of choice for adults? Seriously... the pachinko "gambling" that goes on there is just crazy. (Gambling is illegal, so you win normal little "prizes" for playing... but you walk next door and there is a seperate business that exchanges your "prizes" for cash.)

I'm not saying that Japan is better or worse in any regard... just that they are totally different, and what types of games and marketing works here often falls completely flat in Japan.
Bobbler said:
Looking at the software sales charts for Japan and then Europe/USA, it becomes painfully obvious that Japan has better taste in games.
Nope. I see 8/10 games that are either non-games or supposedly pretty bad. I see 1 that is far too low (MGS3:S). Only KHII holds up real gaming content and even then, thats goddamn KH.
Rogue Galaxy disappeared far too quickly. Ryu Ga Gotaku is meant to be one of the best games ever (and very expensive to make!) - Shenmue done right - yet it bombed horribly. Even licensed crap beats out this list.