XBL-esque 'PlayStation Network (PSNet)' details revealed?...

"· Spectate. ("When you choose 'Spectate', you can watch your friend(s) play, even if they are on a different game, or a game that you don’t have.")"

That bit makes me question the whole of the info given. I just don't see that as possible.....yet. Spectate for games that you are currently playing sure..... but NOT for games that you aren't playing/don't have.
Spectator mode? People use this?

I belive that will be a popular feature in world wide tournaments (at very least oficial and/or with prizes like allard said), from sport games, PGR3, PDZ, CS...

I mean I want to see a 1/8 final with the best from PDZ players...

And that (if will have it) will make a lot of proffit to MS in ads.
XSN 8)

Might as well call it that :p "Log-on to XSN for the latest on blah blah tournament!"