It depends of what you call "pointless". It is pointless in the sens that 99% of the gamer population does not care. It is pointless in the sens that we are ne even able to have a discussion on the merits of fairly simple dead platforms like ps1 and N64. it is pointless in the sens that we will talk about this during 3 years and it will not change the fate of both platforms (and then jump on the discussion of xbox2/ps3 platforms).
No it doesn't depend on what I call pointless. If the difference is irrelevant do to the fact a future system will outperform it then difference it self becomes irrelevant making it pointless. why are you giving me your opinion? We were discussing facts.
Looking at the past, we could say that the power difference between the N64 and the ps1 (quite comparable to the GC/ps2 gap ?) did not matter at all during the 32 bit generation (and not only now like you presume).
that is irrelevant. The N64 did still have a power lead. How can you say it didn't make a difference? Can you play Zelda: Oot or Majora's Mask and say this? DId the graphics make a difference? Yes I would say they did. If the N64 was just as powerful as the PSX and turned out a product that was just as good what would have been the insentive to buy it?
it is all about brand, marketing an hype, not specs. Nintendo learnt it the hard way last gen, Microsoft has still to learn it (IMO).
I disagree. What about all those people who bought the PS2 to have a dvd player? What about some of those people who bought the n64? Can you say that 100% of the people who bought a n64 bought it because of the nintendo label? I would say a pretty good number bought it because of its "superior" nature and its "cool graphics."
To me this is sophistry. Graphics may not have helped it outsell the PSX but the truth is the PSX outsold the N64 for very valid reasons. This is not to say that its power didn't help it sell better then it would without it.