For consoles games are the end product.
That's only if you are not fashion concious. Some companies do have console cases to sell, and I've seen people bought them and mod their consoles. Weird.
For consoles games are the end product.
And on the same note, the 3 consoles aren't nearly far enough apart for them to not be competing forces against one another (except in the eyes of small minorities in each camp).
marconelly! said:Legion, I think he's more talking about the visual perception of the games in the eyes of the majority of the people who purchase them.
You would be surprised just how much casual gamers are incapable to percieve the finer points of the game graphics, and how prone they are to phase out the image problems we find so distracting (framerate issues, shimmering, aliasing)
Even in the traditional 'tech-head' sense I think GC and PS2 hold their own pretty good when it comes to games.
GC can do normal maps, just like Xbox is using in Halo 2, for example. PS2 is very good in rendering the volume shadows (just look at Silent Hill 3)
Sure, Xbox is the most advanced feature wise and has the most memory which allows for the best textures, but I think the best looking games on each console are, and will be comparably great looking. Technology can only get things so far before artistry starts making much bigger impression on you.
hmmm i have a Geforce 2 that can render DOT3 bump maps. I guess because it can it MUST be just as powerful as a geforce 4.
How many games actually use volumetric fog to the point of bandwidth saturation? The PS2 falls far behind in texturing tests (in comparison to the xbox) which is in fact a more widely used feature.
GC has demonstrated done very good DOT3 bumpmaps in 60FPS games (like Rogue Leader) so it's not like it's a theoretical gimmick of the hardware.
I was talking about volume shadows. Take a look at Silent Hill 3 trailer and tell me you don't think it's impressive. Texturing has never been the strongest point of PS2 hardware, but that doesn't mean that the games can't look good with what is available.
Legion said:ALL volumetric forms of graphics use a lot of bandwidth. that is what i am refering to. You didn't read what i wrote.
The PS2 has a great deal of bandwidth to its 4 meg vram/cache. Yep it could render a some nice fog....but not textures (in comparison to the xbox). How many games actually use volumetric fog to the point of bandwidth saturation?
This is the first time you said that all volumetric forms of graphics use a lot of bandwidth. Maybe you consider it a common knowledge, but I really didn't know it...
Earlier, you wrote
GC has demonstrated done very good DOT3 bumpmaps in 60FPS games (like Rogue Leader) so it's not like it's a theoretical gimmick of the hardware.
Well a 5.1 Dolby Digital stream is only 384k/s (or so says Gordian Knot ). Does the Xbox play with everything uncompressed, then compress it before it sends it out the spdif? That would explain how sound could approach 100+meg/s over a bus.
Legion said:Even in the traditional 'tech-head' sense I think GC and PS2 hold their own pretty good when it comes to games.
Thats a pretty relative statement. Compared the xbox? Whats "hold their own"? Is 2/3 the performance holding their own?
Yes it is. Next generation, the gap will be a double digit jump looking back to the current consoles. Comparing the xbox to the ps2 is like comparing the megadrive to the SNES (or even the 3do). In 2 years time, nobody will care about the differences between those machines.
So rather than saying that the Xbox and PS2 are like the 3D0 and Mega Drive, for cross platform games its more like a PAL and NTSC Mega Drive (depending on the scenario ).
MS is depending on exclusive/first party titles to demonstrate the NV2A, with the hopes of 3rd parties seeing the potential of the machine as a selling point for software.
Whats unfortunately happening, so that given the larger installed base of the PS2, these exclusives are 'making a name' on the Xbox, then being ported, like Wreckless and Enclave.
So rather than saying that the Xbox and PS2 are like the 3D0 and Mega Drive, for cross platform games its more like a PAL and NTSC Mega Drive (depending on the scenario ).
picture clarity only. This doesn't take into account for anything made native on the xbox or geforce 3 architecture.
MS is depending on exclusive/first party titles to demonstrate the NV2A, with the hopes of 3rd parties seeing the potential of the machine as a selling point for software.
Well they have Mech Warrior: Assault, Fable, Ninja Gaiden, PDO, Halo 2, Steel Battalions, NUDE, Wreckless Sega and Gt 2002 among others to show for it. Not bad looking games at all. I have yet to see anything on the ps2 that directly compares.
Whats unfortunately happening, so that given the larger installed base of the PS2, these exclusives are 'making a name' on the Xbox, then being ported, like Wreckless and Enclave.
Lets not forget the GC/PS2 version of wreckless looks like a$$ compared to the xbox version.
Did you happen to see my reply to your audio bandwidth post?
who the hell knows what arche was talking about...
Legion said:Thats are rather interesting futuristic point of view. I suppose, by that reasoning, its pointless to debate the about the power of any device as its follow ups will be considerably more in otherwords it defeats the purpose of the difference between any of the systems as someday there will come a system which is better. that is a rather defeatist way of looking at it.
On a lighter note your philosophy depends on the future and doesn't take into account for the present. In the FUTURE they will say this (of course i can say that sky is red that doesn't make it so) but in the PRESENT they won't as they will recognize the difference in power. The reason why they would say there is no difference is merely because the power of the newer systems is so vastly out of proportion to their predescors. This is not to say the extra power doesn't make a difference .