Wreckless 2 Pictures

Wow, THANKS for posting those pics!

To this day, I rank the original Wreckless as one of the best-looking, if not THE best-looking, console games ever. Yes, the game was brutally hard, but after seeing these screens, I'm jonesing to dust off that game and give it another spin, soon.

Damn, why don't more Xbox games look this good?
For those of you who say this game will not look as good as the screens, that is some what correct. But to think it will look greatly different is just insulting. No one thought the first wreckless game would look as good as the screens did on Xbox it self. Well it pretty much did. There was not a huge differece between the screens and the actual game. I think alot of you guys blow the whole screen/AA thing out of the water.
You also have to keep in mind this forum has very anti-xbox climate. Those screens do look very impressive. I cant wait to get my hands on this bad boy either.
well... at this point I'm only expecting to see loads of jagged edges. I don't see why the quality would suffer otherwise. It's about the only thing I'm wary about in press release shots. *shrug*
Guden Oden said:
phat said:
The point of HDR rendering is that we won't have to worry about colour depth loss in the intermediate steps of rendering
Uh, it is? :LOL: And how do you propose to magically accomplish that with fixed-point, low-precision hardware from the very earliest part of the century? :LOL:

Sigh. HDR does not require floating point. A good approximation can be had by keeping around an extra few bits in the intermediates. You just need more dynamic range in your intermediates than in your destination buffer to qualify as "high dynamic range" rendering.

Also, it bears repeating that the graphics programmer on Wreckless (and, presumably, Wreckless 2) wrote the book on HDR and various other frame buffer effects.
He DID? When?! What's the name of that book?:LOL:
(Do note: no matter how many books he's written, he can't get around basic fundamental technical limitations. In the eternal words of Montgomery Scott, "Y'cannae break the laws o' physics, Captain!")

I think the only limitation here is your understanding of how HDR can be reasonably realized on current hardware. See the link to his graphics web page that's been posted in this thread.