dantruon said:Australia beat the European Champion (Greece), the Asian Champion (Japan), up next is the World Champion.....Brazil. This sound like street fighter.
What, you mean like when Denmark won the European Championship in 1992, after only getting into the competition because Yugolsavia had to withdraw (because of certain "hostilities" that errupted there then)?_xxx_ said:Heh, Greece was a once-in-a-thousand-years thing....
hupfinsgack said:Yeah, The Argentinians are so far the most balanced team. However, it remains to be seen how good they can play if Ricquelme (sp?) is kept in check. It seems their game depends a lot on him having a free hand.
Diplo said:What, you mean like when Denmark won the European Championship in 1992, after only getting into the competition because Yugolsavia had to withdraw (because of certain "hostilities" that errupted there then)?
I used quotation marks as "hostilities" was a rather euphemistic term for what was a horrible conflict. But I didn't want to digress too much from the subject at hand..._xxx_ said:Why the quotation marks, these were hostilities.
Yeah, they are always a very good unit and look very good going forward. They were my outside bet for the tourney. I remember going to see them play in Euro'96 (when it was in England) and from then on I've always been fond of the team.Deepak said:Czechs beat US 3-0. I am really impressed with Czechs, I remember liking them in the last Euro Championship.
rashly said:We had no plays and terrible teamwork.