Will next-gen consoles hit the 10G pixel barrier?

I want 8x AA with low resolutions like 480i / 480p

4x AA with high resolutions like 720p, 1080i or 1080p

most consoles games have never had good enough AA. it should change this generation.

it is my guess that most CGI uses 16x ~ 64x AA so the above would not even come close to rivaling CGI AA. it would still be a large improvement over what we have now.

"just" 4x at 1920x1080???

Relative to PCs. I realize that it's a big leap over current gen stuff. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if most games don't use any AA next gen but I'm personally hoping for a huge IQ improvement. 1080p with 4x AA would be a nice treat.
4x AA would barely be acceptable for next generation graphics IQ, imho.

8x would be decent.

16x would be adaquate to wipe out any trace of 'the jaggies'

though 16x would probably be too much of a performance drain.

8x is a good comprimise

but, 4x is probably what we'll get
Megadrive1988 said:
but, 4x is probably what we'll get

As cybamerc stated , i'm afraid that a lot of games will ship without any AA.
So any AA will be better than nothing (on 480i at least).