WiiGeePeeYou (Hollywood) what IS it ?

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Fake? Damn.. oh well.

Guden Oden said:
A PAL frame might be 576 lines, but it's not neccessary to actually draw graphics on all of them. Probably you wouldn't want that anyway since most TVs don't show that big a frame anyway (you wouldn't want the TV text data appearing on screen, for example).
Well Flipper had 2.1MB for the framebuffer and z-buffer, which is exactly how much you need if they're at 640x576.
hupfinsgack said:
OK, let me rephrase wouldn't 650Mhz 64bit or 128bit 1T QSRAM be overkill for a supposedly "overclocked" Gekko @ 729Mhz?
Was 324MHz 64bit 1T-SRAM overkill for Gekko @ 485MHz? Also remember that Flipper/Hollywood use that RAM too.
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mattcoz said:
Fake? Damn.. oh well.

Well Flipper had 2.1MB for the framebuffer and z-buffer, which is exactly how much you need if they're at 640x576.
Was 324MHz 64bit 1T-SRAM overkill for Gekko @ 485MHz? Also remember that Flipper/Hollywood use that RAM too.

Wasn't it only 162mhz?
Fox5 said:
Wasn't it only 162mhz?

A picture says more than thousand words


Anyway, that could mean that the Wii RAM is on a 64bit bus.
fearsomepirate said:
To make things a little complicated (sorry!), Jessica tells me Ubi's been putting a little heat on her to take the interview down. Allegedly, Nintendo's already seen this and is not terribly happy with a few items in the interviewj, which, if true, doesn't surprise me in the slightest. So it would seem Ubisoft would have some motive to deny the interview if real.

If you want to give me all kinds of negative rep, remember, I'm just the messenger. This is how things transpired:

Jessica: Just got back from E3! Listen to this story....and so Mr Poix said he'd give me an interview. What should I ask him?
Me: Cool. ::writes some questions::
Jessica: Thanks! :: time passes:: Here's the first part. He said he could talk again tomorrow, since it was almost midnight over there when I talked to him today.
Me: Great.
::time passes::
Jessica: Well, here's the rest.
Me: Excellent. I'll let the guys on B3D know, and the news will spread on its own. Hope you're not making this up.
Jessica: Nope. I've got a recording and [tells me some off-the record info]. You can hear the recording when I get my dubbing cables for my mini cassette player.

I've found Jessica to be believable. The interview responses are not consistent with her writing ability, the specs contained therein are significantly lower than what she has always expected (i.e. if she was going to write a fake interview, I believe she would have written higher specs), and she told me significant amounts of "off-the-record" information that would have made great interview material and is easily discredited if false (some of it was about future game announcements). I guess I like to think she wouldn't deep-six a friendship to get hits on her website.

well, the time is coming around when developers should have final Wii hardware with the real final graphics chip. something should leak with the next month or two. I am not saying I believe these specs, but I'm not saying I think they're fake. I just don;t know.
they seem plausible. unlike a set of totally fake specs that were 'leaked' around September last year. if the specs you guys posted are fake also, credibility falls on its own sword. if they're true then you guys get some major credit for finding out some of the pieces of the puzzle known as Hollywood.
Apparently mr Poix told me things he shouldnt have and ubisoft is having to deny everything to people to cover their own asses on the matter, if it were truly fake theyed have threatened a lawsuit already, and they havent so.... =)
chosen_colette said:
Apparently mr Poix told me things he shouldnt have and ubisoft is having to deny everything to people to cover their own asses on the matter, if it were truly fake theyed have threatened a lawsuit already, and they havent so.... =)

didnt factor 5 open up with lawsuit threats against han_solo like immidiately after his bullshit went out everywhere?
Ubi's in denial mode. They want Jessica to say the interview was fake. We're offering to edit out all hardware info instead, since it's our first ever exclusive.
Before everyone call this fake I just want to point that at least in some parts this are very close to IGN specs:

3x Gekko in fp (easly a dual core or even just a VMX) is ~5,7 and AXP2400 (1,6Ghz) is ~6,1.

In fill rate, 3xthe filiper like is said 8 (pipes) x 240 Mhz is near (diference of 110Mhz) from the 4x590 (x1600) and near in shading if we consider the X1400.

The physics on the GPU as already appeard on a IGN interviewn (I even send a question, to confirm, to Matt for the Q&A thing but I got no reply till today...), and given the animation and pysics from RS it would not be a suprise.

The speed of the Ram is only 2x more.

For the edram it is less than Moores Law (up to 12 Mgs and the same die size on 90nm) given the Q version even on the same process it would only need a ~16% bigger die (GC is supossed to have 8 too, right?).

The only thing that it is somewhat "strange" is the fully programable GPU and the 4xAA and 8xAF but ATI already said that it is new architeture.

In many case those specs would lead to 4-5x GC at the best with the expection of physics (althought it is the kind of smart thing that we expect from them), or shading if we go to the X1600.

Anyway it is all consistent with the RS video (not demo) that as not been made in final HW (and in GI they said that in the fianl version some physics features would be implemented).

Actually now that I think in this it seems low again:cry: .

Just food for thought.
Jessica don't cave, hopefully it forces Nintendo to fess up and reveal the specs themselves. The interview made it to GAF, TeamXbox, IGN, and many of them immediately dismissed the interview as fake.

Whatever the secret is, it must be connected to the chipset because Nintendo is its best to keep devs mouths shut. I guess its more exciting to a gamer to see something acheived graphically on a console, you know absolutely nothing about. Its the surprise factor.
Ooh-videogames said:
Jessica don't cave, hopefully it forces Nintendo to fess up and reveal the specs themselves. The interview made it to GAF, TeamXbox, IGN, and many of them immediately dismissed the interview as fake.

Whatever the secret is, it must be connected to the chipset because Nintendo is its best to keep devs mouths shut. I guess its more exciting to a gamer to see something acheived graphically on a console, you know absolutely nothing about. Its the surprise factor.

it spread out that far?
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