Exactly. And that's just the thing: As a regular gamer you will always be starved for games on the Wii, just like we were with the Cube. It's Nintendo's philosophy to only bring out 2 decent games every year.
I'm 50/50 right now on whether or not the Wii is going to be this 20 million unit niche product, or whether it can actually explode into 50+ million in an expanded market. My main reservation with Nintendo's strategy is that most of this new audience (women, grand-dads etc..) they are trying to go after are the type of people that will be interested and claim they would love a Wii, but then can't keep interested beyond a few hours.
For instance, most girl gamers I know claim they are "gamers", but then they can't really stay focused on gaming for more than a couple of hours a week. It's like these surveys you see on the Net all the time where women represent 55% of gamers or some other nonsense and then you find out in the fine print that more women game than men, but that they're playing solitaire for an hour every week and the men are playing Gears of War for 16 hours.
I'm just not sure the demographic that Nintendo is targetting (ie. people who don't care about GTAIV, Halo3, MGS4, FFXIII, Gears of War, GT4, Forza 2, etcc...) is actually that interested in spending much money on gaming.