Why is it ...

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Do a poll and include PS2 and see what that tells ya.

Like someone said, I think it's th large european population of this site, and their general love for all things playstation.

It's always been a pro-Sony board, but it's only natural, given the gigantic PS2 install base.

It's not just end-users either. This site is a very technical one and one that attracts a lot of developers. So I'd also do a poll of the number of visitors who are developers and which platform they develop for. I'm sure you'll also find that a lot of them are developing for PS2 and PS3. But I think it would interesting to see how those numbers compare to what platform they play games on.

Maybe it's time for a reader survey? Not just a forum poll though. B3D could use the statistics I'm sure.

Tommy McClain
that the PS3 game threads in general have more replies and page views than X360 ones?

There are several PS3 game threads with well over 100 replies and tens of thousands of views. Meanwhile, even the vaunted Halo 3 threads have a fraction of the traffic.

Of course, Halo3 will outsell every game this fall.
Cause this is a tech oriented forum and PS3 is perceived as being more powerful/exotic/whatever.
You Halo3 example is very good.. ask you yourself what kind of new tech Halo3 brings to the table cause this is what we are mostly interested in here, IMO.

Last time we did a poll of owners of systems on B3D, X360 formed a vast majority IIRC.
It really does not matter, it's not about the console you have, it's about the tech you are interested in..
Like others in this thread I've always considered this to be more of a playstation forum. While there are perhaps more xbox owning members I get the impression that they're not as active as the playstation owners.

I don't mean this in any negative way, but the attachment rates imply that PS3 owners are generally younger than xbox owners and thus have more time on their hands to take part and post in forums (and are also probably more inclined to do so). This probably doesn't apply so much to beyond3d as other gaming forums but I imagine it plays a part.

Another thing is also simply that more sony devs post here and this attracts more sony owners. It probably also makes them more active in the forum community.

As far as the hype threads go...I think PS3 fans generally like to hype game graphics more because they're essentially repeating sony's marketing, which since it's beginning has tried to place the PS3 as the real next gen in visuals, physics, ai etc. When those things of course don't quite bear fruit (as they're advertised), some fans don't accept it and try and make it true. This sort of thing of course doesn't just apply to ps fans. Some xbox fans for example like to proclaim how multiplayer gaming and xbox live are essential, just like Microsoft likes to emphasize...and so it continues...
Cause this is a tech oriented forum and PS3 is perceived as being more powerful/exotic/whatever.
You Halo3 example is very good.. ask you yourself what kind of new tech Halo3 brings to the table cause this is what we are mostly interested in here, IMO.

It really does not matter, it's not about the console you have, it's about the tech you are interested in..

I dunno, off the top of my head, one of the biggest threads EVAR was that original MGS4 trailer thread, and what new tech did that bring?

It didn't even show one iota of gameplay, just a 7 minute movie...

I do think there's some merit to the PS3 being more interesting technology wise, it's probably that coupled with the pro-PS2 European demographic which creates the situation.
i think the harmless consensus usually reached in most ps3 threads is always put to the test by doubters. And thats when the thread starts to grow.

On the other hand, the consensus reached in x360 threads isn't perturbed as much by sony supporters as the other way around. We don't seem most interested in x360 matters as they are in ours. But if there's respect, its ok, its just a polite discussion.

In some other forums, for example, people refuse to believe Kutaragi was an engineer who did lots of work on actual electronic equipment. They always respond "ahah 4d 120 fps!!"
but its not so bad here. I can still follow a conversation about interesting stuff instead of reading some guy forcing opinions about whatever microsoft has better than sony.
I dunno, off the top of my head, one of the biggest threads EVAR was that original MGS4 trailer thread, and what new tech did that bring?
It looked very good ergo ppl thought it's using advanced tech.
Can you say the same about Halo3? some ppl will, many others won't
It looked very good ergo ppl thought it's using advanced tech.
Can you say the same about Halo3? some ppl will, many others won't

And many many many others were just fapping over the trailer because they were huge PS2/MGS fans.

That's just the truth.
It looked very good ergo ppl thought it's using advanced tech.
Can you say the same about Halo3? some ppl will, many others won't

To be fair, I don't think any of us have seen enough of Halo 3 (campaign) to really say one way or another. According to several people who have seen the behind closed doors demos, the trailer really didn't do the game justice.
I dare say it's a number of reasons - the 'all of the above' option ;)

In my case, I go where the games and tech interests me. PS3 just has more games that attract my attention. There's things to think about in LBP and EOJ that aren't present in Bioshock and Halo, because they're different. The ordinary games, sports and racers and shooters, aren't really doing much of interest worth discussing. KZ2 got my attention because I wanted to see any of that secondary illumination in effect. A lot of the XB360 games aren't claiming to be doing anything new (least not that I hear, and it's hearsay that's educating me what to be interested in!). This is mostly because Sony's 1st party activities are aiming to be diverse.

A larger ratio of European population might have a similar degree of interest to me (??). They'll play Forza and Halo and SportsGame, but there's not much there to discuss. When EA start showing super-dooper behavioural physics sports animations in their upcoming XB360 exclusive, it'll get interest. As long as that tech is cross-platform, it doesn't count as an XB360 thread. That is, you'd have to look at XB360 exclusive titles and what interests they provide. If they're not doing much out of the ordinary, they're less likely to get discussed. You just don't have anything to actually discuss! If MS were to release something gobsmackingly original, like a gesture controlled origami game, or a racer that's implementing real-time GI, I'm sure it'll get discussion going. That's just not MS's approach though. Though strangely, the 'interesting' titles do seem to get overlooked. No-one's discussing Fable 2, despite it showing some of the most divergent ideas for RPGs. :???:

On the matter of fanboyisms, it's probably true there's more extreme comments made over PS3 games than XB360 (you only need one or two 'enthusiastic' members among thousands to be vocal), and the moment there's any controversial remark, it'll get 'discussed', and that's what really bloats threads. Two people with different interpretations of each other's comments can go on for pages, roping in a few onlookers, pointing out how neither one can read properly (have you noticed it's always the reader's fault, and never someone not writing down their ideas in a way the other can understand? It's always 'you can't read' and never 'I didn't explain myself very well'...), and that's when the thread grows. If you lost that behaviour from the forum, I think PS3 threads wouldn't be so big, but would still have a bigger presence because on the whole they're more interesting in doing new things that are worth inquiring about. Wii just confuses us tech-heads. Push-ups for a game??? Who wants to buy a $250 console and peripheral to do push-ups?
Posts like these *definitely* contribute to what sends such threads on a nosedive of bickering, as they inevitably draw out people seeking to debate the point. Which makes total sense. I think if people would simply refrain from making declarative statements based on their opinions, the console games section would be much better off.

And it certainly is a problem mainly associated with this sub-section...

Huh:?: ..

I just say how I feel that's all. I'm not trying to start any bickering:rolleyes:
I'd like to reiterate that the Sony (let's not just say PS3) fans are a larger population due to the brand being strong for more than a decade. There are more people who pledge allegiance to the brand and therefore are more inclined to research the next generation of said brand. Sony press initially touted the machine as a wonder (it's still great tech) and the legions followed to sites such as this to inquire about the tech. There are plenty of knowledgable people in this forum who are able to explain whether there is true power in systems or simply propaganda. This is how I was attracted to the site. I wanted to lurk into reasonable discussions with informed people. The Playstation populus is greater and therefore there are more on this particular site (sometimes) badgering the informed.
3. In every semi hyped up PS3 game, sonyboys run around screaming "best ever graphics", and "cannot be done on the inferior X360) bla bla bla. They even scream at you for pointing out that since a screenshot has 16x AA, its not realtime. This leads to more discussions, rather than with hyped up X360 games where people agree it looks pretty aside from bullshot AA, and move on to just talking about the game, which means that trolls and fanboys from other consoles dont have much to talk about.

That's rich...
People troll the Ps3 threads, not so much on the 360 side. I did a poll a while back, there are far more 360 owners around here - so it's not that the PS3 has more support.

Just pick a PS3 exclusive thread and observe how 40% of the replies are from the same 3-4 people who all hate Sony.

May I ask why the 3-4 anti-PS3 posters bother you so much more than the 3-4 consistently anti-360 posters? You never mention them when complaining about trolling.
I'd like to reiterate that the Sony (let's not just say PS3) fans are a larger population due to the brand being strong for more than a decade. There are more people who pledge allegiance to the brand...
Important point here which I had forgotten. Those Stateside don't appreciate that in Europe, when you buy a PS product, you have to pledge your allegiance to all thing PlayStation in this groovy ceremony. It's like the American Pledge of Allegiance - you stand facing a PS logo on a flag with you right hand on a DS controller and rattle of a mantra. Than there's the hazing, which we're sworn never to talk about. After all that, as members of the PlayStation Fraternity (or Sorority), your bound into buying a PS hardware device once every 5 years at least, and only saying good things about it.

It's a bit extreme, but we all feel good about it.
But these game threads are in the console games subsection, not console technology.

So whatever interesting tech may be going on, this is strictly not the place to discuss them per se.

I can understand the interest in the Heavenly Sword thread, even if it's a new, unproven game (and sales may reflect that, regardless of the merit) since there are developers who are participants in the forum.

But why does Lair or Uncharted threads have such huge number of views? Again, new games which you wouldn't expect to sell nearly as well as Halo 3.

I guess one thing is, for at least a couple of years before launch, the architecture of the PS3 (specifically the Cell and the rumored new graphic synthesizer) was discussed ad nauseum.
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