Resident Evil: is it time to stop posting about it?

Roger Cobb

I've been talking about Resident Evil now, for years. A lot of years, in fact. Now I am starting to think it's not mentally healthy, whether I had noble intent or not. For these days, I often wonder if I should bother even doing this anymore.

I was talking to a social worker one day, and even he said there's a hint here.

I get the impression nobody on other forums cares about my views on the series. YouTube is even worse. Nobody watches a person with 0 followers. I've explained over and over again why these games have gone downhill. So it's there in black and white. Video proof is included. Plus, I pointed out what other games Capcom likes to copy. But does anybody care? Nope. It falls on deaf ears each time. Or maybe they just don't play these games, or maybe they have only had an attempt at the latest ones. But if you grew up on these games, you'll know Capcom has been wrecking them.

So what's your verdict? Do you think I should just move on, and stop acknowledging these shills and casual fans? You can tell these people have no interest in saving the franchise. Fixed camera angles annoys them? That comment really says it all.

E3 was gonna be my swan song, but they decided to cancel it.
Half of them act like cucks, especially on GameFAQs. Although to be fair, it would be a major generalization to say all the users there are bad, because some people did post worthwhile replies in the past.

Even if they don't agree with your opinions, they weren't unnecessarily rude. But then others just enjoy being arrogant regardless. So I even said whether they agreed or not, it didn't matter. The proof was already in my post, or the pudding.

That's the problem. On other forums, you gain three word replies, often no replies, people insisting you're complaining for nothing or you can sense sarcasm, and whatnot. If you grew up during the golden era of survival horror games, as in the classic ones, you know they had crappy graphics and not the best control system, but they met your expectations for being scary and engaging. These days, it's about you getting jump scares to shock you. Sometimes, you cannot even fight. So it's marketed as a survival game essentially, without the ability to use objects to help you survive. Bloody stupid!
I d say it's been a big obsession and a reoccuring patern of yours like some other things. It sounds way too important for you than it should.
If it wasnt as important, or at least didnt take as much energy from you, your posts would have communicated differently and people wouldnt have minded as much.
I think it reflects that you need to make drastic changes in your life.
Your mind is fixated a lot in past experiences and it doesnt let go.
You need a big kick that will shift you out of it.

That said I do agree that survival horror games were fitting better the description in the past than they do now.
Although I must say I enjoyed Resi 7 and Resi2 Remake a lot. I believe there are some other games that fit the description that are less known.
Resi 7, even though was different, for the most part was a survival horror game for me.
Then again it is very hard to create a formula that works with today's standards.
Part of the charm and why older Resi games worked was that, technical and game design limitations of the time worked in favor for the survival horror element. These technical limitations are unforgiving and unacceptable by today's standards.
I can enjoy the clunky controls, room resets by renentering, the slow menus and broken item management (i.e when my menu was full and has a green herb in it, if I pick a red herb I cant fuse it with the green on the spot. I need to make room to add it in then combine it), the multiple loading door screens (they had their charm) etc when playing the old games. They made the game harder and slower paced, but that game design was amasing compared to everything else out there. But they are totally broken by modern and much improved game design standards.

Its like FF7. I revisited it a couple of years ago and I was totally in shock how horrible the game design was, something I couldnt comprehend as much when I played it back in 1997. The game design was horrendous. I d say even hideous.
But it was part of its charm for an old game. A modern game with that design would have been obliterated by bad reviews today. 1997's voted best game would have been today's worst.
Grace, I think that's been visible to everyone on this forum. This place is mostly a good place, that is why people here have been "tolerating" your endless threads about Resident Evil. I went through a phase years ago like this, but with Final Fantasy. The truth was that it was a comforting place to park my mind in and not have to think about other stuff that was painful. Now, I'm still a big Final Fantasy fan, but it doesn't have the same importance in my life as before (apart from maybe FF7R Remake launch week :D ). Do yourself a favor and when you start thinking about Resident Evil, try to fight the "brain addiction" to it, go for a walk, observe people, go to a park, observe insects and animals. Anything that connects you to actual real life and stimulates your senses.
Yeah. I think it's common to feel an emotional attachment to things you love from your youth.

I mean, I love Sylvester Stallone, but even I can admit he is way past his heyday. So I just appreciate his older, best known movies. The tripe he makes now is so forgettable.

It's not just the fact that fanboys don't listen. I have been relentlessly pestered by this guy in Australia, who keeps acting dumb, even though I found out who he is from evidence. There's an anxiety forum I went to for support, and there's not any moderators around now. Why anybody would leave a site like that, it's just ridiculous. But now he is trashing that forum with multiple profiles and posting pictures of my mum, and insulting a woman in Australia who had witnessed his harassment spree from being a member who came back, and saw he had been spamming my address and personal information all over the sub-sections. Also explained my ISP, my friend's YouTube channel, and other things, like he knows my every move.

He has been doing this every week for almost 5 years, although I have known him online since 2004. The police overseas do nothing. He even went through the bother of editing all of these wiki pages on Fandom just to be subscribed to them. The thing is, I live in Edinburgh, Scotland. He is in Perth, Australia. Before that, I thought he was somewhere in New Zealand. But either way, it's unpleasant.
I d suggest disappearing from toxic online communities and seek healthy tangible ones from real life. Find interests and meet people.

Also seek help from people whose job is to guide and make you more grounded. Get out of the "confort zone" because its what keeps a lot of people feeling uncomfortable in their being and stagnant.

Get away from your parents too. You have no idea how subtly they are keeping us stagnant if they arent empowering and encouraging for independence. I remember you didnt have a drivers license. Get one.
I miss having support workers. I had one years ago and we drove over the Forth Road Bridge.

I hate being single. It's absolutely pointless to keep on messaging women on OnlyFans. You know? Those sex models are just the crooked and ruthless sort.

At the end of the day, they're just after your money. Gullible fools and a lot of their money don't seem to bode well.
Dont focus on what you dont have and what happens online bro.
What we see online is an illusion.
Life is outside. Now you may feel helpless because you ve been in an endless self confirming loop of a boring life and it feels like no change can happen. That's just the stupid brain operating in its neural connections of everyday routine.
It needs to create new neural connections.
Remember that even the tiniest changes are worth it.

Get out there, without expectations and do things that nurture your mental and physical health. Its gonna be hard at first as your mind will show resistance, it will look either for fast results or for confirmations that nothing will change.
But keep doing what any human being deserves. Mental and physical health. Dont compare yourself with others. Look only for your personal development.

Two of the simplest things that you can do right now:

Strategic breathing. 4 seconds breath in, hold for 7 seconds, breath out 8 for 15 minutes. If you want do it for 30 or 45 minutes. Thank me later. There are apps that can guide you. There is one called Breathe on Android. For iPhones there is one called Strategic Breathing. It has different types of breathing and you can customize them too.. People underestimate how important breathing is but it releases stress, changes the brain function and you enter a different mentality because your attention goes to your body awareness rather than your thoughts which sabotage us all the time. We unconsciously stiffen up our breathing and posture because we are too much in our heads as we grow up. And without knowing we are constantly stressful. Deep breathing relaxes and expands our body. Muscles that stiffen up and cause depression and stress are relaxed. Its more important than eating breakfast. We should have been doing it everyday.

Secondly, find time to walk in nature. Go to a park. Lie on the grass. Lie on the ground and just tell yourself "I am gonna fucking relax cause I fucking deserve it", close your eyes and give no shit about anything or if anyone is watching.
Find time to get in actual nature too and enjoy the scenery.
We tend to spend too much time in rooms and in front of screens and it fucks our brains. Its the jail of a free man. Literally a lot of people are keeping their selves in voluntary jails. Work, home, Netflix, Social media, eat fast food, porn, sleep, repeat.

Check for hiking events or outdoor events on facebook and join some, instead of checking out girls and other people's supposed perfect lives. Create your own life step by step. And if you need help seek the guidance of those who can help you. There is no shame in it to get a coach, a psychotherapist (not a psychiatrist or a common psychologist) or some expert.
If anyone tells you to just take some pills to fix how you feel, instead of giving life changing advice that will help you develop and get out of the current routine say Goodbye.
I've definitely been shafted by social services and left flat. They're very disappointing.

Years ago, I had problems with support workers. Now they're basically refusing me support. I don't really trust support personnel anyway. They talk behind your back and they may seem nice, but most of them are deceptive. If they have to tell their bosses anything, they should be honest, as it only serves to compound things.

I was getting slandered by people years ago, so I couldn't even be in some films as an extra. That's rather sad, because being an extra is already considered to be low class, acting wise. At that point, I realized something had to change. People like that just make you feel worthless.

It's quite annoying, actually. But you can't really do anything about people talking about you. They're going to do it or they won't.
YouTube is even worse. Nobody watches a person with 0 followers

Use youtube shorts and put your index finger on something on the resident evil game box
for around 1/3 of the video duration. Then explain obvious things while opening the box, taking the disc out, then inserting the disc to the console. Make sure the video is less than 30s total.

You need to 'game' youtube algorithm to get viewers. That's why so many YouTube videos have obnoxious thumbnails, bad title, etc

YouTube "shorts" alogirtm is the easiest to exploit.