Why does Gilette shaving cream suck so bad?

Guden Oden

Senior Member
I don't know why they do it, but there must be a damn good reason.

What am I talking about? It's this blasted shaving cream! They put some crap in it that makes my skin burn even before I shave myself, that's what, and I don't understand why they'd want to do such a thing! It's like these multinationals WANT us to get cancer and die prematurely or something... Anyone would understand this: DON'T put crap in your shaving cream that makes the customer's skin burn!

But nooooo! They just have to do it! I was forced to toss away a perfectly useable can of gilette shaving gel a couple years ago and just now I'm doing the same with a can of ordinary cream. Both give me a fire-like sensation only moments after applying it to my face.

On the other hand, the brand made by our national chain of pharmacies is very pleasant to use, despite that the outside of the can is very boring-looking, and no speed stripes or breaking surf or flashy logos or colorful designs at all. It's friggin shaving cream, for goshssakes, why would it need it?

It's simply shaving cream. Without the burning brimstone sensation.

Gilette sucks.
But their razors are alright. I switched back to my good ol' Mach3 from having used a philishave electrical thingy.
When genetics and nanotech are sufficiently advanced, we will have shaving cream dispensers that, on touch, recognize your biological profile, hormone level and mood. Then, powered by your body heat, nanites assemble the perfect shaving cream for you from a store of molecules. The experience will blow you away!

And I'll be making shitloads of money out of it, because I just patented the idea! :devilish:
Gillette shaving cream or shaving gel?

I can't stand any shaving gels. I usually use Barbasol or some other similarly cheap, white foamy one.

I keep meaning to get a bar of shaving soap/cup/brush, seems much more practical & fun.
Real men know pain and bleeding are an essential part of the shaving ritual.

The distinction of being shaved accentuates our elevation above the other primates and barbarous outlanders.

It's symbolic of our race's painful evolution and ascension towards mastery over a brutish world.

Such rituals are meaningless if they come without effort and pain. ;)

There are consumers who desire this experience and Gillette is just filling a need.

Me, I use an aloe vera formula designed for those with sensitive skin, lol.

Now give me your other leg. :)
i dunno. i just dunno. perhaps their shaving cream plant is run entirely by dogs? who have no clue what they're doing. they just sniff butts all day, hitting switches by accident. and shaving cream cans come out the exit flap of the plant.
Ever tried strong mint shampoo? It'll make your head feel like a giant ice cream. It's nice and cool. :)

Most after shaves burn. And plenty of shaving creams do as well. It seems, that many guys like it that way.
Maybe you guys have a different recipe over there, but down here Gilette cream is 100% non-burninating.
MuFu said:
Grow some balls.
I got a really nice set already, having four (or god forbid even more) would seem a tad freaky methinks...

I just wanna shave without contracting bone marrow cancer at some future date... :p
Fodder said:
Maybe you guys have a different recipe over there, but down here Gilette cream is 100% non-burninating.

I've never noticed it burn either.

Original Source Tea Tree & Mint shower gel on the other hand... feels like dunking your bollocks in a bucket of ice.
I like their razors though . I however never use much besides my Sensor Excel and good old H2O ................... if I use the H2O , a quick pre-work shave is often done dry , cave man style . Shaving cream ......... ha !