Which novel do you like best?

Can't pick a single one.

Matheson - I Am Legend
Tevis - The Man Who Fell To Earth
Faulkner - Sanctuary
Castaneda - The Eagle's Gift
I just googled "hyperion trilogy" and this thread was close to the top :???: I'm a huge sci fi fan but have never heard of this series.

OP: One Hundred Years of Solitude is amazing, hats off to you. One of those stories that's funny and charming and a quite humble.

My single favourite book is a toughie though... possibly Life After God by Coupland which I've read dozens of times. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is up there, too.
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I don't have a single favorite. Too much good fiction out there to choose just one.

The Footprints of God - Greg Iles

The Dark Tower series - Stephen King

A Song of Ice and Fire series - George RR Martin
Hundred Years of Solitude would feature pretty highly. Difficult to narrow down though so I'll just list a few that have popped into my head...

The Third Policeman (or The Onion Eaters by the same author)
Wind Up Bird Chronicles
The Catcher In The Rye
The Corrections
Brave New World

Bah, my list is more limited than I thought it'd be.
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LotR by Tolkien
War & Peace by Tolstoy
The Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy (I identify with Tom Wingo more than any other fictional character I've ever read)
Dune by Herbert
Stranger in a Strange Land by Heinlein
The first 2 books are just fantastic and I'd recommend them to anyone who has any interest whatsoever in SF. I consider the 2 later Endymion books slightly little less engrossing but obviously still must reads for fans of the series.
The first two I would consider essential reading to anyone that likes sci-fi. The Fall of Hyperion is one of my top favorite sci-fi of any medium. It's the last two Endymion books that I would say it's okay to skip. I don't like the retcons he did, the mooshy mooshy love story, and the book just got plain weird at parts. You can stop at the first two books without it feeling like the story is left hanging since the last two take place centuries after it and change established story from the first two for the sake of providing plot twists.
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