He doesn't by any chance read Norwegian fluently? If so I can recommend Jon Bing's The Chronicles of the Starship Alexandria series.Thanks epic. I'm going to read over this list tonight and pick out the ones that interest me. Winter is coming and I need me a good book to cozy up to next to the fireplace.
Also, any sci-fi books that an 8 year old boy would be interested in? My son doesn't like Harry Potter at all (I think I influenced him too much in that regard).
(I have no idea if these books are translated to English, but the first book is called Azur: Kapteinenes planet (lit.trans.: Azur: planet of the captains or the captains' planet) and it is marvelous for children and young people.)
Edit: Hah, apparently they were translated.
I read the Alexandria books when I was 9 or something and it was probably the books that got me hooked on scifi.