Where is the X360 production bottleneck?

xbdestroya, 360 Demos went country wide last week. They should be in all the shops deemed important (Cardiff has demo pods in Dixons, Game etc). Some leaked through slightly early but MS kept many back until 7-10 days before launch. There was a reason for this. As for 360 lanuch being a failure because of shortages, the same must hold true for PS2, PSP which hasridiculous shortages of now and Sony held back for 10 months before releasing it in the UK, apparently to buiild up stocks, obviouslt didn't build up to many than. MS has gone worldwide in 20 days, no other company has tried this and MS should be congratulated on the first console company not leave Europe sitting waiting on its hands for 6-10 months.
Why cant the bottleneck just be something simple like "This is how fast we can roll them down the conveyor belt and stick them in green and white boxes." At some point THAT becomes the bottleneck too, the simple capacity of the assemmbly line itself.
Pugger said:
xbdestroya, 360 Demos went country wide last week. They should be in all the shops deemed important (Cardiff has demo pods in Dixons, Game etc). Some leaked through slightly early but MS kept many back until 7-10 days before launch. There was a reason for this. As for 360 lanuch being a failure because of shortages, the same must hold true for PS2, PSP which hasridiculous shortages of now and Sony held back for 10 months before releasing it in the UK, apparently to buiild up stocks, obviouslt didn't build up to many than. MS has gone worldwide in 20 days, no other company has tried this and MS should be congratulated on the first console company not leave Europe sitting waiting on its hands for 6-10 months.

Wait wait wait, what do I care about demos? Also I'm *pro* demand inspired shortages as equaling a successful launch, not the opposite. I think your debate is with others. :cool:

The tarnishing of MS' launch in my mind is the widespread coverage of console issues in the US press, both online and off.
xbdestroya said:
The tarnishing of MS' launch in my mind is the widespread coverage of console issues in the US press, both online and off.
This seems to happen more frequently now. The PSP had the dead pixel issue, the iPod nano had the scratchable back plate.

And since I seriously doubt that consumer electronic devices have actually worse quality, I can only surmise that it must be a news quality issue.

Microsoft is one the largest, most successful businesses in America. I think they know what they are doing. I think they shipped exactly how many they meant to ship, are producing as many as they wanted to, and are deliverying them exactly how they mean to. They are not dumb, though many think so. Sure, there may be a higher demand than they initial anticipated, but I think they meant that to happen by not shipping an excesive amount of units. Chances are, when the PS3 and Revolution come out, they are not going to be overflowing on store shelves right away either. When the first XBox came out, they were hard to get at first, too. It has only been one week.

Problems do arise. That has nothing to do with being a big successful company. eg. If the NEC plant producing eDRAM chips gets whacked by a meteor, that's XB360 supply crippled without it being part of MS's plans. Any and every company can encounter problems they hadn't expected. Who'd have thought Intel could design and release a processor with a bugged FPU?
Shifty Geezer said:
Problems do arise. That has nothing to do with being a big successful company. eg. If the NEC plant producing eDRAM chips gets whacked by a meteor, that's XB360 supply crippled without it being part of MS's plans. Any and every company can encounter problems they hadn't expected. Who'd have thought Intel could design and release a processor with a bugged FPU?

True, there can be unforeseen problems. Has there been any? All of the posts about CPU or GPU or HD problems is speculation. Has anyone got a defective unit? I don't know. And I am not saying MS is perfect, remember Windows ME. I am just saying that Microsoft is a big company that knows what they are doing. they probably paid millions of dollars to advisors to come up with every possible conflict that may arise and how to deal with it. Sure, there could be problems, but I doubt Microsoft is as worried as most of the people in the forums are.

I don't think anyone here is worried per se. No skin off my nose. The rumours is out there and we discuss it until we either prove it or debunk it. Or forget about it because a bigger, loudy rumour comes along. Something leggy and sophisticated that makes this rumour seem like a dowdy hosemaid. Sure, she's kinda cute in her way, but it's that new flashy rumour that's got our attention. Rrrrroooaw!
I don't get how anyone can deny that there is a supply problem. I mean the console launched a week ago and, at least from all the talk I have seen, the vast majority of retialers haven't got any more since launch and don't expect more until the middle of next month. Selling out on launch iisn't the issue at this point. there is clearly a supply problem as long as stores are getting any 360s to sell. As for where the bottleneck in supply is, that is hard to say.
kyleb said:
I don't get how anyone can deny that there is a supply problem. I mean the console launched a week ago and, at least from all the talk I have seen, the vast majority of retialers haven't got any more since launch and don't expect more until the middle of next month. Selling out on launch iisn't the issue at this point. there is clearly a supply problem as long as stores are getting any 360s to sell. As for where the bottleneck in supply is, that is hard to say.

Well a supply 'problem' implies, to me anyway, that something has gone wrong or they are not meeting production goals. The fact that retailers only received <X> number of units on launch day does not, in itself, indicate a 'problem'. Even recently MS has said that they plan on shipping 3 million in the next 90 days. AFAIK they have not changed that stance even though there was a dearth of units on 11/22. As of right now, knowing what we know, its not a supply problem but a demand 'problem', one which i'm sure MS is glad to fix asap.
If there wasn't a supply problem then stores would be getting more delivered in on trucks every few days just like they do with every other product they sell out of. Granted, that only works when there is supply, and if not then that is the problem.
kyleb said:
If there wasn't a supply problem then stores would be getting more delivered in on trucks every few days just like they do with every other product they sell out of. Granted, that only works when there is supply, and if not then that is the problem.

Not entirely true, a lot of stores, especially large chains, dont recieve their shipment directly from MS but rather from their own regional distribution centers. They arent going to make special trips JUST to deliver 40 or so 360's, they'll send out their weekly shipment like they always do. This makes delivery of the 360s NOT based on when MS ships them but rather on the weekly delivery schedule of the individual stores.

I'm not saying there may NOT be a problem but i just dont htink we have enough info to determine that just yet.
I swear

This site has become a haven for idiocy and heresay.

Consider the fact that supply can not keep up with demand. It has nothing to do with faulty parts until some type of information becomes public in this regard. Seriously..Not many of you understand the magnitude of producing well over 1 million units since September/October coupled with the logistics involved in getting product to shelf. There is not some magical Santa Claus that just magically shits out 360's for the thousands of plebs who camp outside Best Buy.

Atleast have enough respect to only post in topics where you have some degree of competency.
expletive said:
Not entirely true, a lot of stores, especially large chains, dont recieve their shipment directly from MS but rather from their own regional distribution centers. They arent going to make special trips JUST to deliver 40 or so 360's, they'll send out their weekly shipment like they always do. This makes delivery of the 360s NOT based on when MS ships them but rather on the weekly delivery schedule of the individual stores.
Do you live out in the sticks or something? The stores around me tend to get trucks in at least every other day, and if their distributors had any 360s to sell then they would have come in on those trucks. I have no delusions of MS airlifting console directy to stores, but all the same it is clear that the flow of 360s from MS has been little to nothing since launch.
majiin said:
This site has become a haven for idiocy and heresay.

Atleast have enough respect to only post in topics where you have some degree of competency.

And what's your proof that you have any competency? Microsoft told retailers like Gamestop, EBGames, et al, that they would be getting X units, and they took preorders on that basis. Come launch time, Microsoft was only able to deliver X/2 to X/3 units to this stores.

This means Microsoft delivered less than their own internal guidance told them, and this therefore constitutes a problem, or atleast execution failure. Taking people's money for pre-orders and not being able to deliver them units come launch is a huge failure. The whole raison d'etre of pre-orders is peace of mind, to not have to worry about the ratrace of launch day, to be guaranteed a unit.

You can talk all you want about people's knowledge of manufacturing logistics, but none of that absolves Microsoft of failure to atleast cover their pre-orders.
kyleb said:
Do you live out in the sticks or something? The stores around me tend to get trucks in at least every other day, and if their distributors had any 360s to sell then they would have come in on those trucks. I have no delusions of MS airlifting console directy to stores, but all the same it is clear that the flow of 360s from MS has been little to nothing since launch.

Which is a whole 7 days. One of which was a national holiday?
AlphaWolf said:
Which is a whole 7 days. One of which was a national holiday?

aye throw out 2 days really . Thanksgiving and sunday and your down to 5 days since the intial shipment . However we just got in shipment of units . Expect more stores to get them in the following days
AlphaWolf said:
Which is a whole 7 days. One of which was a national holiday?
You aren't suggesting that MS didn't plan to sell out and just figured what they had out for launch would hold stores over for a week, are you?
kyleb said:
You aren't suggesting that MS didn't plan to sell out and just figured what they had out for launch would hold stores over for a week, are you?

No, I am suggesting they don't make shipments every day.