Where is the X360 production bottleneck?

Heh, there is nothing for you to explain away there no matter how much you think you know, all I stated in what you quoted is a simple fact.
kyleb said:
stores have been getting little to nothing, with a big emphisis on the nothing, since launch

you call this a FACT?

JVD's store as well as others got new units yesterday, so much for your so called facts.
Yeah he got said they got a little, eh? I covered that in my comment, which very much was a statment of fact.
Yes I realize this; but that is completly beside the fact that stores have been getting little to nothing, with a big emphisis on the nothing, since launch. Do you realize that?

it has been one week!
Yeah, I suppose maybe Turkey Day totaly caught MS off guard and thew a fork in their plans to have stores turning over stock after launch day. Maybe they are airlifting them in-mass directly to stores across the country and tomorrow the sales will be rolling along smoothly. Yeah, that is bound to be the ticket. :rolleyes:
kyleb said:
Yeah he got said they got a little, eh? I covered that in my comment, which very much was a statment of fact.

Truth is you have no clue how many they got, 4000 locations, 5 each, that's 20,000 units for all you know... which is zilch...

Not to mention many stores have back-orders to fill, so even if bestbuy or futureshop got shipments, they would'nt be on shelves they'd be going to filling pre-orders, it will probably be weeks before you start seeing any on shelves, that doesn't mean they aren't getting shipments.

I really don't understand what you're stil trying to argue about, get some hard facts and numbers and then you can start making your case, cause right now it's nothing but pessimistic speculation and whining, even when shown proof that stores ARE getting units, you persist without one shred of evidence, or any hard numbers to back up your theory that MS is not shipping any consoles....
I'm sorry Qroach, I understand you may not like hearing what I am saying, but that doesn't make it trolling by any strech.

And scooby_dooby, if you think it takes hard numbers to prove a point here, then you are welcome to try and dig up some of your own but until then you can't rightly contest my position for it lacking something you don't have to back yours either. Besides, who exactly do you think Best Buy is filling preorders to? At least from everyone I have talked to, they don't even take preorders and they will sell what they have to whoever comes first when they get it. The same goes for Wal-Mart, Target and a bunch of other stores across the country.
kyleb said:
I'm sorry Qroach, I understand you may not like hearing what I am saying, but that doesn't make it trolling by any strech.

The problem is, you aren't saying "anything" honestly. You're compalining about MS not having enough consoles when it's been on teh market for a single week and some stores are already getting more units. you ignore that and play it off like it's nothing, however it's still a week!

Your crying isn't necessary.
I'm simply saying there is a supply problem and could have been left as simple as that if there weren't a bunch of people here wetting their beds in denial of that fact. I'm not the one doing any crying here and I have no clue how you dilluded yourself into beliving otherwise.
Shipments arriving by weeks end:

"Microsoft has come good on its promise to replenish Xbox 360 stocks as quickly as possible by announcing that US shop shelves will receive a second batch of consoles at the end of this week."

They also state that the return rate is well under the 3% normally experienced by consumer electronics, so this whole thing has been blown completely out of proportion.
scooby_dooby said:
No one's in denial, it's you making a mountain out of a mole-hill.
I'm not making the current lack of supply out to be anything other than exactly what it is, but you are quite clearly still having trouble accepting that fact. If that news you linked is right and the 360s do start ariving in-mass before the weekend and keep flowing from then, then the current shortage will have been nothing more than a molehill. But if this new shipment amounts to a handful of consoles per-store will another restock-date of god knows when, then this supply problem will be on it's way to becoming a mountain.
Kyle, i don't know what it is with you tonight, but you are being really annoying with your complaining and "I'm dissapointed talk" . it seems to me, you are just having fun saying the same thing over and over again.
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kyleb said:
I'm simply saying there is a supply problem and could have been left as simple as that if there weren't a bunch of people here wetting their beds in denial of that fact.

And still you have been completely unable to post anything that indicated any supply problems, in fact we know that shops are receiving units we also know that five units per week per are in no way out of line with the current production targets.

It seems like you think that shops should recieve truck loads of Xbox 360s - something that plane and simple is impossible. The truth is that someone are even remotely close to being able satisfy demand when they launch a new console, that console is a failure.
kyleb said:
I'm not making the current lack of supply out to be anything other than exactly what it is, but you are quite clearly still having trouble accepting that fact. If that news you linked is right and the 360s do start ariving in-mass before the weekend and keep flowing from then, then the current shortage will have been nothing more than a molehill.

I'm having trouble grasping that initial shipment were lower than expected? No, I've stated that probably half a dozen times today alone...the question is "so what?"

You just don't get it. They will never start arriving 'en masse' it's a freakin consle launch, with extremely high demand. They'll trickle in and be sold out instantly.

They won't arrive en masse until february/april-ish
I'm not talking about sitting on the shelves, I'm talking about stores moving product and many of them haven't been getting anything to move since launch.
kyleb said:
I'm simply saying there is a supply problem and could have been left as simple as that if there weren't a bunch of people here wetting their beds in denial of that fact. I'm not the one doing any crying here and I have no clue how you dilluded yourself into beliving otherwise.

Youre trying to convince someone that what we are seeing is the result of MS having a 'problem' - whether it be production, logistical, or whatever. but you are labeling it a 'supply problem'.

Calling it a 'problem' clearly implies something went wrong or MS isnt doing something right, neither of which you have any basis to claim. Right now, the only thing we are certain of is that theres a demand 'problem', in that its way higher than the current supply. The reason why people are so vehemently debating this is because its FUD and the 360 launch FUD in general has already exceeded its quota.
kyleb said:
I'm not talking about sitting on the shelves, I'm talking about stores moving product and many of them haven't been getting anything to move since launch.

ok well maybe one more quote to the contrary will convince you

Peter Moore posts in the XBOX.com forums here:

Q: "When do they expect to have Xbox 360s in the hand of everyone who is willing to buy it?"

A: That's a slightly more complicated question. Even though we're replenishing units weekly, there's still more demand than supply, and that's not going to change for a while. We're shipping every unit we have, as fast as we can make them. We can do the math together: if there are more than 2.5-3.0 million customers worldwide who are willing to buy it, there will be unmet demand through at least 90 days.

Simple enough? Ok..one more...

Peter Moore:
"Even though we're replenishing units weekly, there's still more demand than supply, and that's not going to change for a while. We're shipping every unit we have, as fast as we can make them. We've publicly stated we are on track to ship 2.5-3.0 million units in the first 90 days. We can do the math together: if there are more than 2.5-3.0 million customers worldwide who are willing to buy it, there will be unmet demand for at least 90 days.

So let me reiterate that we don't have millions of units in a secret warehouse, ready to ship on Christmas Eve. The shortages are real. But I'll also reiterate that there are units on their way to retailers, and replenishments will continue. Because we're literally packing and shipping fresh off the factory floor, we can only replenish as fast as we build and ship them. For some time, there are going to be frustrated customers, and cranky salespeople.

My advice: Be patient, but be a bit diligent. Retailers should get units in stock at least a few times between now and Christmas, but they'll also sell those out quickly (maybe instantly). Best bet is still to check with your local store, since each retailer manages their own warehousing, distribution and inventory. "