Where is the X360 production bottleneck?

What makes me laugh is that we got in 18 copies of mario kart. Sold 16 in the first day and the other 2 the next day.

Now it took over a week for us to get more .

Same goes with the gta for psp .

Yet ms should be able to beam consoles to each retailer every day
scooby_dooby said:
ok well maybe one more quote to the contrary will convince you

Peter Moore posts in the XBOX.com forums here:

Q: "When do they expect to have Xbox 360s in the hand of everyone who is willing to buy it?"

A: That's a slightly more complicated question. Even though we're replenishing units weekly, there's still more demand than supply, and that's not going to change for a while. We're shipping every unit we have, as fast as we can make them. We can do the math together: if there are more than 2.5-3.0 million customers worldwide who are willing to buy it, there will be unmet demand through at least 90 days.

Simple enough? Ok..one more...

Peter Moore:

Yeah Scooby, Moore rehashing his 90 day line and inching back his estamite by half a million does make it rather simple to see how things are comming along at the moment; but I suppose only time will show how this all plays out.
kyleb said:
Yeah Scooby, Moore rehashing his 90 day line and inching back his estamite by half a million does make it rather simple to see how things are comming along at the moment; but I suppose only time will show how this all plays out.

2.5-3 million was always the estimate.
kyleb's trolling is starting to get annoying .

The system launched on a holiday week and with holidays they mess up all shipping . More units are already ariving .

Yet he wants to keep beating a dead subject. I think its best if we all stop replying and let the thread die out
Just a reminder

ps2 launch


SCEA's President Kaz Hirai addressed the media on the phone by announcing the biggest changes in production: "We are announcing a modified launch schedule for PS2. We will deliver 500,000 units at launch and SCEA will still release 3 million PS2 units by end of fiscal year 2001. We still plan on shipping 1.3 million units in just two months, following the system's North American launch by end of year. Also, we will launch the PlayStation 2 with 26 titles at launch, followed by 24 by the end of the holidays, for a total of 50 by year's end."

If europe is getting 300k friday , then NA got more than that . Which puts them right with sonys numbers . And 2.5-3million units in 90 days isn't that far off 1.3 million in 2 months , it actualy works out to be more

Here are more numbers from launches

In September 1996, 350,000 Nintendo 64s sold through in six days
In September 1999, 372,000 Sega Dreamcasts sold through in four days
Less than a week after launch, 410,000 Dreamcasts were sold through
Dreamcast sell-through numbers topped 500,000 units in only two weeks
In 1995, the original PlayStation took four months to reach the 500,000 unit mark
The Nintendo 64 took two months to reach the 500,000 unit mark

Man i love this article here is more fun stuff

According to many retail managers who have spoken with IGNPS2, local stores are telling customers who have pre-ordered that may not, or in some cases, will not receive their PS2s, unless they have paid in full. In other cases, customers simply won't get their units, due to too few units shipped to their particular stores. In the conference call, Sony said that not everyone that wants a PlayStation 2 will get one by year's end.

Man where did i hear this before ?

Divided equally (500,000 units to 20,000 stores), each retail store would only receive 25 units. Of course, each retail chain won't receive an equal amount, due to location, politics, and the sales performance of each store. For example, according to an Electronics Boutique manager, EB will only receive 10% of the total amount of systems allotted. Some stores, such as ourt local Target stores, told IGNPS2 that it would only receive four PlayStation 2 units at launch.

Oh wow a local target got in 4 systems ... Wow interesting

wow history repeating itself

First, the shortages. Although there are numerous theories as to the cause of the shortage, ranging from stories of Sony having fabricated the shortage in order to generate consumer interest to the belief that Sony is lacking sufficient Memory Cards to go around, the real reason, as stated by Sony today, has to do with difficulties manufacturing the system, as they've said all along.

Isn't this what sony fans are saying ? That ms is making up this shortage ? Wow ... look at that same rumor from the ps2 launch.

Among the thousands of insanely pleased e-mails from new Dreamcast owners across the country, we've also seen a trickle of reports that indicate all is not well in launch land. Reports of everything from consoles overheating to titles refusing to boot at all have made their way to various sites across the web, so we decided to dig a little deeper into the situation and give you guys the full story.

Dreamcasts over heating

Problems with every launch and every launch there are some that need to blow things out of proption
A problem is a problem, I'm not trying to make it out to be anything more than it is but rather just get us past the fact that there is one so we are ready to move on to discussing what is causing it and when it will be solved.