Hi all,
1) I am very surprised at all those debates around "hardcore gaming" on fora on Internet since a year or 2 : during and before PS2 era, hardcore gaming, when discussed, was something linked a way or another to "PC gaming".
Never to console gaming. Nobody felt anything wrong with that.
2) IMO, there are many "hardcore gamers" playing on Wii but does not feel the need to claim to be to "justify" playing on it.
Those who are, are part of the main strategy of Sony and Microsoft : elitism.
As an example : i am certainly very skillfull player of RE4 Wii (i finish the game in less than 2 hours on normal mode). I don't define myself as a "hardcore RE4 Wii player", but simply as a good player ...
3) On topic, since at least 2003-2004, Iwata & Co have been clear that Nintendo would be aiming not only to so called "hardcore gamers" but to everybody.
That is exactly what is happening now on DS for example, which is certainly for "hardcore gamers" a heaven now. Give the Wii some time to know the same fate ...
(i mean : Sony and Ms are at the top tiers of the Market now. Nobody expect them not to go downwards.
Nintendo is at the bottom. Why are some people suspecting Nintendo not to go up ? It is surprising, given the DS example ...)
So, my personnal vote to the OP is "no".
PS : i would find interesting if there where the same topic about MS & Sony. "Are they bad for the industry ?". I have things to say about that, but i don't want to go off topic here ...