When dreams stop beeing funny


I've always been quite "active" dreamer, meaning if I watch something from the TV or if I talk to some old friend, it's likely that the thing will end up in my dream the following night. Now I've had fever for the last four days and only things I've done have been playing Resident Evil 4 and reading B3D.

The second night my dream was all about creating new RE4-levels. They aren't really dreams at all, 'cause I'm not sleeping. I'm somewhere between awake and sleeping. Instantly when I closed my eyes, my thoughts started creating the new levels. It took somewhat six hours before I could focus my thoughts and was able to get some real sleep.

Well, the thing got much worse last night. 90% of the night I thought I was a freaking SPE from the Cell-architecture! It took me like five hours before I could figure out what the hell was going on (I suppose that means the archtitecture will really be a hard platform to program). Everytime I closed my eyes, this "middle man" (I suppose that must be the PPE then) threw something at me and then I had to move that thing some meters. And my reward for doing that? 5-15 minutes of real sleeping. Too bad it took most of my night to figure out what I was supposed to do.

Not sure if the "dreams" of mine have some sort of a name. They act quite strangely, mainly because they start immediately after I close my eyes. It's like my brains are running sprints and I can't sleep because my head won't calm down. But the last night was a real pain. I tried keeping ~10 minutes pauses from the "sleeping" but it didn't help. I closed my eyes and boom, I was off. Next night should be an interesting one because we have this party where I have to attend. I can see it now. I'm going to be the liver, squishing these evil drops of alcohol.
I often have very vivid dreams, but not like what you describe... In that regard you are in a league of your own! :LOL:

Have you tried calm classical music at low volume as you go to sleep? :)
Miksu said:
I've always been quite "active" dreamer, meaning if I watch something from the TV or if I talk to some old friend, it's likely that the thing will end up in my dream the following night. Now I've had fever for the last four days and only things I've done have been playing Resident Evil 4 and reading B3D.

The second night my dream was all about creating new RE4-levels. They aren't really dreams at all, 'cause I'm not sleeping. I'm somewhere between awake and sleeping. Instantly when I closed my eyes, my thoughts started creating the new levels. It took somewhat six hours before I could focus my thoughts and was able to get some real sleep.

Well, the thing got much worse last night. 90% of the night I thought I was a freaking SPE from the Cell-architecture! It took me like five hours before I could figure out what the hell was going on (I suppose that means the archtitecture will really be a hard platform to program). Everytime I closed my eyes, this "middle man" (I suppose that must be the PPE then) threw something at me and then I had to move that thing some meters. And my reward for doing that? 5-15 minutes of real sleeping. Too bad it took most of my night to figure out what I was supposed to do.

Not sure if the "dreams" of mine have some sort of a name. They act quite strangely, mainly because they start immediately after I close my eyes. It's like my brains are running sprints and I can't sleep because my head won't calm down. But the last night was a real pain. I tried keeping ~10 minutes pauses from the "sleeping" but it didn't help. I closed my eyes and boom, I was off. Next night should be an interesting one because we have this party where I have to attend. I can see it now. I'm going to be the liver, squishing these evil drops of alcohol.

That's how I've been dreaming/sleeping throughout all my life, as long as I can remember: it takes me hours before I really get to sleep (usually, one or two) after I close my eyes in bed, and in meantime I "dream" so to speak. In fact, when I'm sound asleep I don't remember to dream at all, that is, I wake up the morning after (yes, after the couple of hours of semi-awaken dreams, I sleep 6-8 hours straight) without even a glimpse of "real" dreams. But I must say most of my "semi-awaken dreams" are much nicer than yours, maybe because I've learnt to gain control over them :)
I have a weird problem. Sometimes an event occurs and I feel that it has already occured in my dreams and it is happening exactly how it occured then.

Deepak said:
I have a weird problem. Sometimes an event occurs and I feel that it has already occured in my dreams and it is happening exactly how it occured then.


Thats called deja vu... You're brain is playing back the memory of what it is seeing/thinking at the exact same time as seeing/thinking it.
I have similar dream states when I for some reason can not fall into deep sleep and just lay in the bed not fully awake but not asleep.

I don't remember ever having dreamed to be a microprocessor though, guess I'm just not nerd enough :D

A couple of years ago I started to have this reoccuring dream of a grizzly bear, that is chasing me (and often someone else (others) I know) in the woods. I manage to run inside some familiar house, but the bear starts to break the door trying to get in. I always woke up before it got inside.
For some reason it wasn't actually a scary dream.
I used to have this same dream often even a couple of times a week.

I stopped having that dream some months ago. In that last dream a hunter caught that bear while it was chasing us. The last thing I saw of that bear, was when the hunter was dragging the bleeding bear behind him, and I caught the bear's eye and it seemed to look at me with a very sad look in it's eyes. I think I actually cried a little when I woke up.

I think that's the only reoccuring dream I've ever had, or that I can vividly remember.
Well, I did have a reoccuring "theme" in my dreams when I was younger (must've been around 15). I used to be some underground agent in WW2, hiding from some enemies in a french countryside. That dream used to end as I was rescuing some beautiful french maiden and we went hiding in a hay barn.....
rabidrabbit said:
I don't remember ever having dreamed to be a microprocessor though, guess I'm just not nerd enough :D
I bet L-B sometimes dream he is sperm... Not a sperm, just sperm in general... And lots of it too. :LOL:
sytaylor said:
Thats called deja vu... You're brain is playing back the memory of what it is seeing/thinking at the exact same time as seeing/thinking it.

No they're changing the matrix. Watch it. The matrix has you...

ON recurring dreams:
I used to dream about swimming in a shark tank several years ago. That was not very funny...

On video-game related dreams:
I once dreamed about Ultima VIII. I was the avatar. ;)
when I was like maybe 5 i had this reoccuring dream that there was this long fleshtube that came out of the asshole of this girl i knew (and liked in *that* way) and I wouild ride it all over the place, it was really long (like hundreds of metres) and would snake around and stuff. eventually I would end up actually inside her asshole but it was tricky getting in because there were trains carrying piles of shit and piss that I had to avoid. then, when I got inside, it was like a giant factory where they loaded up the trains and sent them on their way, out of the asshole, through the tube, and into the world. It was the most amazing thing in the world, i loved being in there and walking around the place and looking at all of the neat stuff. I always woke up either right when I got in or shortly after but I remember a few times I actually found my way up into the higher areas which was sort of like a cleanroom/lab. I don't remember exactly what was going on up there but it was like the further in I got the closer i got to sexual fulfillment (although I didnt realize at the time that it was a sexual thrill because I hadn't learned how to identify sexual feelings) and it was intensely exciting, so much so that I began to fantasize about it often when I was awake.
I had a fair bit of problem trying to sleep last night, kept waking up with palpitations dreaming I was having a heart attack. Too many E-numbers I think.