_xxx_ said:Buy it! They have been vastly improved over the '03 model, technically and interieur-wise. They have pretty much zero bugs now, well-tested and approved. And you can be sure that you'll be very, very happy with it.
_xxx_ said:Or just buy a used E-class, 2-3 years old and fully loaded for that money...
no, I can't be, I just got the KoD (lets be friends! - to which i wanted to answer:"Um, you, ah, know that I find you attractive right? So it's not likely we can really be friends.") from a chick I've been "working on", and It's my fault, and I took it out on you. goddamn, I was hoping for a meaningful relationship too. I put myself in the friend category though, I knew I blew it on saturday night, all the signs were there and I ignored em - chalk it up to stupidity and not realizing until the next morning what the comments really meant. So that put me firmly in the friend category, I attempted a jump, and got knocked into the abyss.Sage said:well geez obviously it's me. i've been saying that for a long time. and i havent been feeling sorry for myself, I've been hating myself. pull the pinecone out of your ass, why are you being so bitchy? I just got fired and I'm in a good mood, surely you can be happy too!
Althornin said:EDIT2: Oh great, she gave me the out - told me it was ok to not go if it made me feel awkward. I'll probably take it and bail on the "date". I just got this great line also: "I like you. Please still be my friend, even if I have to go away for a while.". How to explain that it is not really possible for me to be a friend in the way that she means it? That every time I see her, I'd be wishing for something that she's made clear is impossible? I figure I'll just let things die by accepting that and letting "Awhile" turn into "forever".
verbal and physical clues.Sage said:Althornin, what were the signs?
Althornin said:verbal and physical clues.
I just apparently mis-interpretted them later, or my missing them led to quick categorization as a "friend".
Yes.Sage said:so... you're saying that the nice guy thing really does me absolutely no good because if I'm not initially sexually attractive to them they will never see me as more than a friend?
Sage said:so... you're saying that the nice guy thing really does me absolutely no good because if I'm not initially sexually attractive to them they will never see me as more than a friend?
Mize said:No. The no will be different (flirtatious but funny) if you have a chance someday. Just don't be a dick and scare her off.
Sage said:Mize said:No. The no will be different (flirtatious but funny) if you have a chance someday. Just don't be a dick and scare her off.
well... that's what I've been trying for the past 10 or so years and it's only really worked once and I think that's because she was just really really really desperate
Mize said:So what is it about you that's so repulsive?
Most things (weight, non-hollywood looks, etc.) can be overcome with confidence and thoughfulness (not meaning opening doors, but a real ability to ponder other people's positions, etc.).
Sage said:Mize said:So what is it about you that's so repulsive?
Most things (weight, non-hollywood looks, etc.) can be overcome with confidence and thoughfulness (not meaning opening doors, but a real ability to ponder other people's positions, etc.).
honestly... i dont know what it is about me that's so repulsive. so, I'm pretty certain that it has something to do with me being too good of a friend.
according to that website that was linked above, I need something that says "I'm rich" in order to score with the chicks... which means I was right, a fancy car WILL get me laid 8)
Mize said:Of course I doubt you'll want to marry the girl you meet this way.