whats the bigger pantydropper? (cars)

which drops more panties faster?

  • '04 MB C230 (brand new)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • '99 Porsche Boxter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • '04 Audi A4 1.8T (brand new)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Sage said:
and, btw, how am i supposed to improve myself? going to the gym is not going to help because I'll still be freakishly pale and covered in pimples, strech marks, and acne scars... and you dont seem to like the method that I've chosen to improve myself (fancy car)

HOw is a fancy car goint to fix any of those above listed problems ? THat is no improving yourself , all thats going to happen is you will have big bills to pay and have a fancy car , but once the girl sees you get out of the car all the problems you had will stlil be there

Like i said go to a doctor , a dermetolgist (sp?) They can help you get rid of the pimples , strech marks and mabye acne scars .

As for the paleness you can go and get a tan from hollywood tans or something .

The money you want to spend on a car can instead fix or greatly help all your listed problems and a gym will get you in shape . Doing the doctor , the tanning and the gym will fix all your problems , where are car wont solve any

There is nothing left for me to say to you . IF you want a car then get it , but know that its not going to fix your flaws .
you're just talking about physical flaws which you yourself admitted to having. so, they aren't what's getting in my way. I'm clearly just not interesting. If I have interesting stuff then that makes me interesting, right?

and I'm not going to have any bills to pay as a result from my buying a car. dermetologist cant do anything that my cousin can't (she's an esthetician) and I'm in about as good a shape as I'm gonna get. My skin is just really fucked up. And I dont want to fuck it up even worse by going to a tanning bed, those things are dangerous for your health. I would have liked to get an apartment with a sunroom but my cousin couldn't figure out how she was going to decorate it so she decided we didn't want it :(
digitalwanderer said:
Well then as soon as you get your car it looks like I'll have to head down to Texas, race ya, and school ya on why you should have looked at the Zs. 8)

You or your wife? I understand she's the Z-(wo)man, not you...
Sage said:

Just go get that car. I'd go for the 325i, since it'll cost you less than Merc and Porsche and it looks very sexy.

You also don't have to go to the gym, you can just buy a few weights and train at home, along with some jogging etc. so you don't have to mess around with those fitness freaks. Not because you'll look better, but more because you'll feel better. You'll just be happier and more relaxed after a good workout. I also don't hang around in gyms, I do some training @home and it's just as good.

And what jvd said about girls being able to "feel" the lack of confidence - that's very true.

Also, you're wasting too much energy on thinking. Just try acting instead. Don't think of girls and your problems all the time, just try to find some friends and have fun with them. And those should be males in a first place. Watch what they're doing and learn.

Also, the looks are probably the least important thing for a girl. Being a guy, you don't need to look good. You have to have a friendly, confident appearance and charisma. You also have to know how to say no (not only with girls). Being too friendly is also a downer for most girls, they want a man, not another girlfriend in disguise.

Get that car, not for being more appealing but because it'll make you happy. Everything that makes you happy is good for you.

And please just stop being that negative, that's your only real problem. You don't need to be positive, but at least neutral. It'll help.

And: I have quite a few friends which look awful and never had much money but had/have many nice girls. Believe me, it's the personality that attracts people and not the looks. Looks work just till you start talking, that's where the personality comes into the game. If you act as a cynic or depressive or whatever of the likes, that was it.
Now we get to the real problem of it all. You have the "nice guy" syndrome and that is your one major flaw. You have no confidence, none at all.

You also shouldn't be so subjective of those fitness freaks spending time in the gym, that may not be normal to you or the majority of other people out there but neither is sitting in front of a computer all day whining about your woman problems.

Walking up to a girl and starting a conversation is what they want. Don't think you're pestering them and if they do turn you away then count your losses and know that she is missing out on a lot. You need to think you're awesome, not some pathetic little guy who has no worth. You have a lot to offer a woman and if they don't want to see it then it's you the one turning them away.

Go up to a woman and just say hi, then walk away. Do it as much as you can until you build up the confidence to greet them and strike up a conversation. You should be able to tell when it's going south and when it is then leave. Keep at it until you become good at it.

Working out will make you feel good. It's called euphoria (sp?) and is one of the best feelings in the world, sort of like sex. You can get it from a nice long run or jog or lifting weights. I workout in my home and it doesn't take much. An olympic bench, a pullup bar, and other small pieces of equipment does wonders.

Just get over your problem of not being able to attract a woman because that is your problem. You think spending money on people will make them like you? Well then you're a moron because like you've learned they have stopped hanging out with you because you no longer spend money on them. Those aren't true friends and never will be. Cut them off from the money and see what happens, if they don't come back then forget about them. They should be worthless to you. Money isn't nthe solution and it does sound like you are bad at handling it. Maybe in 5 or so years you'll be able to throw it around and pick up a new Ferrari F430 with a whim but until that happens save it for yourself and for the future.

You need Ross Jeffries.
Word to the wise:

Panties that drop for cars best only be tended to with a triple-ply condom lest one wind up with incurable shit.
Mize said:
Word to the wise:

Panties that drop for cars best only be tended to with a triple-ply condom lest one wind up with incurable shit.

Oh, I see nothing wrong with gils dropping their panties when I make a round with one of the company cars. Gimme more of that (as long as condoms are still so dirt cheap, at least)! :D

Now I just must get some incurable shit and I'm all set... :LOL:

If the car doesn't work, you can always start playing guitar. It helped another girl drop her panties just yesterday ;)
_xxx_ said:
digitalwanderer said:
Well then as soon as you get your car it looks like I'll have to head down to Texas, race ya, and school ya on why you should have looked at the Zs. 8)

You or your wife? I understand she's the Z-(wo)man, not you...
Me. It's her car, but she's cooler than hell about sharing and I'm sure wouldn't begrudge me a few days with it to school someone. :)

I actually get the car about 3 days out of the week and every other weekend, so I'm pretty happy with me access....and my wife actually borrows my Pathfinder off me a bit, it has some advantages over the 350Z at times. ;)
She HATES shopping in the Z, it totally limits her on what she can get....I kind of like that. ;)

I got lucky when I met my wife, we're an excellent mix. :)
digitalwanderer said:
I got lucky when I met my wife, we're an excellent mix. :)

I envy you for that (not in a negative way). I'm still searching for a woman with whom I'd actually be able to spend the rest of my life. I always find some things that annoy me soooooooo much that I just have to say goodbye at some point...
_xxx_ said:
I envy you for that (not in a negative way). I'm still searching for a woman with whom I'd actually be able to spend the rest of my life. I always find some things that annoy me soooooooo much that I just have to say goodbye at some point...

heh, yeah the thing I find most annoying about all of the women I've met thus far is how they get all wierd and freaked out when I display an interest in them. as soon as I find one who doesn't do that I'm keeping her!
okay guys you want to know the real problem? it's that i was taught (or learned, i dont know which) that sex is evil and that my sexual side is evil. so, when I'm attracted to a woman I am experiencing some level of sexual feelings towards her. So, were I to approach her and try to start up a conversation in an attempt to get her to like me I would feel like I was some kind of monster assaulting her. Now, being that I'm extremely good-natured I would never do anything to hurt someone. So, that prevents me from attempting to talk to an attractive woman.

in summation, it's not that I feel I'm inadequate... its that I feel I'd be somehow hurting them.
Sage said:
_xxx_ said:
I envy you for that (not in a negative way). I'm still searching for a woman with whom I'd actually be able to spend the rest of my life. I always find some things that annoy me soooooooo much that I just have to say goodbye at some point...

heh, yeah the thing I find most annoying about all of the women I've met thus far is how they get all wierd and freaked out when I display an interest in them. as soon as I find one who doesn't do that I'm keeping her!

Yeah, but you don't seem to realize that every man has these problems. Learn to deal with it, it's normal. Just keep searching.
well i just found out that i wont be able to get into SMU this fall. :|

i think I'm going to blow all of that money on booze and whores :|
Sage said:
okay guys you want to know the real problem? it's that i was taught (or learned, i dont know which) that sex is evil and that my sexual side is evil. so, when I'm attracted to a woman I am experiencing some level of sexual feelings towards her. So, were I to approach her and try to start up a conversation in an attempt to get her to like me I would feel like I was some kind of monster assaulting her. Now, being that I'm extremely good-natured I would never do anything to hurt someone. So, that prevents me from attempting to talk to an attractive woman.

in summation, it's not that I feel I'm inadequate... its that I feel I'd be somehow hurting them.

But they do the very same thing to you. Either someone gets hurt or it works out fine, but if you don't try you'll never know. There are just a few people on this planet fitting someone perfectly. Finding them is really not an easy task. But just like with anything else: no input, no output - you have to sweat if you want something valuable.

About talking to girls: they're just the same as guys, just with manners and smelling better. Just imagine it's a guy, or your sister or whatever. Be yourself, cause only if the girl likes you the way you are will it be satisfying for you. Anything else will make neither of you happy.

You don't need to pretend being someone else or tell some stupid lies. That's the worst failure you can ever make. Just be normal and do some usual small talk like you do with your friends or at home and it'll be fine for the beginning. If she's not interested just move on and forget it like it never happened. It really means nothing. You also wouldn't take just any girl, you search for something you like. Girls do it too, but they have the advantage that they have the "power", so they're more selective - simply because they can. Actually, they're the assholes in the beginning. That changes over time and becomes much nicer after a while. That's the point where you can choose to either take over the asshole role or build a serious, beautiful relationship. And even then, you can't guarantee that it's gonna work. But hey, that's life...

// brabble, brabble...