whats the bigger pantydropper? (cars)

which drops more panties faster?

  • '04 MB C230 (brand new)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • '99 Porsche Boxter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • '04 Audi A4 1.8T (brand new)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
HAHAHAHAHA good point, _xxx_!

but the real problem here is that I imagine that if I go tlak to them they will hate me and then of course tell all of their friends and they will hate me and it's like a chain reaction and even if I do find someone then let's say we are out and one of the girls that hates me will tell the girl I'm with and then she'll hate me too. So, my fear is that if I ever come on to a girl I'll never get with any woman ever again.
The problem is that you at all care about what they think. You shouldn't at this point. If you should start a relationship, that's where that stuff enters the game.

My success rate is prolly by 1-2% of all the girls I tried. And I was pretty much never alone.

Learn to accept rejection, it's normal.
_xxx_ said:
Learn to accept rejection, it's normal.

well rejection by one person is okay... I'm just afraid that it will cause all other women to hate me and want nothing to do with me either.
_xxx_ said:
The problem is that you at all care about what they think. You shouldn't at this point. If you should start a relationship, that's where that stuff enters the game.

My success rate is prolly by 1-2% of all the girls I tried. And I was pretty much never alone.

Learn to accept rejection, it's normal.
That's good advice.
Maybe not the easiest to follow, but good stuff.
Sage said:
_xxx_ said:
Learn to accept rejection, it's normal.

well rejection by one person is okay... I'm just afraid that it will cause all other women to hate me and want nothing to do with me either.
IF you bomb that bad they wont even remember your name by the time you left .

There is a woman chain where news goes from one to another quickly , but it only stays in the group that is present at the time after that they could care less .

They get hit on many many times a day .
I always figured that if I came on to a girl who didnt want it then they would hate me forever and whenever they saw me they'd either want to run away or mace me and then they would tell all of their friends and any other girls in sight, then all of those girls would react the same way (ie either running away or macing me and then telling every other girl what a monster I was) and it would progress like that forever until just about every woman on the face of the earth would either run away or mace me whenever they saw me and so I'd be forced to hide in my home and only go out late at night when noone would see me.

yes, this is a very real fear and I think about it all of the time
Then your an idiot .

If you see someone say today and they say hey and ask for your phone number and then you don't see them for 6 months are you going to remember who they are ?

No imagine your a women and this guy you have no intrest comes up to you , chats you up and makes a move , you turn him down. Are you honestly going to remember him the next day ? No your not
Sage said:
I always figured that if I came on to a girl who didnt want it then they would hate me forever and whenever they saw me they'd either want to run away or mace me and then they would tell all of their friends and any other girls in sight, then all of those girls would react the same way (ie either running away or macing me and then telling every other girl what a monster I was) and it would progress like that forever until just about every woman on the face of the earth would either run away or mace me whenever they saw me and so I'd be forced to hide in my home and only go out late at night when noone would see me.

yes, this is a very real fear and I think about it all of the time


If a butt ugly girl, a gay guy or someone way too old/young for you comes on to you IT'S A FUCKING COMPLIMENT!

Women aren't offended by come-ons unless they're offensive in nature. A simple "I'd really like to take you out sometime" isn't going to cast you into the depths of hell. Then when they say "That would be fun" you respond with "how about tomorrow night, dinner?" It's really easy and you won't offend anyone.
jvd said:
If you see someone say today and they say hey and ask for your phone number and then you don't see them for 6 months are you going to remember who they are ?

no, because I would at least enjoy the attention. But if someone comes up and punches me in the gut, then walks off and I see them 6 months later then I certainly would remember then and then procede to point and tell everyone around me that "that jerk walks around punching people randomly and then running off!"

Mize said:
If a butt ugly girl, a gay guy or someone way too old/young for you comes on to you IT'S A FUCKING COMPLIMENT!

right, but that's because I enjoy the attention even if it's from someone I don't really like...

Women aren't offended by come-ons unless they're offensive in nature.

and are not all unwanted come-ons offensive in nature?
no, because I would at least enjoy the attention. But if someone comes up and punches me in the gut, then walks off and I see them 6 months later then I certainly would remember then and then procede to point and tell everyone around me that "that jerk walks around punching people randomly and then running off!"

So that is how you pick up a girl ? Punching them in the gut ?

This is like talking to a 5 year old .

IF you go up to a girl and be yourself a nice young man then they are't going to hate you , they may not want to date you , but they aren't going to spray you with mace and kick you in the balls .
Sage said:
Mize said:
domly and then running off!"

Mize said:
If a butt ugly girl, a gay guy or someone way too old/young for you comes on to you IT'S A FUCKING COMPLIMENT!

right, but that's because I enjoy the attention even if it's from someone I don't really like...
what exactly makes you think you are ANY different from a woman (or any other human) in this regard?
It only becomes offensive if the person (ie, you) doing the come on won't take no for an answer, or if the come on method is obscene (like walking up and sticking your "piece" in her face...).
jvd said:
IF you go up to a girl and be yourself a nice young man then they are't going to hate you , they may not want to date you , but they aren't going to spray you with mace and kick you in the balls .

Yes, but it is natural for some guys (myself included, I any training myself out of it) to "worry" for no real reason.
Sure, rationally I know that they don't care, and what they think of me is fucking moot, because I don't know them, and if they say know they get NEXT'd and I'll never know them, so who cares, BUT, one some level, i feel like it does matter. Probably because I was/am a little insecure.

But reality says you are right.

Sage - next girl you see that is attractive, within 3 seconds of an opportunity, go up, and talk to her. Even if talking is just "Hi" - or "Hi, I am Sage, how are you" or something equally banal. seeing how they react to this simple conversation will overcome your problems, because I promise you, they do not react negatively. Not one woman has ever maced me for introducing myself. Doing it within 3 seconds is to not give your mind enough time to begin second-guessing and shit. TRY IT.
It's a decent confidence builder, and who knows, just may lead to a real relationship.
Althornin said:

my experience has been pretty much the opposite. They usually shunn me or run away, dependsing on how many of their friends are around. Or, some threaten to have their fathers (who they inform me are lawyers) sue me for sexual harassment.
Sage said:
Althornin said:

my experience has been pretty much the opposite. They usually shunn me or run away, dependsing on how many of their friends are around. Or, some threaten to have their fathers (who they inform me are lawyers) sue me for sexual harassment.
thats why I am saying, what do you say to them?
Introduce yourself.
dont stick your nuts in their face.
talk to them for a few minutes.
Ask if they would like to go out sometime.
if they say no, say thanks and walk away. NEXT!
if they say yes, offer a date.


I have to ask what your approach is....
Sage seems like the kind of guy who doesn't talk. He is just there and thinks about what to say. That's wrong. With wmen you need to go with instinct.

My success rate is pretty high but I haven't really been in the game sine about 6 or 7 years. I always manage to attract women but I find it is me turning them away. :D

I love my girlfriend too much to do that.

Anyway Sage, there is a place on the net that can help you overcome your security issues and fear of rejection from women.
Sonic said:
Anyway Sage, there is a place on the net that can help you overcome your security issues and fear of rejection from women.

where is it????
Althornin said:
I have to ask what your approach is....

well, here's an example- I really really liked this one lady that I worked with and she had put in her two weeks notice so I asked her to lunch... that was a bad day for her but she said we'd definitely have to do it sometime before she left and as things went we didnt really see each other until like her last day and so I said "well, we never got to have that lunch... so, how about dinner sometime?" and she was all like "ooooh aaaahhh I don't know... it's a definite possibility... right now I'm really buissy but why don't you email me" and so then later I asked my cousin who was/is good friends with her and my cousin was like "oh yeah, after you left she was all like 'I'm not sure what he meant by that... did he mean buisiness or personal? I'm kind of seeing someone right now..." and so later I emailed her and explained that I had meant personal but I supposed it would be a ppropriate for mee to retract that offer seeing as I found out she was seeing someone. She never emailed me back. I know my cousin and her still talk and I think they see each other sometimes but I've never hear a single word from her or seen her since.
actually, I really almost never come on to a girl. that was not my first time, but my first time outside of junior high. usually they freak out as soon as they find out I'm interested or even get just a hint that I am.