hugo said:
Aaron did you sold your soul to MS?Even if the PS3 was like 10X more powerful than the Xbox360 you will still go all out in defending that MS's console is more powerful.
Hmm, a troll. I probably shouldn't feel the troll, but why not...
In Q1 of '06 both Nvidia and ATI are going to be releasing monster GPUs. ATI will release the R580 with effectively 48 shader pipes, a clock speed likely in the range of 600-700 MHz, ~2 GHz memory, and a power level at least around 100 watts, oh and a die size easily north of 300 mm^2. Roughly a month later, Nvidia will be releasing the G71 with 32 pipes, a clockspeed of around 700 MHz, ~2 GHz memory, a die size well north of 300 mm^2 and a power point of at least 100 watts.
Both of these will likely be significantly faster than the GPUs in either the Xbox360 or the PS3. They will have significantly larger die sizes, they will be at the very top of the speed bin, they will cost in the range of $700 on their own, they will have fairly exotic cooling, and will push the process technology to the edge. Each will be happy if their PE/Ultra parts sell in the range of 100K parts over 6 months, assuming they can actually produce 100K parts at the PE/Ultra clockspeeds.
The cards that these are put on will likely consume as much power as the Xenos and Xenon combined.
The statement that I responded to, was someone expecting the GPU in the PS3 to be more powerfull than either of these. Quite simply, if it is, PS3 will ship in launch numbers that will make the Xbox360 Japan launch look spectacular. Which is why I fully expect Sony, since they aren't idiots (unless certain posters that share a name with Mr Weaving), won't try to put something on that level within the PS3. Will it be competitive with Xenos? Sure. Will it be as flexable? probably not. But then again, Sony's eggs are in the CELL basket.
MS went with a relatively straight forward CPU and a pretty exotic GPU. Sony will likely go with the exotic CPU and a relatively straight forward GPU. The race will be what cool things can the MS developers do with the GPU vs what cool things can the Sony developers do with CELL.
For option D,I think you're the one that should have your head checked.Instead of speaking for yourself you're speaking to youself instead.
Hmm, guess thats why I actually have respect and you have none...
Aaron Spink
speaking for myself inc.