What the? Lost Planet on PS3?

3. Find me one good [technical] reason why any of these areas mentioned in (2) should be any worse for the PS3 than on the 360 (for a game that was released originally over a year ago..)
Because it is far easier to make efficient use of a platform when developing your content for it directly rather than porting a finished game over from a different console.
Because it is far easier to make efficient use of a platform when developing your content for it directly rather than porting a finished game over from a different console.

Your point is pretty moot when the engine is that same & as far as I can see any efficiencies drawn from one title (DMC4) using the same engine on the same platform can easily be brought into another (LP) game using the same engine on the same platform (PS3).. Regardless of whether the game is finished or not..
I agree with what you're saying. There's probably no technical reason for the port not looking at least equal to the XB360 game. At this point though, if these screenshots are anything to go by, I think it falls a little short in some areas.

It's an "early 2008" game so there’s plenty of time.

There's no doubt the ps3 screenshots are lacking in the AA department.
Your point is pretty moot when the engine is that same & as far as I can see any efficiencies drawn from one title (DMC4) using the same engine on the same platform can easily be brought into another (LP) game using the same engine on the same platform (PS3).. Regardless of whether the game is finished or not..
The fact that the engine is the same is moot. Of couse it using the same engine, as do most ports. But the difference between LP and DMC4 is that DMC4's content has been designed to benifit from the strengths of the PS3's hardware, while LP's content wasn't. Hence, with LP they either need to go though the troube hand tweaking LP's content wherever it runs into performance barriers on the PS3 just as they do while designing a game for the PS3 from the start like DMC4, or take the much easier route of simply scaling things down globaly.
Your point is pretty moot when the engine is that same & as far as I can see any efficiencies drawn from one title (DMC4) using the same engine on the same platform can easily be brought into another (LP) game using the same engine on the same platform (PS3).. Regardless of whether the game is finished or not..

Lost Planet's content was designed for the Xbox 360.

Lost Planet for the PS3 is a classic "port" and not co-developed on multiple platforms.

The game is nearly a year old and up against robust competition. The port is there to maximize return on the title--the content is finished and the engine has been ported to the PS3. A port is relatively trivial. We hear all the time how art assets, and not the engine, are the most expensive part of development.

The memory resource disparity between the two consoles is well covered (less available RAM on the PS3 due to the OS and framebuffer, split pools requiring more management). Even if the difference is 50MB, if 250MB of the 360's memory is for textures and geometry that would translate to 20% less memory for such on the PS3. So does Capcom rework all the art assets for a title that may only sell a couple hundred thousands units (1 year old ports don't always sell great), or do they apply more aggressive LOD and remove some of the higher resolution details?

The game is also fillrate intensive, hence why the 360 version uses a quarter sized buffer for particles. Regardless of the engine the PS3 will be even more taxed unless they put a bit of work into the title work around this.

Capcom isn't going to redesign LP for the PS3. It is a port, and old one at that. The idea that DMC4 looks great so LP must as well ignores how LP used the 360 and the nature of the product. If Capcom spent the time and money to rework some of the balance and art to be more mutual between the two I can see your point. But "as is" the game, not the engine, was designed for the 360.
*stupid question coming up*

DMC4 isnt a visual marvel I understand, but atleast they've made both versions identical.

With that said, why are they having problems getting the PS3 version of this game to have the same visual quality as the X360 version? Other X360 > late PS3 ports have had good results (ex Oblivion)
well, i say, lets not judge a game until its finished. but, Lost Planet was developed for the 360, and some developers have said that 360->PS3 is more difficult than PS3->360.
well, i say, lets not judge a game until its finished. but, Lost Planet was developed for the 360, and some developers have said that 360->PS3 is more difficult than PS3->360.

But the engine is the same one running DMC4, so that argument shouldn't be applicable.
But the engine is the same one running DMC4, so that argument shouldn't be applicable.
i'm not a big techie guy, but this has been discussed here before. the majority agreed that even if the same engine is used, it is possible that they could be having difficulties considering the fact it was made specifically for the 360. you also have to be wondering how much effort is being put into this considering it has already been released on 360 and PC. i'm still pretty confident it will turn out to be pretty much the same, if not identical though.
Why would they release so many promo shots if that's not how it's going to look in the final build? Disparities in quality are usually the other way around with in-game visuals not looking like the prettied up bullshots. According to Gamespot the game is going to release March 3. Those 69 screenshots were released today.
DMC4 isnt a visual marvel I understand, but atleast they've made both versions identical.

With that said, why are they having problems getting the PS3 version of this game to have the same visual quality as the X360 version?

It's been ages since I played Lost Planet, but from what I recall it made very heavy use of edram on the 360 with oodles of transparencies and a total orgy of overdraw. That part of it will be challenging to transfer over to PS3 without some sacrifice. They did present a method to deal with extreme transparency cases at PS3Devcon, but depending on the texture you may lose some detail.
Why would they release so many promo shots if that's not how it's going to look in the final build? Disparities in quality are usually the other way around with in-game visuals not looking like the prettied up bullshots. According to Gamespot the game is going to release March 3. Those 69 screenshots were released today.
why release early screenshots at all then, if thats not how the final game will look? they're releasing screenshots to show how the game is progressing. if you noticed, the latest set of images look better than the last set. and i would think ~2 months is quite a bit of time to polish the game.

wait and see i guess.
This new set doesn't look much better than the last set to me...
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i recall the last set had noticeable aliasing, whereas this new batch, there is virtually none. overall, it looks a little better too.

again, wait and see i guess.
You're right about the AA. But the textures still don't look as good as on the x360...
you're right about the textures (most noticeably, on the player character model - ground/wall textures weren't anything to brag about on 360 either). but again, i think they have time and that its still possible for it to look virtually identical to the 360 version. even now, when in motion, i think it will look similar.