Nobody's Left [PC]

Roger Cobb

OK. I seldomly post on video games forums any more, just because of how drab most of them are these days. But anyway...

I heard about this Days Gone type game. And it looks friggin' cool. The problem is, glazers on-line will probably hate on it for being another indie title. This is just how it is with gamers.

To be honest, survival horror in general is just not as interesting as it used to be, mainly because most of these new games are action games with monsters, which means you do more shooting at things than finding key items. Although to be honest, I get especially annoyed when dumb fanboys drool over the likes of that giant vampire tart in RE8. Jesus, help us all. You know?

I stopped talking about the Resident Evil games on forums ages ago, because I know Capcom's modern followers most likely came from Fortnite. I simply lost interest in constantly ranting about it. When the writing is on the wall and idiots still behave in a combative manner, it feels pointless to dissect any of their nonsense.

However, I firmly believe that the genre will pick up again.