With EGS the main argument is that the store is bad. If the store was good - with communities, basket etc. - nobody would complain.
All the complaints I've seen are about Epic using their Fortnite revenues to buy a competitive advantage. The fact the store isn't great only makes it worse, but the overall discussion I've seen is continuing the standards for gamers - they don't like companies muscling their way to success by taking games out of the game pool for other platforms.
Wait, so you comparing FF and SF moneyhats with Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and co.?
No. I'm saying there have been plenty of times MS has secured titles without Sony fanbots/gamers complaining they are missing out on games. You state Sony fans feel entitled to everything. I present evidence that they don't. They are just fine with other platforms having exclusives. Sony fans are no different to other gamers. There is a spectrum:
1) Multiplatform games
2) In house IP exclusives
3) Second party new IP exclusives
4) Second party existing IP exclusives
5) Studio acquisitions of existing IPs
Gamer response, excluding platform fanatics, are
1) Yay
2) That's okay. Good that the company is investing. Old school "It's good that the hardware will be maximise" but we're seeing that as less and less valid over the generations.
3) That's okay. Good that the company is investing.
4) That sucks. Although if there's a history for a title, response may be muted
5) That sucks.
Contrast gamers' response to MS funding second party new IP exclusives Blue Dragon and Sunset Overdrive, and doing a deal with Epic to secure the new IP Gears of War, with gamers' response to the TR exclusive announcement and the potential for MS to secure long-running multiplat IPs with their recent publisher acquisitions.
And note that no-one is expecting MS fans to complain about MS's acquisitions. The point is the the complaints from the other sides are rational and justified and not just platform prejudice as some suggest. If Sony secure SF5 for PS only and MS fans say that's unfair because it locks them out of the game, that's a legitimate complaint! It's not just XB fanboy complaining. Likewise Sony fans complaining about being locked out of existing IPs isn't them being biased but a legitimate complaint. And if there are more PS fans, and more titles affected, the vocal resistance will be that much louder. You don't hear many Ouya fans complaining about a lack of ports...