What - no Harry Potter thread?

I find it rather strange, while Snape is consistently the very reason I continue to see these movies, almost everyone I discuss them with doesn't like him. How could they not? Rickman's acting is phenomenal, and the character itself is the most interesting.

Probably because if you're into Harry Potter, interesting characters and good acting is the last thing you're looking out for.
I always found Snape/Rickman to be boring. Its not a hard role to play, and he gets very little screen time. Hans Gruber was much more interesting to watch. Snape? Meh.
Probably because if you're into Harry Potter, interesting characters and good acting is the last thing you're looking out for.

Certainly not. I think the aspect of the Harry Potter series that grabs me is the scenery. While it pales in comparison to the LOTR series, it's still not shabby. I really don't watch the movies because they're chock full of good actors. There's a few though. I also really enjoy Gary Oldman, who's one of my favorite actors.
I found it somewhat disappointing. To be honest, it read like fan fiction: Every single bit of speculation turned out to be true. I couldn't help but wonder, if Rowling read the forums of a certain HP site too much and tried to bend the story to the rumours in there. The other HP always had some moment of surprise / mystery this one came without that.
Also the deus-ex Ron moment in the middle was just really weak writing or maybe we should call it plot magic. That was the low point of the book for me.
And for god's sake why the hell did she write an epilogue? It was completely unnecessary (as in it didn't add a single bit to the story).

The ending had much promise, but under delivered, though. I would have preferred different ending. The last action "sequence" was marred by the plot magic as well.

Now, that's sound more negative than I'd like. I enjoyed the book (as in light reading) but even children books should have a coherent plot and not just various bits of pieces stringed together clumsily. It just missed focus all over.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one. The pacing wasn't very good. Loose ends were tied, but not very well, and frankly, made me wonder what all of the build up was for with some of the plot lines. The Dumbledore's hand question could have and should have been answered in HBP, as should the "Why does Dumbledore trust Snape" - simply because there was no surprise reason. It was a lot of build up for no reason.

DH, IMHO, was the absolute worst of the series. It felt too contrived. I thought it was an unfitting ending to an otherwise engaging series.

It should have been called "Harry Potter and the Quest for Currency" - J.K. was clearly struggling for an ending with the book, and her ideas had all petered out. The series with this ending reminded me a bit of some of Stephen King's lesser novels - great build up and supporting character development, excellent wind plot wind up, and then a rushed ending. Sort of like It or The Tommyknockers - it ended, but you aren't really sure what book was ending, since it certainly wasn't the ending of the book you had been reading previously - 800 pages of great story, and then 50 pages of a related but empty relaying of facts. :(. Unfortunately, it wasn't just 800 pages... it was more like 4000 pages and six books worth of story and then ... here's-what-happened-the-end
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I always found Snape/Rickman to be boring. Its not a hard role to play, and he gets very little screen time. Hans Gruber was much more interesting to watch. Snape? Meh.

Now I'm stuck wondering what the movie would be like if they just transplanted in Hans Gruber as one of Harry Potter's professors.

I bet the finale of the final movie would be bitchin'.

Final scene:

Harry stands alone atop the ruined roof of Hogwarts. He is beaten, bloody, covered in ash, and his clothes are in tatters.
He stands before Snape, who has cast off his robe in favor of a well-pressed suit.
He looks much less pale, and is sporting a well-groomed beard.

Snape adjusts his tie, an air of cold arrogance flows off of him as he turns to face Potter.

Snape: You yet live? You are much hardier than I thought, Mr. Potter. More so than your friends at any rate.

Harry: Damn you, Snape! It was all a lie! The return of Voldemort, the wizards' war. It was all just a diversion so you could get into the Ministry's treasury!

Snape: Ingenious wasn't it?

Harry: All this! (Harry gestures to the ruins of his school, the gouts of spellfire flickering amongst rising sorcerous thunderheads that rumble in the cyclonic skies above) All your pretension to be a great wizard, and you're nothing but a thief.

Snape (His cold veneer flashes with anger): I am an exceptional thief! And I have tired of over a decade of your petulant teenage angst.
I will do to you what I did to your father and framed that fool Voldemort for so long ago.

Harry screams with rage and points his wand at Snape.
With a flick of the wrist, Snape sends Harry's wand skittering away.

Snape: (Snape smiles) Any last words before I cast you into the Abyss? What was it you said, Yippy...Kay...Yay?

Harry (voice deeper, brusque): Yippy Kay Deus Ex Machina Motherfucker!

Harry's form changes, he's taller, balder, and grizzled. He reaches behind, and draws forth a wand he had affixed to his back with holiday ribbon.
With a thunderous blast, the wand sends a bolt of light into Snape, who plummets to his doom, impaled upon the spires of the school.

John McClane: That's two movies that's worked in, asshole!

Fade to black: cue rockin' guitar playing the American National Anthem.
Heh, not bad! Of course, that scene was actually with that other great bad guy stage actor, Jeremy Irons, playing Alan Rickman's more opportunistic (I presume) older brother.
The wfie and I saw the 5th movie Friday night and I enjoyed it so much that I now want to read the books. My wife's read them and has been really looking forward to the last one (which I was supposed to buy yesterday but completely forgot about).
Actually, I was a bit disappointed with the latest movie, but did enjoy the final book.