jvd said:
whats the speed on the gs 200mhz ? how many pipe lines did it have ? Yes it can move lots of polygons . And its polygon pushing takes hits when you factor in all the other things it can't support natively and have to be done in several passes.
Clock is just under 150MHz (really, it IS 150MHz for all intents and purposes), it has 16 pixel pipes, half of those with a texturing unit, meaning it does 16 flat or gouraud shaded pixels/clock or 8 textured pixels/clock. Not sure if that is bilinear or trilinear filtered.
It has MONSTER fillrate, absolutely MONSTER. You can't compare the 1.2Gpix textured fillrate it has with current fast graphics cards, the eDRAM and super-wide buses in the graphics synth gives the thing SO much more raw performance than any GFFX or Radeon 9500+ it's silly.
I believe Fafalada stated once this MONSTER rasterizer didn't even give a s#!t if you did stupid things on purpose like 10x overdraw per frame etc. It's a MONSTER. (Are you starting to see a pattern developing here? Hehe!). It does render to texture at INSANE speed. It does emulation of stencil fills at INSANE speed (16 pipes, remember?).
This means multitexturing and tons of alpha-blend effects don't slow this MONSTER down much at all (just watch the MGS2 first level intro with all the car headlights and the rain etc).
The vector units of the emotion engine are far more advanced than the vertex shaders of current GPUs. They do conditional branching for example I believe, and allow longer programs too. This makes soft skinning and other kinds of mesh deformations such as facial animation a breeze, and other kind of advanced features possible too, like realtime higher-order surface tesselation and such. They're pretty darn fast at transforming polys as well. MGS2 shows this just fine. Look at the details of the tanker in the intro, or all the stuff on that bridge for that matter. In-game movie sequences runs at 30fps with motion blur.
Stand at the start of the second level and just watch that entire Shell platform get drawn at 60fps with NO HITCHES in framerate! I've NEVER seen that game chug even once!
Calling the graphics synth a Voodoo2 piece of technology is a grave insult. That silly thing has more onboard memory, sure, but its pixel fill at 90mpix/s and 180mtex/s at most (efficiency is probably rather atrocious, if anyone can run 3dmark 2001 fillrate test on it that would be cool, but I don't think that version runs on a piece of c£@p video card like a V2), means GS leaves it far far far FAR behind even if you SLI two V2s together.
Performance-wise, GS is like about 13 1/3 Voodoo2s on steroids you might say, counting only raw textured pixel fill ability. Feature-wise, it has some stuff V2 does not, 24-bit frame buffers and textures, better Z precision, destination alpha blending etc. V2 can't do trilinear filter either for that matter.
It lacks a lot of nifty stuff compared to a GeForce-level GPU, but that really doesn't matter much when it has so much raw brutal power it can just burn some fillrate and poly transforms and accomplish those same effects anyway. Besides, have you seen any games really utilizing the 'Nvidia Shading Rasterizer', or bumpmapping either for example during the GF256's natural life? Or even GF2 for that matter, hehe.
You think a GF256 with it's (all theoretical, never achieved in reality) puny 480mpixels/s fillrate, 5GB/s memory bandwidth and 25mpolys/s fixed-function transform ability compares the slightest to the MONSTER that is the EE+GS? You seen any game running on a GF256 that looks anywhere close to Zone of Enders 2 for example? Don't be rediculous!
So what if the GS has to do some extra passes to emulate what the GF256 might do in one. It doesn't care! It blows that thing away anyhow!
Also, when texture requirements on V2 exceeds the alotted 8MB, fps will tumble like a rock. V2 is a PCI device with 133 poorly utilized MB/s at most available to it which might have to be shared between a multitude of other PCI devices (including UDMA100 harddrives in only slightly older systems). GS has a dedicated 1.2GB/s bus just for EE<->GS transfers IN ADDITION to the 3.2GB/s system memory bandwidth. No comparison. Also, Voodoo2 is not a busmaster PCI device to the best of my knowledge. Means transfers to the card will hit system performance bad if you have to do a lot of them. It's okay with older games because likely you won't transfer any textures at all really on a per-frame basis (they all fit fine into those 8MB), and poly densities are low.
When you say things like a V2 can run MGS2 fine though, it starts getting really rediculous. Not only would the card choke on the poly densities (all transforms has to be done on host CPU and go over the slow PCI bus), you'll bop your head immediately on the fillrate ceiling. Even XBox with it's far superior fillrate compared to a V2 gets strangled! Then, once you have to start streaming textures also it gets really silly.
You'd count seconds per frame and not the other way around, hehehe! Maybe your definition on running MGS2 fine, not mine.
Don't mess with the mighty PS2 man, you'll get burnt!
PS: Okay, seriously. Of course PS2 has limitations, technical and otherwise. Well, only technical actually, since it is a piece of technology.

Though you have to admit you are being unfair comparing the thing to a silly Voodoo2. That's just stupidity leaps far and above anything anyone should expect to see on this board.