What are your must buy games for Winter?

Fable 2

Dragon Age (2008?)
Gears of War 2
Viva Pinata 2

wait for reviews:
Mirror's Edge
Rise of the Argonauts
The Last Remnant

I wish they were more PC games on this list, but it doesn't seem I'll get Freespace 3 or Troïka games any time soon :(
So this thread is the one that survived??

Gosh, where to begin. I've pre-ordered the following:

Gears 2
Bioshock (PS3)

Then there's so many others, but much like the first 4 in my list, I think most other games will be rendered irrelevant by LBP. It's really pushed my buttons.

Honorable mention for Dead Space and Banjo which are looking very interesting.

Tragically I'll quote an earlier post of mine in this thread... (posted June 2007!)

I guess I should've edited my earlier post. But that way no one gets to see the brilliant insight I bring to this thread...

Alan Wake.

I'm hoping like crazy it hits this year.

Also, has anyone heard any updates on APB?
These are my pre-Xmas games, not Winter.

Resistance 2 (SE pre-ordered)
Motorstorm 2
LBP (the beta feedback moved it off the fence)

On the fence:
Sacred 2
SOCOM (I want the headset)

Gears 2
Fable 2 (unless it pulls a Too Human)

On the fence:
Left 4 Dead
Banjoo Nuts & Bolts

I'm also looking at Far Cry 2, COD5 and few others, but they will probably have to wait.
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Fable 2
Gears 3
Banjo K. 3


Res. 2


Warhead (already have)
STALKER CS (already have)
Fallout 3
Left 4 Dead

rent the rest

Must buys:

Little Big Planet (After LBP I don't think I'll need more games for the rest of the year, or first half on next ;) )
Motorstorm 2: Pacific Rift
Resistance 2

If gets good reviews:

Mirrors Edge
Fallout 3

If released this year:

Silent Hill: Homecoming Edit: If it is as bad as first reviews say, I'll leave it on the shelves.
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since winter, in the northern hemisphere, doesn't start until December 21, i'll have plenty of games to play throughout the fall on the PS3 namely Resistance 2, LittleBigPlanet, Bioshock, Siren (import version) and Mirror's Edge.