Sigfried1977 seemed quite taken with GTA V, particularly all the little details. I am also hugely impressed with GTA V and even when messing around I often find things I've never seen before. But part of the reason is Rockstar North can seemingly do what other developers can not is simply because they have been doing this, refining their exquisite murdercraft, for almost two decades. The only non-GTA game they've turned out since GTA III is Manhunt. So more murdercraft
Sleeping Dogs, True Crime, The Getaway - all good efforts but Rockstar North have unparalleled experience in the genre. It's difficult to see them being unseated. Can they make a crap game? I'm sure they could - many didn't like GTA IV, but they've been working on engines, AI, animation and algorithms for the worlds for a long, long time.
And I say this with a touch of sadness because I'd like more games of GTA's quality but I just don't see it happening. Most publishers couldn't afford a game as grand a scale as GTA. WATCH_DOGS looked promising, and I enjoyed it thoroughly, but as a believe world it was a pale imitation of GTA V. Infamous Second Son's depiction of Seattle was stunningly beautiful but the pedestrians may as well have been sheep.
Witcher 3.. well. We'll see