Isn't that game have tons of boring long dialogue and if you skip it... You understand nothing?
Yes, but unlike a lot of anime-ish type of game exposition, it doesn't endlessly go over the same thing over and over and over again.
It's the rare game where I started out thinking I'll get tired of the dialog by the end of the game, but the dialog keeps getting better and better. And over the course of the game all those dialogs become kind of interconnected and explain stories and backgrounds of characters.
All of that makes me so invested in the characters on my team that I do everything I can to protect them and make them live. Some so much that I wish I could protect them in real life.
Under no circumstances read the spoiler if you plan to play the game, it'll spoil things in a potentially big way if you aren't expecting it to happen.
And later in the game makes me so sad when I have to kill them.
My poor little students that I spent so much time getting to know.
It's so fascinating that I'm starting to look forward to all the conversations more than the gameplay. Which is impressive considering this is one of the finest examples of this type of gameplay (tactical combat) in existence.
I could gush for a long time about this game. It's so well executed.
What's even more amazing is that there are 4 endings, and the story and path to get each ending is vastly different. How they managed to find the time to make all of this magic happen? I have no idea, but I love it. Each story is 80+ hours. It'll probably take me over 120 hours to finish the one I started. So, likely over 400 hours of gameplay here for me. It'll take me years to do it all.
Also, every single line of dialog is voice acted. Again, how they managed this or how they could afford it, is beyond me. How did they even manage to fit it within the storage constraints of the NSW? MAGIC...MAGIC I tell you!
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