What are you playing now? [2007-2018]

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I played Watchmen the End is Nigh last night for a change, and it was a hella enjoyable beat-em-up game reminiscent of Streets of Rage or something but with tasty graphics.

No depth and short, but definitely fun. :)
Hey guys, I just installed Witcher the Enhanced Edition. I was wondering what the latest patch was. The game says I have installed but when I click check for updates it takes me to the Witcher website and says to download 1.4 lol which makes it seem like I indeed do have the latest patch already?

A hotfix was just released to fix the blurry graphics after cutscenes and some EAX issues. It's big, 106MB.

^That's the latest patch AFAIK.
^That's the latest patch AFAIK.

Thats what I thought as well. Seems like there are still some areas where the lights kind of glow through objects and stuff like that. The game has crashed on me for no reason at random moments quite a few times as well. Just poof disappeared. But so far its not hindered me in anyway to the point where I just got annoyed and stopped playing. I still dislike running around everywhere doing errands but that is what an RPG is all about. I must say I am enjoying it quite a bit. It looks really good at max settings on native resolution.

Character models could have been improved though. I think they should have used the Source engine's character modeling and then the game would have been perfect! :)
I just picked up Dark Athena. If the atmosphere is anywhere as cool as Butcher Bay's, I should be all set, so long as I don't expect a religious experience while playing it. If not, it's nice to see BB is included on the DvD, which is nice because I lost my BB cd's a long time ago. The melee combat looks fierce, I can't wait to try it out.
I'm really enjoying Storm of Zehir despite its rather lackluster reviews, but had to find a mod for the Overland Map's respawn rate. No idea wtf Obsidian was thinking shipping or leaving that in patched. Insane spawn rates that will have 3-5 packs of mobs closing in from all directions, and they end up essentially being queued in line waiting their turn to jump your party.
Started playing COD5 and got quite far. Its fun but its not something earth shattering. Good looking game though!

Playing Last Remnant and I quite like the combat. I just wish they freaking translated the onboard xbox controller buttons to like what the keyboard buttons would be argh. But oh well, trial and error :)
Mirror's Edge - been wanting to get this for a while now and good thing I didn't pick it up sooner because it came free with my new GTX 260! And wow is this game amazing - very innovative and one of the best looking games I've ever played.
Mirror's Edge - been wanting to get this for a while now and good thing I didn't pick it up sooner because it came free with my new GTX 260! And wow is this game amazing - very innovative and one of the best looking games I've ever played.

Seriously? So many people at work were complaining about how sucky this game was and how bored you would get...but it could be that they were playing on a console instead of the PC...at least the visuals would be better on the PC. Are you playing with all the Physx stuff enabled?
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