Watch Dogs.

- Implemented a few control improvements.
Hope this means the hardcoded mouse acceleration is gone and that the vehicles aren't just silly stupid to drive.
guys, if any of you still playing WD. i recommend playing with lunayah mod

it totally changed my "bland" and full of "stutter" game into something fabulous and almost smooth. the day is no longer bland. the sunset and sunrise looks beautiful. the graphic at night is awesome. at rain? just great.

btw i only played in "medium" with high shader, water and activated DOF + motion blur.

too bad the game is boring. the city did not have life. the way Ubi marketed WD with city full of live and NPC that not just mindless NPC are not true at all.

NPC and city in GTA5 is much more filled with "life". heck, the NPC in Mafia 2 have much more life than this drones.... they can remember you (the player). while in WD, the NPC just drones of mindless people that act weird and the "interaction" is only shown by "hero meter" that have no effect.
hm... is the first game worth getting? It's on sale on steam. Does it require a lot of modding?
I wouldn't recommend buying it. At $12 if you're curious though maybe it's worth a look. It's basically a form of Far Cry 3/4 + some Deus Ex-like mechanics, set in Chicago, with lots of robot people wandering around, and cheesy stuttery driving. I didn't get very far into the story before losing interest. Like FC3/4 there are lots of side questy things to unlock stuff and get points that you can do if you are satiated by such things.

You might want to just look up youtube vids of it in play.
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