Watch Dogs.

hidden watch dogs config (refering to xboxoe)


From the camp that thinks blur that hides = better graphics? Character clearly is nearsighted.
It looks to me like we can't be happy anymore if a game isn't photorealistic, a flawless world simulation, and populated with sentient AI.

The flaws shown in that video are a lot more than that, man. Don't be disingenuous. It's got serious design flaws and it's clear the game was not developed for long enough. The delay bought it some time, but not enough. It seems like a project that did not manage its time well enough originally, or was rushed by Ubisoft's publishing arm...
The flaws shown in that video are a lot more than that, man. Don't be disingenuous. It's got serious design flaws and it's clear the game was not developed for long enough. The delay bought it some time, but not enough. It seems like a project that did not manage its time well enough originally, or was rushed by Ubisoft's publishing arm...
I don't think it feels rushed. It's not unstable or particularly glitchy. My impression is it is a semi-Deus Ex take on a Far Cry 3 / Assassin's Creed formula. Formulaic is what it is. Stale, hollow and somewhat generic. Like most open world games feel actually. The Youtube video highlights lots of little things and some arguable aspects but I think it misses the big picture. Though when I think about it I'm not sure what is needed to make it "amazing". Seems like the team didn't have vision to make it really distinctive, or yeah there were business decisions like cloning gameplay aspects of popular franchises.
Yeah NV's driver support is white hot at the moment. The latest release implements some sort of shader caching system which reduces game load times. Pretty awesome.

Useless thing, as it shown so well on Watchdog ... with SSD do you really thing this important ? .. i will tell you something, if Nvidia was belive in it, they will do all a marketing tricks about it instead of put a poor line in a driver release note..

As for the game, after have compil everything i can from review and comments ( specially the bad comments ), i can allready tell it is a good game.. not a revolution, but a good game to spend some time.. with some flaws ofc, ofc it could have been better, but it seems it is a good game.

Peoples are now asking for compare it with SleepDog... SleepDog have not been a success at start, but then it have start to be really known.. and SleepDog is a good game... it could have been more revolutionary, but it was not, but i think everyone who have play it have got a good time with it...

Many peoples have point how this game should look better ( specially when we watch what it require for played on ultra high end PC ... ( do i need to buy 2 W9100 16GB for play it tomorrow ( i will try instrall it on my 2x W9100 Pro 16GB system than i can work on, could be fun .. who know, but im not sure my boss will ( we have some ... rules ) .
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The flaws shown in that video are a lot more than that, man. Don't be disingenuous. It's got serious design flaws and it's clear the game was not developed for long enough. The delay bought it some time, but not enough. It seems like a project that did not manage its time well enough originally, or was rushed by Ubisoft's publishing arm...

Try to compare it with AC1...
Now that game was proof of concept, this is a real game.
It's not revolutionary, it just has some good ideas.
As with everything Ubi lately, the next one will be an actually great game...
Try to compare it with AC1...
Now that game was proof of concept, this is a real game.
It's not revolutionary, it just has some good ideas.
As with everything Ubi lately, the next one will be an actually great game...

Yeah, I had already said this, if WatchDogs ended up turning out like AC1 (which it sounds like it kind of did, but not as badly) that's not a terrible thing. Skip it and hope for WD2 to be as great as the second AC was.
Useless thing, as it shown so well on Watchdog ... with SSD do you really thing this important ?

As I understand it, they are bypassing the requirement to re-compile shaders every time you load a game (and sometime during gameplay itself). So this isn't really about the time it takes to stream data from the HDD into memory but more about the CPU time spent compiling those shaders. So even with an SSD this should be beneficial as you're saving CPU time rather than loading time. In fact with an SSD you may see the most benefit from this as the pre-compiled shaders are being loaded from the disk.
The game vanished from my Uplay account today. I've submitted a support ticket about it.
What did he tweak other than get different gamma levels and a few LODs?
Objects still don't cast shadows and that's still distractingly bad for a big-budget 2014 game.

Maybe people should just accept that this was made as a game with mediocre visuals, regardless of everything else.
Apparently Ubisoft has banned a lot of keys purchased by Amazon shoppers like myself. Still waiting on support's response....
I hate the controls, driving especially feels wonky. There's some mouse acceleration hardcoded also.

I need a patch!
I hate the controls, driving especially feels wonky. There's some mouse acceleration hardcoded also.
The motorcycles are hilariously simplistic to drive. Though really I didn't really come to this game looking for a driving sim so what's there is good enough for me.

One thing I think is cheesy is the automatic reputation effect of killing random people. Very artificial. Most of the talk about how this game would be a new level of attempt at open world city simulation was nonsense. The game just seems limp and bland to me overall.
The motorcycles are hilariously simplistic to drive. Though really I didn't really come to this game looking for a driving sim so what's there is good enough for me.

One thing I think is cheesy is the automatic reputation effect of killing random people. Very artificial. Most of the talk about how this game would be a new level of attempt at open world city simulation was nonsense. The game just seems limp and bland to me overall.
Sounds like typical Ubisoft bullshit. Far Cry 2 was like that (with the paper map you could bring up and it behaved like a GPS.

Regarding the driving: I don't want it to be a sim, but it should try for a certain level of sanity. GTA does it well, Sleeping Dogs did it well, this game need to be like that if not better.