Warner Exclusive Blu-ray= More PS3 sold?

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I personally choose to make a distinction between people who thought about the storage issue, and people who didn't. I know a lot of gamers who don't really think about these things at all, also. I'm thinking about people like me who have been actively speculating since the first hints of next-gen Xbox and Playstation about every part in the machine.
Well most people who 'didn't really think about it' assumed they'd use DVD.

In 2003 disc space was not a limiting factor, most people didn't feel like DVD was limiting game developers. By 2004, it was obvious 360 would probably not use HD-DVD as it was launching in 2005.

I can't think of a point in time where most people expected MS's next console to have Hi-Def media.
Scooby doo is right, If somebody find an old rumors about the 360 including a HD media is welcome (there is none...)
Especially if we consider that the dvd consortium wasn't as willing as Sony/philips to launch a new format this soon.
From the Sony event


What does BR 2.0 exactly allow?
And what is BD Live?
Mandatory managed copy has been part of blu-ray for a while, despite the FUD the HD-DVD group/fans continued to spread. This is interesting, though, since I've never seen it demonstrated for HD-DVD. AFAIK the spec is part of AACS and isn't finalized yet.
Although I have both a PS3 and a Xbox360 HD-DVD the good part of this news is hopefully Denon will now look to get a top notch HD player on the market. If so I will be first in the queue. What they have done with DVD playback is astonishing and I really have problems telling the difference what is a SD-DVD and HD image when playing through my Denon 3930 (mind you it was a bit on the steep side) and DVD's look even better on the A1XVA which I was allowed to demo (but the thing cost thousands).
Well it wouldn't be "mandatory" because it sounds like they're talking about doing it for a handful of titles.

And maybe this is slightly different from managed copy in the sense that they'd decrypt AACS and then encode for a lower-resolution on the fly.

In this case, it sounds like they would have pre-encoded files optimized at resolutions for certain devices like PSP. Presumably, these files wouldn't be as good for an iPod which has a different screen resolution.

Oh and who knows if some kind of copying scheme won't have some additional charges involved.
Technicolor was also demonstrating a BD-Live trivia game. One of the most interesting things about this BD-Live demo was that they were using a PS3 as the player! That’s right, a PS3 with BD Profile 2.0 firmware loaded! The Technicolor representatives informed me that the firmware was just loaded up this morning and that it is still in a highly beta phase. Either way, this is good news for PS3 owners, as we can expect to see a BD Profile 2.0 firmware released for the PS3 at some point in the future


The firmware team must be big...
Albert Penello, Microsoft's group marketing manager for Xbox hardware, said he doesn't think the Warner Brothers news will affect sales of Xbox 360 or PS3.


Albert Penello said:
Until Toshiba goes out of business, this war is not over.

Albert Penello said:
Consumers are choosing HD DVD, but Hollywood isn't listening. While HD DVD has been trying to sell the format to consumers, Sony has focused on selling the Blu-ray brand and company.


Albert Penello said:
It should be consumer choice; and if that's the way they vote, that's something we'll have to consider.

Looks like they may be open to the idea of a Blu-ray add-on player.

Albert Penello said:
I fundamentally don't think ... this has a significant impact on Xbox 360 versus (Sony's) PlayStation 3.

Albert Penello said:
You can't say it's not a bummer, not a setback, but I've seen this battle declared over so many times.

Albert Penello said:
I want consumers to have a voice in this and I think there are a lot of consumers who bought HD-DVD who are going to have a say in how this shakes out.

Tommy McClain
Sounds awesome!

That site also states that MS will consider a separate Blu-ray player for the 360 if consumers want it.

They're all referencing the quotes made to Reuters. Looks like a bunch of sites latched on to it. If you read above, Penillo doesn't completely come out and say they'll make a Blu-ray player, just something they'll consider.

Tommy McClain
Why is a MS guy commenting on Toshiba's position ? ("Until Toshiba goes out of business, this war is not over,"). I thought from the last 2 big announcements of this war (Paramount and Warner), the studios -- not Toshiba -- hold the key cards ?

Also, his comments on consumer choice is dubious. All the numbers indicated that Blu-ray titles sold better in US and everywhere else (About twice or more, for the entire 2007). Standalone Blu-ray players also overtook HD DVD in December despite being $100 more expensive.
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They're all referencing the quotes made to Reuters. Looks like a bunch of sites latched on to it. If you read above, Penillo doesn't completely come out and say they'll make a Blu-ray player, just something they'll consider.

Tommy McClain

It more than likely that a bluray addon will be produced for the 360, if bluray ends up becoming the defacto format soon than later.

If this is indeed the end of HD DVD, it still will take a year for the scenario to play out. In a year's time, MS should be able to produce a $100.00 bluray addon.
If they did, and it worked on PC (as did the HD-DVD addon) you can count me in.

A better idea would be if they kept making the HD-DVD player, but made it a HD-DVD/Blu-ray combo drive instead. The likelyhood of that is probably nil. I just have a hard time seeing Microsoft ever adding support for BD-J/BDLive.

Tommy McClain
I for one can say Warner going Blu Ray lead to me to purchase a 40gb tonight.

I was going to wait for another price drop, but this was enough to sway me to go out and purchase it tonight. While I think this will be an exception for the most part, it can't be nothing but a positive in the grand scheme of things.

Until stand alones cost less or end up being more feature rich the the PS3.
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