UT2007 misses PS3 launch

Bad_Boy said:
umm...IIRC UT only was ported once to the ps2. there was no games. and the PC version was clearly superior than that version, mainly due to the online. UT is pretty much an online oriented game. You said it yourself, PC is epic's bread and butter. It would be stupid of someone to say ut2k7 is not a bigger force on the console market than the orginal ut was for the ps2.

It would be equally if not more stupid to suggest that Epic will delay releasing the game on the platform where they've had over a decade of success so they can release it simultaneously on a platform where they've only sold 1 previous game, and it sold poorly.

Sigh, did you even read the thread. How would epic benefit from releasing ut2k7 around the same time around gears of war. Basically competiting with their own title. GOW should be their holiday blockbuster. This is all speculation about the release of ut2k7, which makes it relevant although not very important as the game is delayed eitherway.

Gears of War is an Xbox 360 game exclusively. How would a PS3 game take away from those sales? How is an Xbox 360 game competing with a PS3 game?

It might make sense if you are saying that the 360 version of UT2k7 will release on the same day as the PS3 and PC versions. Is that what you are saying?
Powderkeg said:
Gears of War is an Xbox 360 game exclusively. How would a PS3 game take away from those sales? How is an Xbox 360 game competing with a PS3 game?

It might make sense if you are saying that the 360 version of UT2k7 will release on the same day as the PS3 and PC versions. Is that what you are saying?

I dont know if thats the case. But lets assume it is, an explaination would be that one of the reasons GoW gained such a huge interest is the visual splendour. UT2007 looks similar in visual quality, and in some art style, thus it may split the interest of gamers planning to get an 360 with or just GoW since there is no other game to compete it technically.

Taking into consideration the limited budget of the gamer, he will have to choose between UT2007 and GoW if they are released nearly simultaneously, while if there is enough gap between releases, the gamer will probably have the money to get GoW first and recover enough money to get UT in the future.

Ofcourse thats just a hypothesis.

But most likelyI think the PS3 version is delayied for other reasons like optimization, extra features(I think Mark stated in the past he would add some extras for the PS3 version), and balancing the online mode so things will be fairer between console and PC users competing each other.
Powderkeg said:
It would be equally if not more stupid to suggest that Epic will delay releasing the game on the platform where they've had over a decade of success so they can release it simultaneously on a platform where they've only sold 1 previous game, and it sold poorly.
So your comparing that poorly sold game to the expectations of ut2k7 on consoles? The UT port to ps2 was so behind the PC version I'm surprised anyone would want to buy it if they had a decent computer. The game basically had no online and max 4 player multiplayer IIRC. I dunno about you, but thats not the UT I want to play. UT2k7 will be different now that ps3 has online out of the box, it wont be so gimped behind the PC version. Infact I beleive theres an epic rep. quote that says the PS3 version will be pretty close to the PC version. The ut2k7 showing at e3 2005 on the ps3 is just evidence that epic has put more emphasis on this version compared to the previous ut on ps2.

UT for PC got an AVG 93% http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/191945.asp
UT for PS2 got an AVG 77% http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/913963.asp

Powderkeg said:
How is an Xbox 360 game competing with a PS3 game?
I'm not sure this even made sense. Console games compete all the time cross platform wise. Remember the old rumors of halo 3 launching around PS3 launch to slow down sony's buzz? I think it was started by a bill gates quote. (Seems GOW will take halo 3's place w/ a nov 12th launch) What I'm saying is, GOW and UT2k7 are the type of game that will sell consoles. Why would they launch them even in the same time. They want to maximize sales for both versions. Having two great fps's released around the same time from the same company sounds like a bad strategy to me, especially when it's the same company releasing the games. Of course this is all speculation on my part as I've said before.
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Bad_Boy said:
So your comparing that poorly sold game to the expectations of ut2k7 on consoles?

Yeah, you got any indication that UT2k7 is highly anticipated by any console gamers other than a handful of hardcore Sony fans?

The primary fanbase of the UT games has always been the PC. If any version of the game is highly anticipated it's the PC version. I wouldn't even put the PS3 version in the top 10 most anticipated games for that platform, even at this early of a stage.

The UT port to ps2 was so behind the PC version I'm surprised anyone would want to buy it if they had a decent computer. The game basically had no online and max 4 player multiplayer IIRC. I dunno about you, but thats not the UT I want to play. UT2k7 will be different now that ps3 has online out of the box, it wont be so gimped behind the PC version. Infact I beleive theres an epic rep. quote that says the PS3 version will be pretty close to the PC version. The ut2k7 showing at e3 2005 on the ps3 is just evidence that epic has put more emphasis on this version compared to the previous ut on ps2.


The PC has the UT fanbase. Sony's console does not. It's just that simple.

I'm not sure this even made sense. Console games compete all the time cross platform wise. Remember the old rumors of halo 3 launching around PS3 launch to slow down sony's buzz? I think it was started by a bill gates quote. (Seems GOW will take halo 3's place w/ a nov 12th launch) What I'm saying is, GOW and UT2k7 are the type of game that will sell consoles.

What makes you think a PC port will sell consoles? The vast majority of people who want the game will want the PC version, not the inferior console version.

Why would they launch them even in the same time. They want to maximize sales for both versions. Having two great fps's released around the same time from the same company sounds like a bad strategy to me, especially when it's the same company releasing the games. Of course this is all speculation on my part as I've said before.

Flimsy speculation at best. Bordering on conspriacy theory level speculation.
Powderkeg said:
The primary fanbase of the UT games has always been the PC. If any version of the game is highly anticipated it's the PC version. I wouldn't even put the PS3 version in the top 10 most anticipated games for that platform, even at this early of a stage.
I'm not saying the PC wasnt the main subject in UT's past. Where did I say that. Its obviously not true, UT has always be focused on the PC market. I'm just saying its pretty damn incorrect to compare UT port to PS2 to the UT2k7 port to PS3. Which you were basically saying. Were you not?

"Look up sales figures for Epic's PC games and compare them to the sales figures of Epic games that have gone to the Playstation platform."
AFAIK there has only been one UT game on the PS2.

Powderkeg said:
What makes you think a PC port will sell consoles? The vast majority of people who want the game will want the PC version, not the inferior console version.
Tell that to oblivion and the other likes. Your not making much sense. It just so happens that not everyone wants to cough up big coin to upgrade their computer just to play a game when they could play the same game on their console. Where did you see that the console version of UT2k7 will be inferior? See this is where your comparisons must be screwed. UT for Ps2 was inferior to PC, UT2k7 not so much. Only thing that we know could be lacking is mod support.

Powderkeg said:
Flimsy speculation at best. Bordering on conspriacy theory level speculation.
Give me a break Powderkeg. Everything is a conspiracy theory these days, just check every other "supposed to be exclusive, rumored to be multiplatform title thread" out there for example. Your really making my posts out to be bigger than they actually are.
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Bad_Boy said:
damn I would love that, chaos ut is one of my fav mods.

Whooaawooo at least one fan of our work here :)

But can you image the can of worms (both pros/cons) modding console games would create?
jb said:
Whooaawooo at least one fan of our work here :)

But can you image the can of worms (both pros/cons) modding console games would create?
you was/are on the chaosUT mod team??? O_O

But yeah I could imagine it would be kinda hard to mod console games without dev kits? I assume the next ut2k7 would be kinda hard as it is for the PC also, mod teams would have to adapt to the new tech once again.
Bad_Boy said:
you was/are on the chaosUT mod team??? O_O

But yeah I could imagine it would be kinda hard to mod console games without dev kits? I assume the next ut2k7 would be kinda hard as it is for the PC also, mod teams would have to adapt to the new tech once again.

Yes been on the team since our Q2 versions. I am old :)

But Epic is really good about the development kit. Right now a user can just extrat everything they need to work on UT2k4 without doing much. So it should be pretty easy in theory. However the whole HOWTO do this for the PS3 would be the hardest thing. As you do have to complie, code, ect. Maybe you can develop it over on the PC side and just add a var for a PS3 port output?

And yes I am sure it will be a new learning curve for UT2k7
jb said:
Yes been on the team since our Q2 versions. I am old :)
wow, well lemme be the first to thank you for your hard work. :D Ive been a chaosUT fan for a while, I remember we used to have lans in my network administration class in high school and played nothing but chaosUT.

jb said:
But Epic is really good about the development kit. Right now a user can just extrat everything they need to work on UT2k4 without doing much. So it should be pretty easy in theory. However the whole HOWTO do this for the PS3 would be the hardest thing. As you do have to complie, code, ect. Maybe you can develop it over on the PC side and just add a var for a PS3 port output?
Yeah, Epic has really been there for the mod community on the development front. And I'm sure they will be there for ut2k7 as well, I just hope it doesnt get so difficult that less mods are being made. I wonder if it would be possible to contact Epic in raliegh about doing mods for the download content provider for the PS3. (something like CS and valve?) That would definately lower the barrier between buying the PC version and Console version of the same game if I could get my favorite mods on my console. Mods have always been a big part of UT (quake also).

But yeah, props to you on chaosUT. I assume chaosUT2k7 will be in the works? ;)
Thanks for your support and I am sure something from the Chaos team will be out for UT2k7 :)

Would love to talk more about this but should do that in PM land as I dont want to further Hi-jack this thread :)
Anybody catch the 1up podcast with CliffyB + MarkRein? They made it sound like they are focusing their entire team (that is relatively small) on getting Gears of War in top condition and shipping order, and then moving their focus on UT2k7 for PC and PS3. I kinda suspected this much...I really didnt think they want both games released around the same time frame.

The Cliffyb/MarkRein part comes after the 1st break (about 23 mins in).
Heres the link if you missed it:
right click, save as. :)
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wow, MS must have buried them in $$ if they even neglect their main franchise for GoW.

Possibly, but Gears of War is quite possibly their highest profile game ever. They are getting a major push from one of the top 4 publishers in the industry as their spotlight game of the year and have gotten major press time at 2 E3's in a row.

It is important for Epic to have Gears done, and very polished, in 2006. It will demonstrate not only that they can deliver a AAA title as a "lead" for a platform, but also that UE3 can make extremely high quality games. Epic has a lot riding on Gears of War. Part of that internal and their own market positioning, and part of it by getting in bed with MS for the Gears franchise.
Yeah, GOW has a bigger sales potential. They can easily sell up to 3-5 million units if the game is good enough, as it can be the first system seller for the X360.
I doubt that a strictly multiplayer UT can sell more than 1-1.5 million copies, although multiplatform should help them here too. Has anyone got sales data on those games?
If this site is accurate Unreal Tournament and Unreal both topped out at about 1M total copies on the PC.

I agree that Gears has been pushed as the system seller, the 360's Fall 2006 must-have killer app. I would not think it unreasonable that between now and Spring that they could get 3M copies sold (~30% sell through based on MS numbers) which seems about right based on consumer expectation and MS hype. e.g. on another forum there was a poll of Xboxy 360 users in regards to their most anticipated titles coming this fall and 100% responded that Gears of War was on their list. The next closest was Forza with just under 70%.

While I doubt over 50% of Xbox 360 owners will pick up Gears of War in the next year, it would appear that active 360 console owners want this game pretty much across the board.

It seems pretty important for them to get Gears right from a sales and engine business perspective. And it could also have a nice bonus: In 2007 they can brag up UT2007 as, "From the makers of Gears of War". PS3 owners feeling a little left out not owning Gears of War could take solice in owning UT2007 and it also allows them time to focus. Better 2 great games with great sales than pushing out 2 marginal games with average sales, especially for future branding and value (people will buy junk if the franchise name is great). And it also increases their value to MS, Sony, etc.

EDIT: You can see the poll chart here.