UT2007 misses PS3 launch


PC version may not be released until as late as May 2007.

"Right now, UT 2007 (PC) is slated to hit in the first half of 2007," the spokesperson told GameSpot. When it was announced in May 2005, the game had a broad "2006" release date. Since then, it has moved to a broader "winter" release window, which traditionally extends into the first few months of the following year. The new release window means the game could conceivably not ship until June 2007.

PS3 version may be even later than that.

As for the PlayStation 3 version of Unreal Tournament 2007, its ship date remains undetermined. Interestingly, though, Midway's response did not mention the PlayStation 3 version by name. "The next gen version(s) [of UT2007] have yet to be tagged with an exact ship date yet." Earlier this year, PSM magazine had claimed that UT 2007 would be a launch title for the PS3, which goes on sale in the US on November 17.

The next gen version(s) [of UT2007] have yet to be tagged with an exact ship date yet." Earlier this year, PSM magazine had claimed that UT 2007 would be a launch title for the PS3, which goes on sale in the US on November 17. When asked if the mention of multiple next-gen editions meant UT 2007 might be coming to the Xbox 360, the rep demurred, saying, "Nothing is yet confirmed ... [but] I would say that your assumption is relatively plausible." At the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2006, Midway CEO David Zucker said the game was being released for "for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3," but the company has subsequently refused to confirm the game is coming to Microsoft's platform.
:oops: oh my
I think early in the hype for ps3 this title was important as those level graphics (ue3) were cutting edge but now with so many other titles using the engine I don't think this date slip will have much of an impact. How many gamers were planning on using ps3 as their main platform for online ut play anyway? The game is fast paced which translates better to kb/mouse which translates better to desk which translates better to pc. Not to mention there would be a split of users with kb/mouse and without. If they didn't seperate these gamers it wouldn't be pretty.:D

what was Epic's big announcement again?
I'm pretty sure this has been known for quite some time now. PSM claimed ages ago that it would be a launch title, and Epic came out and corrected that, and said it was not. A general 07 release was also implied if not explicitly stated..they certainly never committed to a 06 release.
Titanio said:
I'm pretty sure this has been known for quite some time now. PSM claimed ages ago that it would be a launch title, and Epic came out and corrected that, and said it was not. A general 07 release was also implied if not explicitly stated..they certainly never committed to a 06 release.

yes, wasn't it known in January that it would not launch?
Seems they dont want to release anytime near Gears of War, sales reasons of course. I honestly dont see why the game would pushed all the way to june of 07. (yeah not technically a delay but they have said it should come out in 2006 before). I mean they have been showing the game off for more than a year, and games using the same tech are releasing before 2007. Gears seems like the only explanation to me really. Maybe there is something I'm missing. Ah well, anyways, I hope they include mouse and keyboard support or I'll be getting the PC version.
Bad_Boy said:
Seems they dont want to release anytime near Gears of War, sales reasons of course. I honestly dont see why the game would pushed all the way to june of 07. (yeah not technically a delay but they have said it should come out in 2006 before). I mean they have been showing the game off for more than a year, and games using the same tech are releasing before 2007. Gears seems like the only explanation to me really. Maybe there is something I'm missing. Ah well, anyways, I hope they include mouse and keyboard support or I'll be getting the PC version.

Maybe they're waking up and realizing the idea of a summer blockbuster might actually be a good one. It works for movies.
scooby_dooby said:
Maybe they're waking up and realizing the idea of a summer blockbuster might actually be a good one. It works for movies.
Maybe. You think it might have to do with waiting until nvidia/ati-amd release the next wave of graphics cards? Sure they have said 6800's and 7800's will run the game, but at max settings with everything on at a smooth framerate? I think im really missing something, because it just seems like the game could have been done for a while, they were showcasing the thing back in early 2005. Even showed a ton of playable maps with everything running during GDC IIRC.

Maybe im just loosing it and the game is actually just far from being done lol. I honestly dont see it slipping that far into 2007. Maybe around Vista time?

anyways ill stop with the speculation.
So, what's going to be the big announcement then - surely this wasn't it? Maybe it's coming, like Gears of War also coming to PS3? :D I mean if it also uses the Unreal Engine 3, that's not that weird an idea.

But in all likeliness, I'm kind of assuming that the Epic team is having their hands full supporting the 40+ titles in development that use a licenced version of their engine, like Assassin's Creed and so many others (for a fill list, check out Wiki ... it's a LONG list!)
scooby_dooby said:
Maybe they're waking up and realizing the idea of a summer blockbuster might actually be a good one. It works for movies.

2007 looks like a bad time to release to me!

On the PC you have Crysis, Bioshock, etc. On the PS3 you have MGS4, Heavenly Sword, GTA4 and probably a big push for the holiday. On the Xbox 360 you have Bioshock, Mass Effect, Too Human, Halo 3, GTA4, etc.

Big fish in smaller sea vs. small fish in bigger sea, etc.

Being one of the handful of bright spots at launch can be huge for a title. Sure there are only 6M units, but if it is one of the best games at launch they could more easily break a million. I also believe good launch titles have a lasting effect. They hit the bargin bin and all later owners say, "Hey, I heard how great game this is!" and buy it. Another thing is they set themselves up for HIGHLY antiticipated sequals.

UT2007 always struck me as a game that really is best with KB/MS, so maybe Epic is not too worried about console sales knowing the bread and butter for the game will be the PC? Gears of War is a more tactical, slower paced shooter and was designed that way (cover, pop and shot, 30fps) whereas UT2007 is a 60fps twitch shooter which doesn't necessarily play as well with a gamepad for many consumers (Acert goes off and watches some video of media reviwers playing FPS with a gamepad and laughs hystarically). I am not quite convinced UT2007's focus has shifted to the console in regards to gamebalance.
Arwin said:
So, what's going to be the big announcement then - surely this wasn't it? Maybe it's coming, like Gears of War also coming to PS3? :D I mean if it also uses the Unreal Engine 3, that's not that weird an idea.

But in all likeliness, I'm kind of assuming that the Epic team is having their hands full supporting the 40+ titles in development that use a licenced version of their engine, like Assassin's Creed and so many others (for a fill list, check out Wiki ... it's a LONG list!)

Doesn't MS own the rights to GOW?
Arwin said:
Maybe it's coming, like Gears of War also coming to PS3? :D I mean if it also uses the Unreal Engine 3, that's not that weird an idea.

:LOL: Gears of War is a Microsoft exclusive. I believe Epic even hinted recently that MS owns the IP as part of the arrangement for the huge push from MS (E3 highlight, large advertising budget, funding, holiday positioning as "THE" title for the platform, etc).

It would be more than wierd if Epic announced it for the PS3, especially before the 360 launch.
Gow is not coming to PS3. That much is for certain. There's probably as much chance of that happening as there would be for heavenly sword coming to 360.
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Titanio said:
I'm pretty sure this has been known for quite some time now. PSM claimed ages ago that it would be a launch title, and Epic came out and corrected that, and said it was not. A general 07 release was also implied if not explicitly stated..they certainly never committed to a 06 release.

I know the launch speculation was somewhat denied, but I don't think anyone anticipated the possibility that the game might not release until the 2nd half of 2007, or may not even come until 2008.