I dunno why I have to keep saying this, but while HWRT is great, it has a huge number of currently unsolved problems that no one seems to talk about at all. As long as it is still infeasible to do fine-grained streaming updates on a reasonable BVH and BVH construction in general performance is too low, it is going to be similarly limited to secondary effects in any suitable complex game. We don't need faster tracing primarily, we need faster data structure building (without of course tanking the tracing performance) and no one seems to talk about that part...No, software based solutions are not worth it. Epic has created new problems and now they are trying to solve them instead of going the obvious way with HWRT.
If you think things like foliage are a problem for Nanite, they are 10x more of a problem for HWRT. Honestly that goes for most things that are an issue for Nanite... HWRT paths just entirely don't do them at all because it's completely infeasible currently.
Guys stop forcing me to be the one playing the anti-RT side here. I'm normally the one arguing the other side
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