It can take a *lot* more CPU power because it's reading from unbaked assets "just in time", and from all over the place in RAM/HDD and maintaining tons of extra meta-data and garbage collection around everything. Compare this vs. compressed, runtime-optimized cooked assets. Stutters and streaming being worse in particular are definitely to be expected in editor. On the GPU side it is usually less severe depending on your editor build/config.
That said, if analyzing performance here be sure to actually dive in via unreal insights or a proper GPU profiling tool. The simple ingame "stat" counters are unfortunately fairly unreliable on Windows as far as CPU/GPU load goes, and "stat gpu" will often misattribute performance when things are CPU bound (which they often are).
If you're running on a high end GPU there's a pretty good chance you are actually CPU bound in this demo on PC. Definitely in editor, but probably also in cooked builds. There are a number of reasons for that and hopefully that can be improved in the future, but ultimately it was designed to target 30fps from the start and while it's pretty easy to scale GPU work with scalability settings, the CPU stuff is harder of course (beyond raw stuff like lowering traffic/crowd density and so on).
But yeah if you want to do overall performance profiling, you should definitely use a cooked, shipping (or at least "test") build.