Ubisoft announces Assassin's Creed (formerly Project Assassin)

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amazing crowd AI, 60 npc's on screen at once, traverse the entire city, open ended structure, anything that sticks out past 5cm can be grabbed, leveraged, climbed. PoP team working on animations, went from 800 to 4000, new control mechanism utilizing your different bodyparts to interact with the environment(Y for head, A for legs etc) creating various ways to traverse any situation, meaningful interaction with the environment every 10 metres as a rule of thumb, 3 huge cities that are 2square km each, 2sq km areas in between the cities, slow motion visceral assasinations, look your target in the eyes, and one great story that GI seems giddy about, apparently it's seen through the eyes of a modern day descendant of the main character, and story spans from the 13th century up to modern day...oh and the GFX are ridiculous.

I think that about covers it :D
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scooby_dooby said:
amazing crowd AI, 60 npc's on screen at once, traverse the entire city, open ended structure, anything that sticks out past 5cm can be grabbed, leveraged, climbed. PoP team working on animations, went from 800 to 4000, new control mechanism utilizing your different bodyparts to interact with the environment(Y for head, A for legs etc) creating various ways to traverse any situation, meaningful interaction with the environment every 10 metres as a rule of thumb, 3 huge cities that are 2square km each, 2sq km areas in between the cities, slow motion visceral assasinations, look your target in the eyes, and one great story that GI seems giddy about, apparently it's seen through the eyes of a modern day descendant of the main character, and story spans from the 13th century up to modern day...oh and the GFX are ridiculous.

I think that about covers it :D

Thanks ! I didn't know much (or anything...other than it has killing) about this game before. Sounds unique (at least I haven't played anything like it before) . Lets hope they're not overambitious :devilish:
scooby_dooby said:
new control mechanism utilizing your different bodyparts to interact with the environment(Y for head, A for legs etc)
I think that about covers it :D

You are thinking like an xboxer there is no y or a for PS! lol
This has been confirmed by multiple people to be coming to 360 as soon as 3 months after the PS3 one hits, but it's all hush hush gag order because they don't want to sabotage the PS3 version sales and piss Sony off (who probably put down a nice bag of money for the 3-month exclusive, I highly doubt it is a 6 month exclusive).
CountZeroInt said:
This has been confirmed by multiple people to be coming to 360 as soon as 3 months after the PS3 one hits

..not saying I dont beleive you, but just stating a confirmation is just the half of it.
CountZeroInt said:
This has been confirmed by multiple people to be coming to 360 as soon as 3 months after the PS3 one hits, but it's all hush hush gag order because they don't want to sabotage the PS3 version sales and piss Sony off (who probably put down a nice bag of money for the 3-month exclusive, I highly doubt it is a 6 month exclusive).

Well I guess you just ruined it then didn't you?;)
New screenshots.



CountZeroInt said:
This has been confirmed by multiple people to be coming to 360 as soon as 3 months after the PS3 one hits, but it's all hush hush gag order because they don't want to sabotage the PS3 version sales and piss Sony off (who probably put down a nice bag of money for the 3-month exclusive, I highly doubt it is a 6 month exclusive).

There have been a variety of suggested exclusivity periods, 3 months is on the lower end of those that I've seen. For a paid exclusive, if it is indeed a paid one, 3 months seems quite short. On the other hand, 12 months has been suggested and that seems quite long. 6 months seems more "right", but IMO it's all just rumour, people guessing how long it'll take to come to 360. We'll have to wait and see what Ubi says.
Titanio said:
There have been a variety of suggested exclusivity periods, 3 months is on the lower end of those that I've seen. For a paid exclusive, if it is indeed a paid one, 3 months seems quite short. On the other hand, 12 months has been suggested and that seems quite long. 6 months seems more "right", but IMO it's all just rumour, people guessing how long it'll take to come to 360. We'll have to wait and see what Ubi says.
Ya, there's also the leaked ubisoft release that so far has been basically 100% correct, and it lists it as a simultaneous release on both. Given we have no indication at all from ubisoft that this is the case, I'm leaning towards these exclusivity rumours being a bunch of bunk.
scooby_dooby said:
Ya, there's also the leaked ubisoft release that so far has been basically 100% correct, and it lists it as a simultaneous release on both. Given we have no indication at all from ubisoft that this is the case, I'm leaning towards these exclusivity rumours being a bunch of bunk.

I should have added in my original post that it is quite possible it'll end up same-day. Obviously the expectation that there's some level of exclusivity is there because of how Ubi is presenting it at and after E3 (that list was some time pre-E3, if and when no deal may have been done), but we don't really know until they start talking about 360 version and when it'll come.
I'm kinda interested how the versions will differ. Ubisoft seems very open about using alot of the potential in blu-ray. (not so much the hard drive though which suggests it will indeed be multiplatform; or that they just havent gotten the chance to yet which would be odd since dev kits all have hard drives in them)

OPM: How's your experience with the storage media of the PS3, the HDD and the BluRay disc? And do you have any comparable experience with HD-DVD technology?

M.M.: Our focus is 100% BluRay, so I cannot compare with HD-DVD. I can only say that the new BluRay disc format is truly awesome. The capacity is immense, and the Data Transfer Rate is way beyond what we are used to. And that's really important, because Data Streaming (OPMED: where the console constantly loads new data from disc) is truly the only way to push next-gen games to the limit. The Playstation 3 HDD is something that we have so far given less attention to, because it hasn't been certain all that long yet that it will be standard on every console. Decreasing load-times by copying a part of the game to the HDD is one possibility, though it doesn't matter all that much for a streaming game like ours. But there are tons of other applications, such as the possibility to as it were record your whole game, to be able to watch a replay of it later on. We intend to use the HD optimally, but how, I can't tell yet currently.
Then again it could just be PR dribble. Who knows. ;x
Bad_Boy said:
I'm kinda interested how the versions will differ. Ubisoft seems very open about using alot of the potential in blu-ray. (not so much the hard drive though which suggests it will indeed be multiplatform; or that they just havent gotten the chance to yet which would be odd since dev kits all have hard drives in them)

Then again it could just be PR dribble. Who knows. ;x

Of course it PR dribble, we all know that the BR load times are pretty bad, especially compared to the relative increase in RAM, and he describes them like this: " the Data Transfer Rate is way beyond what we are used to" :LOL:

I know it's way beyond ps2, but still, when you've increase RAM 8-16x's, and only increased read speeds ~2x, that must create some headaches with streaming assets from disc.
Uh, its obvious they are talking ps2; and your analogy is kinda iffy. If you increase a penny by 8x, it's not the same as increasing a quarter by 2x.

Blu-ray seems to be designed around streaming in mind as its speed does not fluctuate (not to mention the high capacity doesnt hurt), but you already knew that im sure.

I was referring to the part about "I can only say that the new BluRay disc format is truly awesome .... is truly the only way to push next-gen games to the limit. " seems like PR talk.
scooby_dooby said:
Ya, there's also the leaked ubisoft release that so far has been basically 100% correct, and it lists it as a simultaneous release on both. Given we have no indication at all from ubisoft that this is the case, I'm leaning towards these exclusivity rumours being a bunch of bunk.
If so, and Ubisoft have garnered so much interest in this game, why aren't they advertising the fact it's coming to XB360?
Not advertising a game you're making strikes me as pretty odd. I'd have thought they'd be making a big noise getting XB360 owners to put away their cash for that game rather than spend it on other titles.
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