When Harry f'n Knowles hates a Michael Bay movie, it just might be shit:
A thorough smackdown from Ebert:
Sorry John, but quoting AICN reviewers and readers is just about pointless. That site is now the very definition of "*perceived* zeitgeist" and has little to no bearing on what people are actually interested in.
This is the site that hated TF1 and its so far made about a billion dollars.
This is the site that continually drooled over and bumsquished BSG when it flew off the deep end and gave us the most boring, most pathetically thought out last series ever.
This is the site that got more hung up over the "big blue penis" in Watchmen than anything else. Infact, a recent quote by one of the readers:
cause the last one had more penises than I've ever seen in my entire life... I don't I can stand any more large erections in my face!!"
Apparently the guys over there have never seen any type of porn ever.
Both the readers and the reviewers find it important to slam stuff that they *think* is gonna be crap OR perceived as crap. And that clouds their judgment far too much.
I read AICN every single day.
TF2 is by no means a good film. It's lacking in story and the humour is crass to non-existent. It is though, fantastic entertainment! Just gotta learn to look past the shit and find the gems, just like everything in life.