Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen Teaser

Sounds like my kind of movie Alstrong...and of course Megan Fox cant act. If there are people going to the movie theaters to go see her act well....they will be disappointed. Hell even she in a recent interview said she does not consider herself a good actress or something like that.
What disturbs me about that Fox bird isn't her acting inability, it's that she can't close her lips. In the first Transformorizers movie (which I thought was generally stupid, and therefore very excellent, by the way!) she always seems to be pouting and showing off her large front teeth. I don't know if this is because she's been eating too much Botox-O-Bix or something, or whether that's normal for folks born in Oakridge, Tennesee. Then there's her thumbs of course. I'm seeing a remake of The Hitcher in the her future.

Anyway, less silly Megan Fox and more big silly robots re-developing major US urban areas in their scuffles over who really ate all the pies would be good IMO.

[Big thumb icon for this this post, because, well, you know...]
That was pretty awesome. The part where
optimus fought against megatron and his cronies, LOL @ the use of trees as weapons
it took me off guard when optimus died. That was sad, gave me chills reminding me of his death scene in the original cartoons.

First thing I noticed
is how they rebalanced Optimus and Megatron. Funny how megatron isnt protrayed as the harbringer of destruction anymore.

I think the icying on the cake was
when optimus beefed up using jet fires parts. Man that was awesome. You just knew he was going to open a can of whoopass on somebody.
Man, did that movie suck. This summer is going to go down as one of the worst in recent history for movies. Hopefully Judd Apatow's 3rd comedy is good, along with the Potter movie.

Regarding Megan Fox's mouth, I imagine Michael Bay's direction consisted of, "Megan, give us the c*cksucker mouth, honey. There 'ya go."
Loved it! Lots of action. Lots of Megan Fox. Humor wasn't bad this time either, for the most part.

Finally Optimus kicks some ass! He was going to work on the Decepticons in that forest scene, until Megatron stabbed him in the back (literally). Total cheap shot.

Then when he gets upgraded, he kicks even more ass! And how about that railgun? One shot ripped that big one(with balls :)) to shreds.

I think John's inner child is dead. :)
I saw it yesterday and I enjoyed it more than Star Trek or Terminator 4. Some bad humour, but surprisingly I laughed a bit many times :) The action scenes were better than in Transformers 1.

I think it was very good that they made Optimus stronger from the first movie, but perhaps they downgraded Megatron a bit too much, atleast he was a bit too humble in front of Fallen and sounded like a little bitch in few occasions...

How did Sam's parents tumble into Egypt?! Did decepticons brought them there or what?

I wonder what the extra scenes in the Imax version are?
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How did Sam's parents tumble into Egypt?! Did decepticons brought them there or what?

They were being chased at one point in France... I figured the decepticons captured them when they ran into the side street then brought them to Egypt as a lure of sorts. (Kind of a weak and unnecessary plot-point imo, even if to revisit the point that Sam is growing up.
Regarding Megan Fox's mouth, I imagine Michael Bay's direction consisted of, "Megan, give us the c*cksucker mouth, honey. There 'ya go."

Well frankly that's exactly what she's there for, so I'm absolutely fine with that. Surely one Meryl Streep or such would be a totally wrong choice for such a role/movie ;)
Well frankly that's exactly what she's there for, so I'm absolutely fine with that. Surely one Meryl Streep or such would be a totally wrong choice for such a role/movie

My post was never meant as criticism, but rather commentary on the mouth always open text written upstream. Trust me, I enjoyed those red lips and white teeth always being agape.

From what I saw of the trailer, the upcoming GI Joe movie makes this one look like Citizen Kane.
I can't believe Robert hasn't seen it yet. I've already driven to his town to watch it at his IMAX theater (was windy as hell on Wednesday too).
When Harry f'n Knowles hates a Michael Bay movie, it just might be shit:

A thorough smackdown from Ebert:

Sorry John, but quoting AICN reviewers and readers is just about pointless. That site is now the very definition of "*perceived* zeitgeist" and has little to no bearing on what people are actually interested in.

This is the site that hated TF1 and its so far made about a billion dollars.

This is the site that continually drooled over and bumsquished BSG when it flew off the deep end and gave us the most boring, most pathetically thought out last series ever.

This is the site that got more hung up over the "big blue penis" in Watchmen than anything else. Infact, a recent quote by one of the readers:

cause the last one had more penises than I've ever seen in my entire life... I don't I can stand any more large erections in my face!!"

Apparently the guys over there have never seen any type of porn ever.

Both the readers and the reviewers find it important to slam stuff that they *think* is gonna be crap OR perceived as crap. And that clouds their judgment far too much.

I read AICN every single day.

TF2 is by no means a good film. It's lacking in story and the humour is crass to non-existent. It is though, fantastic entertainment! Just gotta learn to look past the shit and find the gems, just like everything in life.
I have been hearing more and more about hos this movie was not appropriate for kids and how astounded some people were t osee the number of kids at the movie theater...I wouldnt know since I have not seen that movie yet.