Transformers the live action movie: Optimus Prime picture leaked

Eric Idle was Wreck-Gar in the movie, I assume they didn't bring him back for Season 3, as I'm sure he wouldn't have come cheap (or cared, in all honesty!) either.
He did Wreck-Gar? :LOL: Wouldn't have been able to tell... Hm... now that I think of it, Wreck-Gar's voice was a lot less insane and more "normal" in the series, at least from what I remember in the episodes with the hate-spores.
Alstrong said:
I thought Beast Wars was pretty solid up until Beast Machines. I just couldn't get used to the organic designs on Cybertron and the animation style. The story was still somewhat interesting to me, but the earth mother kinda just turned me off. After that I gave up. I have zero interest in the latest series because they're just... too silly for me. I guess I don't like the "anime" portion with the human characters. (I like anime, but I just didn't think it was appropriate here)

<Spike> Well Shit...what are we going to do? :LOL:

Nimoy and Welles, respectively? That's the only two I can think of at the moment.

Nimoy is still alive, and Wells is very much dead. he died before them ovie was completed, and possibly before all of the lines for Unicron were recorded. There's a rumor(With aboslutely no evidence to prove or disprove it, AFAIK) that Nimoy did the final lines for Unicron.

I loved BM when I saw it agian earlier this year. as a kid's show, it falls flat. it's too slow, subtle and intelligent for kids.

Buy the DVD set and watch the last two episodes with the commentary on, as well as the interviews with Bob Skir and Marv Wolfman. you'll see it is far more than what it appears to be.

i'd have used more than meets the eye, but I'm not a lameo G1 ******.

Well, yes I am, but not THAT much of a lameo G1 ******.

edit: IMO, Beast Machines' one real big flaw is it was too subtle throughout the series. a lot of the finer details in the plot just fly over peoples' heads.
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IST said:
Nimoy is still alive, and Wells is very much dead. he died before them ovie was completed, and possibly before all of the lines for Unicron were recorded. There's a rumor(With aboslutely no evidence to prove or disprove it, AFAIK) that Nimoy did the final lines for Unicron.

Hm... wiki says he completed his recordings:
Only weeks before his passing, he had completed recording for what proved to be his final performance, as the voice of the planet-sized robot Unicron for the animated feature, Transformers: The Movie. Welles' opinion of his final role was extremely dismissive and angry, he referred to playing Unicron as a toy in a movie where two groups of toys do awful things to each other.

But it's not the final word. Maybe the new dvd will shed some light on that.

Buy the DVD set and watch the last two episodes with the commentary on, as well as the interviews with Bob Skir and Marv Wolfman. you'll see it is far more than what it appears to be.

They have commentaries? :oops: Hm... That certainly peaks my interest. I'm sure there is a lot of things that I missed as a result of not being a regular watcher and not being "in tune". I mean, I caught most of the episodes (I think), but they were kind of scattered and out of order as I watched the repeats.
Alstrong said:
Hm... wiki says he completed his recordings:

But it's not the final word. Maybe the new dvd will shed some light on that.

They have commentaries? :oops: Hm... That certainly peaks my interest. I'm sure there is a lot of things that I missed as a result of not being a regular watcher and not being "in tune". I mean, I caught most of the episodes (I think), but they were kind of scattered and out of order as I watched the repeats.

Bm is NOT a series to watch out of order. it's basically like reading a novel and then skipping a chapter or two here and there.

The reason for that analogy is this: BM was basically a 26 chapter visual novel, to borrow the exact wording of Bob Skir. I know how pretentious that sounds... and then you watch it. The novel description makes perfect sense then.
Buy the DVD set and watch the last two episodes with the commentary on, as well as the interviews with Bob Skir and Marv Wolfman. you'll see it is far more than meets the eye.

BTW, the only transformers I ever cared about was Beast Wars. All the other series seemed rather stupid to me, though I never got how Beast Wars fit in with the original series.
Fox5 said:
BTW, the only transformers I ever cared about was Beast Wars. All the other series seemed rather stupid to me, though I never got how Beast Wars fit in with the original series.



BW is the direct sequal to the original series.

the show originally did not go that route, but something happened. the two-parter series premere mentioned a great war in past tense, and fans on usenet jumped over it. the head writers of the series took a look at usenet to see reactions, and had the idea to continue the old series. they asked and learned questions. oen of the most famous names in the transformer fandom series was even credited as a consultant on the second season's finale.

The Ark, the ship that the Autobots flew and crashed int oearth in the original series is shown more than once in BW. I'd say more, but i'd give away some of the plot in the last half of the series if I did.
IST said:


BW is the direct sequal to the original series.

the show originally did not go that route, but something happened. the two-parter series premere mentioned a great war in past tense, and fans on usenet jumped over it. the head writers of the series took a look at usenet to see reactions, and had the idea to continue the old series. they asked and learned questions. oen of the most famous names in the transformer fandom series was even credited as a consultant on the second season's finale.

The Ark, the ship that the Autobots flew and crashed int oearth in the original series is shown more than once in BW. I'd say more, but i'd give away some of the plot in the last half of the series if I did.

Lol, the series has been dead for a decade, I wouldn't be worried about plotholes.

Anyhow, instead I just read up about the series on wikipedia. I was a rather avid follower of the show for a while, so I'm surprised at how much I missed. I caught all of the first season, most of the 2nd, and apparently only a few episodes of the 3rd. I do believe I missed the finale, though I do remember the introduction of the humans and the death of optimus primal (which I believe I thought was the end of the season or the series when I originally saw it...). Don't really remember the whole Voks alien stuff, but if they were never introduced as actual characters on the show than that would explain why I didn't.