Transformers the live action movie: Optimus Prime picture leaked

nAo said:
LOL, my childhood was ok, thanks :) I was a big fan of anime..I spent so many (too many) hours watching tv: my favourite anime was Lamu' aka Lum aka Urusei Yatsura :p
IMO transformers was boring and the animation itself was so crappy...;)
/me runs away..

Transformers couldn't hold a candle to Star Blazers.
CJ said:
Yes. :D

Rumors have it that the sequal will feature combiners like the Aerialbots/Stunticons/Constructicons and part three will see the arrival of Unicron.

But let's wait for part 1 first. :)

@Alstrong, that's a fake. ILM has nothing to do with the TF movie. :)


For tohse that don't know, the TF universe(Meaning toys, cartoons and to a limited extent the comics) have been unindated with Unicron this, Unicron that.

turns out unicron is a being in all dimensions/universes, and cannot be killed.

and has been used as the big bad villian/related to whatever crisis the current or side series runnign at the time has going since 2002.

the upside is that finally a Unicron toy was made, but I dunno if it was worth 4 years of Hasbro yelling "UNICRON" in our faces repeatedly.

with a sledgehammer.
IST said:
and has been used as the big bad villian/related to whatever crisis the current or side series runnign at the time has going since 2002.

I think his first appearance is in the 1986 movie. What a character. Eats entire planet-sized robot worlds. No wonder he's... Super Sized. :LOL:
Alstrong said:
I think his first appearance is in the 1986 movie. What a character. Eats entire planet-sized robot worlds. No wonder he's... Super Sized. :LOL:


He eats any world, BTW. doesn't have to be robot populated.

the 1986 movie is actually being adapted into a comic(Again). Apparently it has new scenes added in. Nobody knows what said scenes will be.

I just hope they don't lame it up. I mean, it'd be pretty easy to do that.... >.<

Though if they manage to make the 3 seconds Rodimus Prime was on screen even more badass(For example making his thourgh owning of Galvatron even more badass), all will be forgiven.
IST said:
the 1986 movie is actually being adapted into a comic(Again). Apparently it has new scenes added in. Nobody knows what said scenes will be.

I think this might be coinciding with the second re-release of the movie on dvd (by Sony this time). I hope they keep the part when Spike swears. :LOL:

The DVD will have remastered full-screen and widescreen editions of the film, which includes Orson Welles' final performance. Extras include commentary, deleted footage and interviews.

Release Date: Nov 7 2006
Ooh, have they found the actual widescreen transfer of the movie then?

Having said that, I already ended up with two copies of the movie, not sure I can justify a third. :p
Hanners said:
Ooh, have they found the actual widescreen transfer of the movie then?

Having said that, I already ended up with two copies of the movie, not sure I can justify a third. :p

Actually, I'm not sure if it's true widescreen. From wiki:

On September 5, 2005, Metrodome Distribution released a remastered DVD entitled Transformers: The Movie Reconstructed. Returning to the original negative of the film, Metrodome reconstructed the picture image, adjusting and shrinking it to reveal additional footage perpetually hidden by overscan, as well as remastering the video quality. Some complaint arose from the fact that this exposed areas of unfinished animation (as these parts of the frame were not truly intended to be seen).

So it might be widescreen in the sense that the AR is wider than 4:3.There are some picture comparisons (throughout and at the end) between the 2005 release (Metrodome) and the plain release (Rhino), here. It's a pretty good review. Personally, I like the darker look of the original. It hides some things such as the "pasted-on" look of certain objects, and it just gives more feeling to the darkness of the story itself; IMO the original colours were richer. Some parts are rightly enhanced like the look of Unicron on the inside. I have to admit that the fight between Hot Rod and Galvatron was like something out of Doom 3 in the original transfer.

I hope Sony does a better enhancement.

Metrodome has chosen to present Transformers: The Movie in a side-curtained, anamorphic 1.78:1 transfer. While this doesn’t give us the long-awaited ‘widescreen’ version of the movie, it does provide a transfer with significantly more visual information than previous releases (and certainly more than you would have seen at the cinema). The film itself is actually contained within the 1.78:1 frame at a ratio of approximately 1.42:1, which is ever-so-slightly wider than a standard 4:3 ratio television screen. It’s also slightly odd, as the native aspect ratio of the master would have been 1.37:1, which would seem to indicate that the image has still been cropped to some degree.



Notice the extra image space. See anything? ;)

Metrodome (HDR!!!!!):


(all uploaded to imageshack, of course)
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Alstrong said:

An actual test animation? (not the Ultra Magnus/white truck that transforms beside a building, which *everyone* calls optimus, even though it's white :rolleyes: :p ) It says ILM in the corner.

Reminds me of a car commercial I saw a while ago...
IST said:
Some new info about the 20th anniversary DVD came out today, actually.

Yup. I've been waiting since the press release for this new dvd. :) has been updated. Three versions of the film. Full screen, 16:9 Widescreen, and a version with trivia that pops on-screen.
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Chalnoth said:
So, I guess he was the guy that did Optimus in the 1986 movie? Sounds like a good choice, if true.

and the entire original series.

I wonder if Welker will be cast as megatron. for those who don't know, he was the original Megatron.
At least they're doing something right. :p Who's been doing the voice in the spin-offs in the last decade then?
Alstrong said:
At least they're doing something right. :p Who's been doing the voice in the spin-offs in the last decade then?


basically, two different sets of people hjave been doing the voices for Optimus and Megatron for the past decade.

1. Gary Chalk for Optimus Prime/Primal(Primal being a leader type who resembles Prime, but is otherwise not related to him in the storyline. at first, when the Beast Wars toys were coming out, Primal was said to be Optimus Prime only with an animal alternate mode rather than the normal truck one. This was changed when the show came out..) and David Kaye for Megatron(Aside from the head, does not resemble Megatron. in the storyline, he changed his name to Megatron because he basically used a plan the old Megatron came up with, adjusting it as needed. in the end, he had to toss it and come up with his own one, which almost worked.). They did the voices for Beast Wars, Beast Machines, Armada, Energon and the most recent Cybertron.

2. Neil Kaplan for Optimus Prime, and Daniel Riordan for Megatron in the series Robots in Disguise. In this series, we're dealing wih an alternate universe type thing. Megatron wasn't even Megatron in the original version. he was a different character that was renamed fior better recognized outside of the US.

Armada, Energon and Cybertron are all not connected to the three G1 related series(The Transformers, Beast Wars: Transformers and Beast Machines: Transformers), forming their own continuity instead.

and also sucking ass for the most part.

Beast Machines is one of the greatest pieces of TV animation, IMO.

a little tidbit for those who don't remember: a fair amount of the voices from the original movie were changed once Season 3 of the original series came out, for variosu reasons(Couldn't get the voice actor, or the actor for the movie was a famous hollywood actor and would cost a lot of money. in one case, one of the actors died before Season 3 even came out.).
I thought Beast Wars was pretty solid up until Beast Machines. I just couldn't get used to the organic designs on Cybertron and the animation style. The story was still somewhat interesting to me, but the earth mother kinda just turned me off. After that I gave up. I have zero interest in the latest series because they're just... too silly for me. I guess I don't like the "anime" portion with the human characters. (I like anime, but I just didn't think it was appropriate here)

<Spike> Well Shit...what are we going to do? :LOL:

IST said:
a little tidbit for those who don't remember: a fair amount of the voices from the original movie were changed once Season 3 of the original series came out, for variosu reasons(Couldn't get the voice actor, or the actor for the movie was a famous hollywood actor and would cost a lot of money. in one case, one of the actors died before Season 3 even came out.).

Nimoy and Welles, respectively? That's the only two I can think of at the moment.