Transformers the live action movie: Optimus Prime picture leaked

here I am, back from the dead(I doubt anybody remembers me.) to post aobut this.

1. That truck ahs been confirmed to be in the movie, but hasn't been confirmed ot be Optimus. Think of it as a maybe.

2. That is not the original toy, that is a 100% completely different toy that was put out in 2004 to commemerate the 20th anniversary of Transformers. It has a veyr large amount of articulation, a huge amount of detail, and as close to a cartoon accurate robot mode as possible for a transformign toy. Due to the oddities in the original cartoon's art(Go watch sonme of the episodes if you haven't in a while. consistancy... did not exist.), it's impossible to have a 100% accurate toy resembling the cartoon version's robot mode while being able to transform.

3. If that is optimus, it's not the first time he's been a long nose truck. he was one back in 1994 and in 2002. the 2002 optimus was an alternate universe one from a series that is best left alone. it was really, really, really bad. so bad that when it aired in japan(Came to the US first at the insistance of Cartoon Network), they had ot fix the animation and plot in some cases. Laser Optimus prime(the 1994 one)'s vehicle mode from the side. his robot mode without stickers put on. A-O.Prime 01.jpg The 2002 optimus' vehicle mode(Took a while to find due to the fact that a smaller Optimus prime was released in the same line that looks almost identical to him, albiet without a trailor, and with far more articulation. looked more like the animation model as well.) picture of his robot mode. He has a "super mode", but I don't see a reason to post it if unless somebody wants to see it.

Edit: here's the original Optimus Prime's robot mode, incase anybody is curious:
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_xxx_ said:
Ahm, where's the transformed look? This is just a picture of a truck so far...

That's all that's been leaked with regards to Optimus.

there was a picture of a veyr odd looking, almost skeletal looking yellow robot(Probably Bumblebee, who has been confirmed ot be in the movie) leaked, but nobody knows if it was fully put together or not. we might have just seen his skeleton. I dunno where ot find that picture, sorry.
Wasnt Optimus originally a flat nose truck to start with tho? I remember having them as a kid in the 80s and I remember it being very similar to that pic Vysez posted.
I hope the dinobots are in it.
The truck has been confirmed to be Optimus Prime by official mods on the Michael Bay forums. The reason why Optimus has changed a bit in appearance is the following:

The reasons why they went with a huge long nose truck for OP (BTW, regarding the flames, there is a context for them like Orci pointed out). Bay said they did test with flat noses (FN) for scale purposes, and the FN would only be about 20 to 25 feet tall, so they went with the biggest truck they could find: the Peterbilt. We're talking 40 to 50 foot tall robots here. The physics for these robots have to be real...aka no magically disappearing parts. Also, OP is going to have much more red than what was shown in the supposedly "leaked" photo.

Makes sense to keep everything in perspective. That's also the reason why Megatron isn't a gun but a tank, because... how do you explain that a 40-50ft robot changes into a gun that one moment fits in the palm of a human and another moment fits in the palm of Starscream (F22)? The same goes for Soundwave, who was supposed to be an espionage helicopter with spy-drones, but they changed that to Vortex since the community didn't accept that big a change.

Bumblebee is a yellow Chevrolet Camaro instead of a VW Beetle, because Volkswagen didn't wanna tie their name to the TF movie. If they agreed, then Bumblebee would've been a New Beetle.
CJ said:
how do you explain that a 40-50ft robot changes into a gun that one moment fits in the palm of a human and another moment fits in the palm of Starscream (F22)?

Because they're awesome. :cool: Or artistic license, whichever fits your worldview better. ;)

In all honesty, I don't think most people who go to see this movie will be doing it to see realistic physics and the like - If they can't work around the changing size issue that was part and parcel of the cartoon/comic/etc (and I can understand it being huge, possibly insurmountable, hurdle), they probably shouldn't have touched it as a live-action movie project at all.
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Hanners said:
If they can't work around the changing size issue that was part and parcel of the cartoon/comic/etc (and I can understand it being huge, possibly insurmountable, hurdle), they probably shouldn't have touched it as a live-action movie project at all.
I don't know. I think it should make for a more engrossing film experience. Any time you have something in a movie that just screams, "That's not real!" you have a problem of people not paying attention to your movie.

I think it's easier to bend the rules of reality with a cartoon than it is with live-action film.
I'm psyched about the Transformers movie, but I couldn't care less about which truck Optimus Prime transforms into as long as the transforming animation is good and he's hard as nails as a robot.

An actual test animation? (not the Ultra Magnus/white truck that transforms beside a building, which *everyone* calls optimus, even though it's white :rolleyes: :p ) It says ILM in the corner.
nAo said:
naive question: do the world need a movie about transformers?

Yes. :D

Rumors have it that the sequal will feature combiners like the Aerialbots/Stunticons/Constructicons and part three will see the arrival of Unicron.

But let's wait for part 1 first. :)

@Alstrong, that's a fake. ILM has nothing to do with the TF movie. :)
Alstrong said:
:oops: Who's doing the CG work :?:

My bad. I mixed things up (I blame the hot weather
). ILM is doing the CG part of the movie, but the movie that you posted is a fake as in 'not made by ILM'. The fake movie was made by some kid called Daniel M Lara. Now, if a kid can make a CG clip like that... think of what ILM can do with it.

And another slight error I made... part two would most likely include the Dinobots and not a combinerteam.
Chalnoth said:
You must not have had a very happy childhood. We're sorry.
LOL, my childhood was ok, thanks :) I was a big fan of anime..I spent so many (too many) hours watching tv: my favourite anime was Lamu' aka Lum aka Urusei Yatsura :p
IMO transformers was boring and the animation itself was so crappy...;)
/me runs away..