played more, the best mode is Last Titan standing, as thats what the game has going, Titan vs Titan. Everything else is just the same. Its pointed at the COD lovers who want to feel awesome while doing stuff, anything. I guess they will love it. Whether what they are doing has any impact on the match or not is debatable, but the game is made to have "Oooooh yeah!" moments, it does that, but only till you realise it doesn't matter much and the fact that everytihng is so easy to do that it gets old too soon.
They have a killer product for the COD players, new players, new kids joining gaming. They will go gaga, and are already doing so, over hopping on to Titans, Wall Running, and killing so much(they are all bots, ppl are all in Titans, but see how I jump kicked it that fella!!)
Us Jaded old timers who have been playing since forever will find it hard to find any satisfaction in it. Thats waht I feel from playing since yesterday. Its too basic, too same-ish. The mechs also feel the same as foot soldiers, just bigger.
Bring TitanFall 2, make Titans real mechs and not just Big soldiers but something that has a feel of a mech , make it completely PvP, let hell break lose ! Don't worry about instant gratification, make hardwork count and I will be in with my guns and money ! This is too "casualised", for the lack of a better word.